HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-08-09 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting Minutes May 8, 2009 Attending: Leah Rennhack, Bill Greenwood, Deborah Ziegler, George Ledak(by proxy), David Lee, Colleen Hess, Kelly Cox, Jeff Ryan, Angie Gofredo, Debbie Piper, Mark Rosevear, and Rufo Reyes (Steele and Freeman, Inc.) L Leah Rennhack called the meeting to order at 8:34. IL Deborah Ziegler made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 10, 2009 with the following changes: • Change the second bullet under Mark Rosevear's report to say- The Board of Trustees discussed the need for five additional staff, including an IT support position and 2 additional administrative positions. All positions are subject to budget approval. David Lee seconded the motion. Motion carried. III. Deborah Ziegler, Treasurer, gave the Financial Report • $20,949 was received for Blacksmith apprentice program • There is $1,057,008 in cash for the Capital Campaign • The unrestricted cash balance is $114,678 • A motion was made by Bill Greenwood to approve the financials and Kelly Cox seconded the motion. Motion carried. IV. Liaisons Reports A. Mark Rosevear, Head of School, gave the Academy report. • Since the last meeting Mark has been interviewing for Head of Secondary and coordinator positions. The following have been hired; Mark Garcia as Head of Secondary, Tracy Odom as MYP Coordinator, and Stacey Stoyanoff as DP Coordinator and Director of Studies. • PYP evaluation visit was yesterday and reports thus far are good. Laura Wheat and Mark met with them as well. • The Board of Trustees are working on a survey to go out to all parents. • There are no reports of Swine Flu. Communication has been sent to all parents keeping them informed. • Bandana Bonanza is tomorrow. • Back to School Night plans are underway. V. Capital Campaign Angie Gofredo/Leah Rennhack A. Construction report was given by Rufo Reyes, Steele and Freeman • Delivery of steel has taken place and the frame is going up. • All structural steel is up and has been inspected. Re-inspection is today. • Interior and Exterior walls supplies are here. • Next week the roof will go up, 4-5 days the interior work will begin. • In one month the paint will start. • Estimated completion is mid to late August. Furniture will be here on Aug. 10th. VI. Angie Gofredo gave the Nomination Committee Report on behalf of George Ledak and Julie Timmerman • Angie reported all whose terms are expiring and asked those board members to advise if they would extend their terms. • David Lee reported that he would be not be renewing when his term expired in June. • Colleen Hess, George Ledak, and Kelly Cox stated they would extend their terms. • Emails to board members, Karen Osborne and Leigh Sander, seeking their decisions if they wish to extend their terms or not. • At the next meeting potential board members will be voted on. Angie asked that if any board member has a suggestion of a potential member to contact her. VII. Leah Rennhack, President, did not have a report. VIII. Angie Gofredo, Executive Director, did not have a report. IX. Other Business X. Next Meeting: June 12, 2009 - 8:30 am in the Dining Hall at the school. XL A motion was made by Jeff Ryan and seconded by Kelly Cox to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 am.