HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-14-12 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting September 14, 2012 In Attendance: Charlotte Ryan, Kelly Cox, Sean Shope, Ken Gordon,Jeff Watson, Rebecca Neidich,Leah Rennhack,Zan Jones,April Gallagher,Andy Sedino,Karen Stoltenberg,Kevin Hansen, Shelly Myers. Guest: Tom Brymer I. K. Cox called the meeting to order at 8:35 AM. II. Superintendent's Report • School year started with 673 students, 32%from Westlake and 68% from secondary boundary. • T. Brymer distributed historical analyses of student body breakdown. Shared retention figures for Westlake and projected enrollment based on housing forecast. • Continuing to review facilities plan options, class size and funding options, and the enrollment process. III. Motion to approve minutes of August 24,2012 meeting by K. Gordon, second by A. Sedino. Motion carried. IV. Financial Report • Most significant activity was the $400,000 gift from the town to endowment. • Payment of 2011-12 grants were made as well as the return of$4,005 in unused grant awards. • The Administrative account stands at$135,319 and Endowment at$1,009,839. • S. Shope and S. Myers will meet with Finance Dept. to further streamline financial reporting. • Motion to approve financials by C. Ryan. Second by A. Sedino. Motion carried. V. Development Committee Report • Blacksmith Annual Fund campaign currently at$194,110(27%goal) from 43 families. • Dr. Clif and Kelly Cox will host the Westlake Baja VIP Sponsor Party on Sept. 29th. Sponsorships stand at$71,250. • T. Brymer suggested several Town/Academy vendors to connect with as prospective sponsors.. VI. Marketing Committee • The 2011-12 year-in-review newsletter with alumni updates will mail late Sept/early Oct. • Senior student,Henry Leatham,took initiative to offer website redesign and update options. • Baja event press includes placement in Society Life, Community Impact and Star-Telegram VII. Investment Committee • Gift of$400,000 has been placed into endowment for unrestricted use to benefit the school. • WAF will send formal thank you to Westlake Town Manager and Town Council. VIII. Administrative Committee • Has assumed the function of director nominations. • K. Gordon offered the following slate of officers for Board consideration: • President—Kelly Cox • Vice President—Leah Rennhack • Treasurer—Sean Shope • Secretary—Ken Gordon • Motion to approve slate by A. Sedino; second by A. Gallagher. Motion carried. • K. Gordon presented an amendment to the Foundation's Bylaws and new Regulations; notable changes include: 1. Extend each director's term to three(3)years to provide more continuity and growth. 2. Establish a"Past President Advisory Council"as a standing committee. • Z. Jones asked that language regarding use of the Foundation name and logo be added to the Regulations. • Motion to approve and recommend to Town Council the attached proposed amendment bylaws by C. Ryan; second by A. Gallagher. Motion carried. • Motion to adopt proposed Regulations, attached,by C. Ryan; second by K. Hansen. Motion carried. IX. Grants Committee • No grant applications received for review. • Board discussed anticipated request of $300,000 from the Academy for 2012-13 school operations, which would be in addition to Blacksmith Annual Fund. The current Academy budget has the $300,000 line item in each of the next four years. • Motion to transfer $2,500 from Rogers Fund to Academy for disbursement to support financial assistance for international trips and senior trips by C. Ryan; second by A. Sedino. Motion carried. X. President Report • Moving forward, reports and speakers will be asked to observe time limits posted by each agenda item to keep meetings to 1.5 hours. XI. Next Meeting: October 12, 2012—8:30 AM in the Arts & Sciences conference room. XIL C. Ryan moved to adjourn the Board meeting at 10:30 AM. Second by A. Sedino. Motion carried.