HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-09-09 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting Minutes January 9, 2009 Attendees: Leah Rennhack,Bill Greenwood,Deborah Ziegler, George Ledak,David Lee,Kelly Cox, Julie Timmerman,Jeff Ryan,Karen Osborne,Charlotte Ryan,Tom Brymer,Troy Meyer,Mark Rosevear, Angie Gofredo L Leah Rennhack, President, called the meeting to order at 8:37 am. IL Julie Timmerman made a motion to approve minutes from the November 14, 2008 and the December 12, 2008 Board Meetings and Deborah Ziegler seconded the motion. Motion carried. III. Deborah Ziegler, Treasurer, gave the December Financial Report (attached) • $22,579 came in for the Blacksmith Apprentice Program • There is $960,959 in cash for the Capital Campaign. • The unrestricted cash balance is $53,527 • A motion was made by George Ledak to approve the financials and Bill Greenwood seconded the motion. Motion carried. IV. Liaisons Reports A. Charlotte Ryan, Vice Speaker of the House of Commons, gave a HOC report. • The playground equipment has been delivered and will be installed in the spring by Steel and Freemen at no cost. • Bandana Bonanza will be May 8 t and Rudy's BBQ will be sponsoring the food this year. • Charlotte also mentioned that the HOC would be willing to accept a request from the Foundation with regards to the FFE cost for the Arts and Sciences Building. • The HOC also provided funds for the remodeling in the dining hall. B. Tom Brymer, Town Manager, gave a Town report. • Deloitte is still moving along with their plans. They are continually meeting with the Town. • Meetings with Jane Nelson and Vicki Truitt have and will be taking place to talk about various subjects including an increase of funding for charter schools. C. Mark Rosevear, Head of School, gave the Academy report • The SMT (Senior Management Team) has a draft of the strategic plan and will be discussing it next week. • Plans for the 2010 graduation are starting now. Possibilities include Marriot or the school. • Mark reported that most of his time lately has been spent on planning for next year. Letters of intent went out to the teachers regarding teaching next year. • The PYP assessment will be May 7 t and 8th. MYP will have their assessment in 2 years. • Jan. 28th will be a half day of school so the teachers can do teacher/parent conferences. V. Capital Campaign A. Gifts &Pledges to date: $970,698.08 in cash and a total of $1,383,565 in cash and pledges. B. Troy Meyer gave a Building Update. • Troy explained the process of how the Foundation will begin to make payments for the building. He will review the invoices to ensure that they are correct and then send an invoice with back up to Angie Gofredo. It was proposed that Angie, Leah Rennhack, and Deborah Ziegler will then review it and make payment to the Town. • A motion was made by Julie Timmerman to approve the payment process to the Town. Payments and back up will also be provided to the Board monthly. George Ledak seconded the motion. Motion carried. • Payments from the Foundation will not have to start until sometime in late March or early April. • The building is moving along. The special plumbing for the chemicals in the laboratories are going in this week. VI. There was no President's Report. VII. Angie Gofredo gave the Executive Director report. • Gallery Night — to date we have over $37,000 in sponsor. She reported that if you want to be a sponsor she needs to know by end of day to be in the invite. • The committee is out securing items for the auction. She asked board members to consider assisting in this task. • Angie has been assigned to be on the Westlake Marketing committee. The first meeting is next week. The committee will be tasked with marketing for the entire Town and the Academy. VIII. No other business was reported. IX. Next Meeting: February 13, 2009 - 8:30 am in the Dining Hall at the school. X. George Ledak made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:08 and Jeff Ryan seconded the motion. Motion carried.