HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-10-09 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting Minutes April 10, 2009 Attending: Leah Rennhack, Chris Noonan, Deborah Ziegler, George Ledak, Julie Timmerman, Kelly Cox, Jeff Ryan, Karen Osborne, Charlotte Ryan, Angie Gofredo, Troy Meyer, Mark Rosevear, Rufo Reyes L Leah Rennhack called the meeting to order at 8:17 am after the check presentation from the Student Council. IL Jeff Ryan made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 13, 2009 Board Meeting and Julie Timmerman seconded the motion. Motion carried. III. Deborah Ziegler, Treasurer, gave the Financial Report • $10,647 was received for Blacksmith apprentice program • There is $1,008,898 in cash for the Capital Campaign • The unrestricted cash balance is $118,401 • A motion was made by Chris Noonan to approve the financials and Jeff Ryan seconded the motion. Motion carried. IV. Liaisons Reports A. Mark Rosevear, Head of School, gave the Academy report • Interviews for the Head of Secondary are taking place this week and next. • The Board of Trustees approved 5 new teachers and 2 new full time administrative staff positions at Monday night's meeting; this includes a new counselor in secondary and an IT person to assist Maru • The strategic plan is currently on hold B. Charlotte Ryan , Vice Speaker of the House of Commons gave the HOC report • Two marquees have been purchased and will be put up by Steele and Freemen • The HOC did get approved for the 501 (c) 3 • The Bandana Bonanza committee has made a basket to give to Mrs. Lee. They are inviting her to the event as their guest • The HOC is looking for new board members • Next year will be the year of "What is your great idea?" Charlotte Ryan, Speaker elect will be asking the parents this question. V. Capital Campaign report A. Construction report was given by Troy Meyer, Director of Facilities and Rufo Reyes, Steele and Freeman • There was a miscommunication with regards to the steel, this is the reason for the delay. The steel is in production and will be delivered by the next week. Steel and joists should be here by the middle of next week. Once the steel is delivered it should take a week to get up,pending weather. • The materials that were scheduled for May will still be delivered • Mid May there will be dry wall going up • The Art teachers are working on tiles that will go in the back splash of the water fountains • Bid packages for security and low voltage are out • Furniture will be hereon Aug. 10th • The building is still scheduled to open for the start of school • Invoices to the Foundation will likely come in the June/July time frame • FFE bids are also out. If they come back in lower that they budgeted those dollars will be moved over to help with the Academy's supply costs for the building. B. Campaign dollars raised—Leah Rennhack and Angie Gofredo • There is $42,980 left to raise; refer to the Funding Analysis work sheet • It was suggested by Leah Rennhack that we concentrate on this amount. Once this amount is raised to then assist the Academy with the additional expenses. • Chris Noonan agreed to head up the last final push effort to raise these dollars. • The board also discussed that we need to begin thinking of a recognition wall to thank the donors. • Payment by the Foundation to the Town was revisited. The Foundation board will also receive copies of the "Draw Requests". VI. Leah Rennhack gave the President's Report • A newsletter was done by Leah and Angie. It is scheduled to go out by end of next week. It will not only go to the parents but to the Town residents as well. VII. Angie Gofredo gave the Executive Director report • The Town's Marketing committee is working a number of PR pieces for both the Academy and the Town. In the summer the team will be working on a communication policy as well as branding for the Town and Academy. • Gallery Night will be Feb. 26, 2010 next year. The theme will be "An evening at the Prado" • The Vaquero Baja committee is meeting every two weeks. The date is Sept. 14'. As more details come in we will share. The dollars raised will go towards retaining and recruiting new teachers. • Last Monday, Angie with the help of Leah, put in an Emergency Grant request with the Hudson Foundation. Angie reported that the Hudson Foundation is putting all other requests on hold until next year. It should take approximately three weeks before we know anything. VIII. Other Business —no other business reported IX. Next Meeting: May 8, 2009 - 8:30 am in the Dining Hall at the school. X. A motion was made by Chris Noonan and seconded by Deborah Ziegler to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 am.