HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-11-09 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting December 11, 2009 Attending: Leah Rennhack, Jack Risenhoover, Bill Greenwood, Cathy Lee, Kelly Cox, Jeff Ryan, George Ledak, Tom Brymer, Shelly Myers L L. Rennhack called the meeting to order at 8:45 a.m. IL Motion to approve October 9, 2009 Minutes by C. Lee, second by D. Ziegler. Minutes approved as submitted. III. Financial Report • D. Ziegler stated that as of 11/30/09, there was $94,088 in unrestricted funds; $191,000 has been transferred to the Westlake Academy account. Total campaign gifts and pledges exceed $442,000. • The question was raised re. use of the BlackSmith funds raised in excess of the $420,000 required. It was noted that monies must be used in the 2009-10 fiscal year (8/31/10 end). The division heads will be contacted for possible projects to support with these funds. T. Brymer shared that a meeting of the affiliate leadership (i.e., WAF, WAAC, HOC) will be held to discuss projects,joint funding opportunities, and 2010-11 budget planning. • The Arts & Sciences Center came in under budget and with the built-in contingencies, the fundraising work of the WAF for this project is concluded. We must plan a celebration party to communicate our success and thank our donors. Will work to have the donor wall done and installed in Spring 2010. • Motion to approve Financial Report by K. Cox, second by B. Greenwood. Motion passed. IV. Liaisons Reports • T. Brymer shared that the final draft of the five-year strategic plan will be emailed to staff in December and presented to the Board in January. • T. Brymer maintains ongoing discussions with the Hudson Foundation. Currently under their consideration is a proposal for faculty professional development. Along that vein, copies of the book"Whole New Mind"were purchased for each staff member. • Ben Nibarger was hired as the Academy's new Administrative Coordinator. • T. Brymer shared that Kelly Cox presented the "Forgotten Diamonds" project to the Board for collaboration consideration. V. Westlake Baja • The Baja golf event grossed $313,200; expenses are estimated near $50,000. • The school and Foundation must tangibly thank Vaquero for all that they did to make the event successful. WAF members agreed to write notes of appreciation to the donors, sponsors and volunteers who were vital to our positive outcome. Teachers and students will be encouraged to write thank you notes, as well. • Additional acts of appreciation could include plaque presentations at a faculty meeting, Board meeting, and/or Flag ceremony. The WAF could also host a "Donor Day" to bring donors and sponsors to campus for a tour and reception. • The Baja net proceeds benefited the Fund100 for Teachers. A sub-committee will be formed to determine how these monies will be invested, managed, dispersed, and reported. T. Brymer, D. Ziegler, J. Ryan and L. Rennhack volunteered to serve on this committee. • D. Ziegler noted the need to create regulations surrounding the Fund 100 and each restricted fund, per the WAF by-laws. VI. Nominating Committee • G. Ledak presented the application of Robert Scott, partner of Scott & Scott, LLP, and PYP parent, for consideration to serve on the WAF. Motion to forward Mr. Scott's nomination to the Town Council by G. Ledak, second by J. Ryan. Motion carried. VII. Gallery Night • C. Lee shared details to date. This year's event will be held Friday, February 26, 2010 at the Marriott Solana. The theme is "The Romance of Italy" with April Gallagher as chair. The VIP Sponsor Party will be February 18 in Vaquero; Ferrari's has donated their catering and K. Cox has secured the wine donation. • Volunteers will make information packets to use when soliciting past and potential sponsors and donors. VIII. Other Business • The Vice President position of the WAF is vacant; any member interested in serving in this role is encouraged to contact L. Rennhack. • We must do better at sharing the good news and work of WAF with the entire community, perhaps under the headline "Great Things are Happening!" Southlake Society is fairly easy to get published in, if we feed them stories, articles, pictures. • To think "big," why not write a story or letter to President Obama or major funders like the Gates Foundation with the lead, "If you're serious about changing education, you need to come to Westlake Academy." IX. Next Meeting: January 8, 2010 —8:30 a.m. in the Arts & Sciences conference room. X. C. Lee moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:20. J. Ryan seconded. Motion carried.