HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-13-09 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting Minutes March 13, 2009 Attendees: Leah Rennhack, Julie Timmerman, Kelly Cox, Jeff Ryan, Bill Greenwood, Darcy McFarlane, Karen Osborne, Angie Gofredo- David Lee gave his proxy to Leah Rennhack via phone L Leah Rennhack called the meeting to order at 8:50 IL Julie Timmerman made a motion to approve minutes from the January 9, 2009 and February 13, 2009 Board Meetings and Kelly Cox seconded the motion. Motion carried III. Angie Gofredo gave the Financial Report on behalf of Deborah Ziegler, Treasurer • $7,247 was received for the Blacksmith Apprentice Program • There is $996,462 in cash for the Capital Campaign. • The unrestricted cash balance is $111,158 • A motion was made by Kelly Cox to approve the financials and Jeff Ryan seconded the motion. Motion carried. IV. Liaisons Reports A. Darcy McFarlane, Administrative Coordinator gave the Academy update on behalf of Mark Rosevear, Head of School • The Mexican Exchange students are here this week. There are over 30 students and 3 teachers. Due to the travel concerns placed by our government our students will not be going to Mexico this year. • Spring Break is next week • The strategic plan will be presented to the board soon • Graduation plans are underway for 2010 • The PYP self study has been submitted to IBO and can be viewed on the parent portal • Bandana Bonanza is May 2nd V. Capital Campaign Angie Gofredo/Leah Rennhack A. Gifts &Pledges to date: $996,462 in cash and a total of $1,396,575 in cash and pledges. B. Building update given by Leah Rennhack on behalf of Troy Meyer • Leah Rennhack reported that the steel has been scheduled to be delivered by March 23rd • They are slightly behind but once the walls go up that time will be made up • The Foundation and Town will host a simple "Beam Signing" event. Leah indicated that once the Town verifies when that will take place Angie would notify the board. • There will be a `virtual' housewarming party for the classroom supplies needed for the A&S building. Angie is working to get the `gift registry' for supplies online by May. Additionally, the student council will present a check at the next board meeting for $1,395.50. These funds will purchase the kiln vent (art) for $700, the Bunsen burners (science) for $282.40, and the magnetic stirrer/hot plates (science) for $413.10 VI. Leah Rennhack gave the President's Report • Leah reported that once all of the funds have been collected from Gallery Night that she would like the board to review the finances and consider moving some unrestricted dollars to the capital campaign for FF&E. VII. Angie Gofredo gave the Executive Director report • Angie reported the results from Gallery Night were good. The over all net is expected to be just over $97,000. The auction made approximately $59,000 and the sponsorships and tickets totaled just over $52,000. Expenses are estimated at around $14,000 total. • She also reported that there were around 260 people attending Gallery Night. • Next year's Gallery Night is February 26, 2010 • Angie also reported that currently there are check signers on the Fidelity account that are no longer associated with the Foundation or Town. She asked for a motion to remove those who are no longer associated with the Foundation and add Angie Gofredo and Leah Rennhack, President. A motion was made by Jeff Ryan to remove those not associated with the Foundation off the Fidelity account as check signers and add Angie Gofredo and Leah Rennhack, President as check signers on the account. Karen Osborne seconded the motion. Motion carried VIII. Other Business- no other business was reported IX. Next Meeting: April 10, 2009 - 8:00 am in the Gym for a check presentation by the Student Council. The meeting will follow the presentation X. A motion was made at 10:00 am by Jeff Ryan and seconded by Julie Timmerman to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.