HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-09-12 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting November 9, 2012 Board Members in Attendance: Charlotte Ryan, Kelly Cox, Sean Shope, Ken Gordon, Zan Jones, Karen Stoltenberg, Bill Greenwood, Kevin Hansen. Staff in attendance: Shelly Myers. Guests in Attendance: Tom Brymer L K. Cox called the meeting to order at 8:50 AM. IL Superintendent's Report • Current enrollment of 670 students with 32% from Westlake. School budget based on 650 students. • Held Extended Boundary meeting in Keller that was attended by 15-20 parents. • Expansion Initiative - Cost for Phase I would be $8.5 million and accommodate 815 students. • Construction includes a new Secondary building, cafetorium and field house. • If all 3 phases were built, WA could serve 1,300 students. • WAF may be asked to be part of capital campaign; still being determined. III. Motion to approve minutes of October 12, 2012 meeting by C. Ryan, second by B. Greenwood. Motion carried. IV. Financial Report • Discussed new format of financials • Motion to approve WAF annual budget by K. Gordon, second by B. Greenwood. Motion carried. • Motion to approve financial report by K. Gordon, second by Z. Jones. Motion carried. V. Development Committee Report • Blacksmith Annual Fund • Currently at$758,364 (105% goal)with 73.5%parent participation. • K. Stoltenberg shared comments from families on why they won't give/give as much. • Need to communicate year-round importance of BAF. • K. Gordon shared idea of hosting or co-hosting a breakfast for the Board to meet new families. • WAF Board will make calls to donors to thank for donations. • Donor Wall • C. Ryan distributed mock-ups of recognition signage for Arts & Sciences building. • Awaiting firm figures regarding materials and installation. • Will connect with Tom Tierney at Big Image regarding possible assistance with installation. • Grandparents & Special Friends Day • Will be held November 16, 2012 and hosted by WAF with HOC volunteers. • In honor of WA's 10"'anniversary, guests will be invited to contribute to the school in honor of their favorite student(s). Donation forms will be included in WAF newsletter to be distributed. • Motion to have fundraising at Grandparents & Special Friends Day by K. Gordon, second by B. Greenwood. Motion carried. VI. Marketing Committee • Z. Jones shared positive feedback received in response to Year-in-Review newsletter. • Exploring adding a January-February newsletter to production schedule. • S. Shope shared that a Westlake-specific magazine is currently in the works, and may provide another venue for WAF news. VII. Investment Committee • K. Hansen reported that WAF investments are in fine shape; 10% of gross Baja proceeds (i.e., $18,750) will be transferred to the endowment. VIII. President's Report • K. Cox distributed paperwork related to the "Joe Bradley Endowment Fund" (previously named the Rogers Fund) to be taken under advisement. • S. Myers will ask Dr. Calzini for appropriate details regarding the 2012-13 financial aid awards, dollar amounts, and any remarks from the recipients. Next Meeting: January 11, 2013—8:30 AM in TBD location. K. Cox moved to adjourn the Board meeting. Second by B. Greenwood. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 10:25 AM.