HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-09-09 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting October 9, 2009 Attending: Leah Rennhack, Jack Risenhoover, Bill Greenwood, Leigh Sander, Cathy Lee, Kelly Cox, Jeff Ryan, George Ledak, Charlotte Ryan, Karen Osborne, Tom Brymer, Shelly Myers L L. Rennhack called the meeting to order at 8:40 a.m. IL Motion to approve Minutes from September 18, 2009 Board Meeting by B. Greenwood, second by C. Lee. Minutes approved as submitted. III. Financial Report—was not available; approval tabled until November meeting. IV. Liaisons Reports ■ C. Ryan reported that HOC launched an e-news blast with 60% successful delivery rate. ■ Oct. 24 is Monster Mash; secondary students will build a Haunted House as a fundraiser. ■ Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) initiative launched to encourage all dads to be on campus at least one day/year; is part of campus security efforts. J. Risenhoover will research a program whereby students are fingerprinted and the federal government will pay the school for each student registered. ■ T. Brymer shared that strategic planning is currently underway with full staff input and that strategic plans will drive the budget process for 2010-11. V. B1ackSmith Annual Fund • Must get materials to faculty/staff The parent donation form will be modified to remove suggested dollar amounts, per motion by G. Ledak, second by C. Lee. • Weekly updates will be sent with dollars raised and percent participation with reminders that 100% of BAF gifts support the Academy and that we're striving for 100% parent participation, regardless of gift amount. • Suggestion was made to display the donor sign and a pledge form box outside during carpool lines. Will work to display the donor names on the website. VI. Westlake Baja Golf • As an auction package, B. Greenwood secured a private, luxury train trip for 10 across the Northwest, courtesy of BNSF and Mr. Matt Rose. • WAF members agreed to handwrite notes of appreciation to Baja donors; will ask teachers and students to write thank you notes, as well. • J. Ryan volunteered to distribute Baja flyers to local golf courses to advertise the event. Was also suggested to send the flyer to area realtors. VII. President's Report ■ No report. VIII. Executive Director • For the Board's consideration, S. Myers offered an alternative WAF Board meeting structure whereby sub-committees (e.g., Marketing/Communications, Assets Management, Mission & Governance, Alumni Relations) would meet bi-monthly, alternating months with full Board meetings. • S. Myers shared plans for initiating senior year traditions and future alumni efforts. IX. Other Business ■ No other business. X. Next Meeting: November 13, 2009 —8:30 a.m. in the Westlake Academy Dining Hall. XL G. Ledak moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:30. J. Ryan seconded. Motion carried.