HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-18-09 WAF Min Westlake Academy Foundation Board Meeting Minutes of September 18, 2009 In attendance: Leah Rennhack, Cathy Lee, Jeff Ryan, Bill Greenwood, Jack Risenhoover, Charlotte Ryan, Deborah Ziegler, Leigh Sander, Troy Meyer, Karen Osborne, Kelly Cox, Tom Brymer, and Shelly Myers. L Meeting called to order at 8:35 a.m. L. Rennhack welcomed J. Risenhoover and C. Lee to the WAF Board. IL Review of Meeting Minutes from 6/12/09 and 8/18/09; motion to approve by J. Ryan, seconded by D. Ziegler. Minutes approved. III. D. Ziegler reviewed the current Financials. J. Ryan offered to write a cover page synopsis of the report highlighting the month's activities for each WAF restricted fund. D. Ziegler confirmed that because the WAF pays the credit card fees for all Blacksmith gifts, indeed 100% of dollars raised directly benefits the school. Discussed the need for clear indications for usage of WAF restricted funds. The Foundation must do a better job of sharing the efforts and impact of WAF activities. J. Ryan moved to approve Financials, K. Osborne seconded. Approved. IV.For the HOC, C. Ryan reported the planned fundraising and social activities for the 2009- 10 school year. All monies earned through "retailer" fundraisers (e.g., BoxTops)will be collected and voted on how to give to the school. The HOC will revitalize the "Scrips" gift card program; the community will be able to order the cards online. It was suggested to ask area businesses if they would be interested in purchasing WA Scrips for their staff to use. V. T. Meyer presented two invoices for payment toward the $5.1 million A&S Building; August totaled $401,129.67 and September totaled $446,429.98. All supporting documents accompanied the invoices. Approximately $43,000 remains to be raised beyond current pledges, but we will determine if contingencies and interest earned will fulfill our commitment. It should be noted that the Town has already paid $200,000 in direct invoices to vendors (e.g., AV equipment, low volt cable) and another $50,000 was released for teachers to order A&S equipment and supplies. The project should be done in 60 days with final payment due. T. Meyer anticipates receipt of a credit from Steele & Freeman. Upon completion, independent auditors will review all records and audit the entire project. The Town will prepare a final report for the Town Council and WAF by end of October 2009. We have asked the Town to provide its naming policy that can be used with donors wishing to name any of the new spaces. VI. Co-Chairs K. Cox and D. Ziegler highlighted the plans for the Blacksmith Apprentice Program, scheduled for Oct. 1-31. A FAQ was emailed to the entire Westlake Academy community, followed by two informational sessions (primarily attended by new parents). A more aggressive approached is planned—donor names will be posted on the website and in the Commons area; House/classroom competitions are being considered; and staff is working to enable people to donate online via secure PayPal. All parents will receive a solicitation letter,pledge form and remit envelope in addition to an e-solicitation. We must continue to advertise fact that 100% of Blacksmith goes to the school. Given that Blacksmith is a yearly event, the WAF elected to rename the campaign to the Blacksmith Annual Fund (BAF). L. Sander volunteered to work with S. Myers on marketing the newly named BAF. VII. L. Rennhack announced with regret the resignations of Julie Timmerman and Dr. Shezad Malik from the WAF Board. These resignations open a seat for new members. Members were asked to bear in mind the level of commitment required of Board members when submitting nominations. J. Risenhoover and K. Cox suggested a meeting to share member strengths and interests, and to determine skill sets that can be shared to advance the WAF. K. Osborne volunteered to create a survey to gather aforementioned information. VIII. With business concluded, C. Lee motioned to adjourn. K. Osborne seconded. All approved. Meeting adjourned 11:00 a.m. Next meeting of the WAF will be held Friday, October 9, 2009, 8:30 a.m., in the conference room of the Arts & Sciences Building. Upcoming events —Westlake Baja, Nov. 16, 2009, at The Vaquero Club Gallery Night, Feb. 26, 2009, at The Marriott Solana