HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-16-08 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting Agenda January 16, 2008 Attending: Chris Noonan,Laura Wheat,Bill Greenwood,Leigh Sander,Julie Timmerman,George Ledak,Rick Rennhack, Angie Gofredo,Debbie Piper,Joe Hennig,Dave Lieber,Barbara Brizuela,Janet Noonan,Mike Garabedian,Don Redding, Mayor Scott Bradley,Leah Rennhack,Kamille Jolissaint,and David Lee via teleconference. L The meeting was called to order at 8:35 by Chris Noonan. IL Mike Garabedian, chair of Gallery Night gave an update. • Mike Garabedian reported that currently sponsorships total $54,400. Sponsorships are about $8,000 short of doubling last year's total. • Mike also reported that right now there are several big ticket items but we are still in need of more as well as we are light on the smaller items. Mike asked everyone to continue to help if they could. • He also reported that we were a little light on art work. • Requests for volunteer chairs have gone out. Each chair will be responsible for finding their volunteers. Rick Rennhack and Laura Wheat advised Mike that they would assist. • George Ledak reported that letters to parents went out last week asking them to either buy or try to sell their three raffle tickets. • George also reported that the others can still buy additional tickets and they could contact Angie Gofredo. III. Liaison Updates A. Barbara Brizuela, Head of School, gave an update. • Barbara Brizuela reported that the School Board of Trustees met this past Monday and passed four resolutions in regards to the school. Resolutions passed were the 2008-09 school calendar, development of a Leadership team which will comprise of 3 staff, 3 parents, 2 outside community members, and 3 students and the meetings will be attended by the Head of School and the President of the Board; expanding the secondary and transfer borders, and the Board of Trustee meeting calendar. • David Jenkins has been appointed Head of Secondary. • Ashley Swilley is a new student teacher for 6th grade is from A&M. • The 5th graders will go to Monterrey, Mexico this year. The Superintendent and Head of Primary of the American Foundation School will be here Jan. 28th to talk to the parents. • The Student Council will host a sock hop this Saturday. • The first Science Fair is this Friday. All 6th graders and MYP students have submitted a project. • The Head of School job posting will close Jan. 25th. The search team comprises Barbara Brizuela, David Jenkins, Jamie Schmitz, Bob Timmerman, Jack Risenhoover, and Joe Hennig. There are two alternates: Don Redding and Claudia Ourthe-Cabale. B. Janet Noonan, president of the HOC gave an update. • Janet Noonan reported that January 25�h is International Talent Show from 6:30 -8:30 in the performance Hall. Seven countries are represented as well as sampling of different foods from each. • The HOC board has decided to spear head a new parent handbook as well as working on a reception for new parents. The HOC will be working with the school and the foundation. C. Mike Garabedian president of WAAC gave an update. • Mike reported that there will be an Elementary and JV basketball tournament next week. Volunteers are needed to man the concession stand. • Debra Ziegler has agreed to assist the WAAC with their IRS filing. • Football will begin this spring. They have told the league that they will have a team. • Baseball will start soon as well. • Laura Wheat asked if the Sports Task Force could reconvene. D. Dave Lieber, liaison to the Black Cow gave an update. • Dave Lieber reported that the first report from Casey Gallagher will be appearing in the next issue. • Dave also reported that the students are working on several articles related to the recent news articles in the Star Telegram. E. Joe Hennig, interim Town Manager gave an update. • Joe Hennig reported that Project X is moving along. This project comprises of a local company looking to relocate to Westlake. • Maguire is coming up with a new Plan Development. The current Plan Development is on hold. • He reported that Farm Road 1938 will be completely funded by Tx Dot and should begin in September of this year. • Joe also reported that the town is a sponsor of this year's Gallery Night. He has also asked Ginger Awtry to serve on the committee. IV. Minutes from the December 6, 2007 board meeting were reviewed. Motion was made by Julie Timmerman and seconded by Bill Greenwood. Motion carried to approve the minutes. V. Debbie Piper gave the Financial Report on behalf of Margo Hundley. • Debbie reported that as of 12/31/07, the foundation had $563,377 in cash of which $310,469 were funds collected for Blacksmith, net of any minor related expenses, that are payable to Westlake Academy. Also included in the cash balance is the endowment of $57,530, and the capital campaign receipts, net of minor related expenses incurred to date, or $189,020. This leaves a net of$6,357 in unrestricted funds. • A discussion as to whether or not to continue with the current policy of unrestricted versus restricted was discussed. Currently the foundation restricts Blacksmith and the Capital Campaign funds to be only used for these programs, minus miscellaneous expenses. Gallery Night is currently the only fundraiser that is unrestricted and is used for the operation of the foundation. The board agreed that they will continue with this policy at the present time. VI. The Blacksmith Apprentice Program review was moved to next months meeting. VII. Laura Wheat, co-chair for the Capital Campaign gave an update. • Currently there is a total of $911,988 in cash and pledges. The total cash amount is $506,268. • Joe Hennig gave the board a time line for the project. (Attached) It is projected that that the project will start construction in June of 2008. • A discussion by the board and the Town Manager regarding the Capital Campaign communications resulted with an action item. Action Item- setting a meeting with all of the stakeholders to discuss the best way to communicate to the parents and the citizens of Westlake regarding the project. Action Item- begin to prepare a web page detailing the necessary information regarding the Arts and Sciences Centre. VIII. George Ledak and Leigh Sander gave a Communication update. A. George Ledak reported that this months Black Cow will be dedicated to Gallery Night. B. He also reported that Joe Hennig has agreed to post a flier on the Town's web site as well as send an email out to all citizens of the Town. C. Leigh Sander reported that a January newsletter is currently underway. D. It was discussed by the board to work on a way to better communicate to the parents on the various projects that the foundation is working on. IX. Julie Timmerman gave a Nomination update. • Julie Timmerman reported that Dr. Shezad Malik has agreed to serve on the board. • A motion was made by George Ledak and seconded by Rick Rennhack to recommend Dr. Malik to the board. Motion carried. • Angie Gofredo also mentioned that an invitation has been extended to Suzy Miller, Public Affairs Director for Fidelity to join the board. Suzy is to get back with Angie by end of week. • The board decided that an email vote would go out to all regarding the appointment of Suzy Miller. IX. Chris Noonan gave the President's Report. • Chris Noonan made the request to Mayor Bradley and Joe Hennig to be placed once a month on the Board of Aldermen's agendas. The request was accepted. X. Angie Gofredo, Executive Director gave a report. • Angie Gofredo reported that Leah Rennhack and Cheryl Hassell have agreed to work on a grants committee. • She reported that she has been making phone calls out to several other Charter School foundations as well as public school foundations to set appointments to discuss grants. • Angie reported that the Hudson Foundation will be touring the school today. • She also reported that she has a call out to the Communities Foundation regarding the Texas High School Project. • Angie stated that she is utilizing volunteers more and more. She thanked Julie Timmerman for continually helping with stuffing projects. • Angie reported that she will be presenting on-line giving options at the next board meeting. She feels that it is something we need to be looking at. XI. No other business was discussed. XIL Next Meeting: February 7, 2008- 8:30 am in the Town office conference room. XIIL A motion was made by Julie Timmerman and seconded by Bill Greenwood to adjourn the meeting at 10:43.