HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-06-08 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting Agenda March 6, 2008 Attending: George Ledak,Mike Garabedian, Chris Noonan,Julie Timmerman,Janet Noonan,Joe Hennig,Debbie Piper,Leigh Sander,Bill Greenwood,Margo Hundley, Scott Bradley,Barbara Brizuela,Angie Gofredo L The meeting was called to order at 8:34 by Chris Noonan. IL Mike Garabedian gave the Gallery Night Report. Mike reported that overall the event was very successful. • Sponsorship total came in at $65,600. • The Raffle made $7,500- It was recommended by George that we need to think about doing another high ticket item. • The Silent Auction made - $11,075 • The Live Auction made $28,050 around $650 less from last year. • The following suggestions thoughts were made: keep it in the same room, possibly serve a buffet, the teacher head shave was a great idea, it felt like the volunteers setting up had a sense of community, having the students there was great, add additional non-parent volunteers to the community, consider not having a chair of the entire event and possibly have chairs of different tasks, number of auction items reduced, revise the date to see if key people are out of town, and separate emcee and auctioneer. III. Liaison Updates A. Barbara Brizuela, Head of School, gave an update. • The Diploma Program has been authorized! • Westlake Academy is the only school in Texas authorized in all three programs, and one of five in the United States. • Saturday the Shin boys won in both Math and Science regional. • Twelve groups entered in the History Fair, five are now going to state. • At the regional Science Fair there were five winners. B. Janet Noonan, Speaker of the House, gave an HOC update. • Today the HOC is sponsoring a teacher appreciation lunch. • May 91h is Bandana Bonanza. • The Spring Clean will take place on April 5th. They are looking at cleaning and remodeling the teachers lounge, volunteers are needed. Charlotte Ryan is chairing the event. • The spring book fair will be March 26-28th at Barnes and Noble. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the school. C. Mike Garabedian, Chair of the WAAC, gave an update. • There is a planning meeting next week for the April 24th Sports Banquet. • Laura Wheat, Margo Hundley, and Karen Gladden helped get the tennis started again. D. Joe Hennig, Interim Town Manager, gave a Town update. • FM 1938 continues to go well. Construction will begin in early '09. • Monday the board will meet with Maguire Partners regarding a new building construction that will start by end of year. • Project Y continues to move along. They have narrowed it down to two sites. • Troy is assisting the school with several projects including the make over of the teachers lounge. • The building committee will meet in the next couple of weeks. • The Mayor and the board will be re-writing the oil and gas ordinance. Mayor Bradley commented that they will be watching Southlake because they too are in the process of re-writing theirs. • The board continues on interviewing for the Town Manager position and will begin interviewing soon for the Head of School position. IV. Minutes from the February 7, 2008 board meeting were reviewed. Motion was made by Bill Greenwood and seconded by Julie Timmerman. Motion carried to approve the minutes. V. Financial Report was given by Margo Hundley. She reported that we are in a good financial position. VI. Capital Campaign report was given by Angie Gofredo. A. Gifts &Pledges to date are $958,252 B. Nomination to the Arts & Sciences Centre Building Committee- Chris Noonan made the suggestion that Mike Garabedian be nominated to serve on the committee as the foundation representative. George Ledak made the motion to appoint Mike Garabedian to the Building Committee and Julie Timmerman seconded the motion. Motion carried. C. Angie reported to the board that the Parents' Campaign will be ran in the following manner: • Call Captains will be recruited by grade level. Suggestions were made to include Julie Timmerman, Leah Rennhack, Janet Noonan, and Laura Wheat on this committee. • A letter will go out to all parents asking them to consider a gift to the campaign. • The Call Captains will then begin making follow up personal calls to the parent body. • The list of captains will go out in the Black Cow. • The campaign is called—The Hard Hat Building Campaign VII. Leigh Sander gave a Communication Update. • Leigh Sander talked about possibly re-visiting the web site idea for not only the campaign but for the foundation as a whole. • It was reported that the Foundation does own www.westlakefoundation.com. • Joe Hennig offered the Towns help with the implementation of the web site. • A motion was made to allow the Foundation to spend up to $5,000 to create a web site. Chris Noonan made the motion and Bill Greenwood seconded. Motion carried. • Chris Noonan urged that we get something up as soon as possible. VIII. Julie Timmerman gave the Nomination Update. • Chris Noonan made the suggestion that we look at asking Jeff Ryan to join the board. Chris noted that he has a passion about how to help with legislative issues. • Julie suggested that he talk to Jeff to see if he was interested and the board will vote in March if in fact he is willing to join. • It was suggested that possibly Dr. Malik might have an interest in helping with legislative issues. • Joe Hennig mentioned that the Town does have a lobbyist that could assist. IX. Chris Noonan gave the President's Report. • Chris reported that in June he will be stepping down as President and will become Immediate Past President. • Chris also reported that he would like to do a more extensive report on Blacksmith and the giving trends. • Chris mentioned that several would like to do a memorial for Taylor Moon. They would like to plant a tree and build some type of sitting structure around the tree. X. Angie Gofredo gave the Executive Director Report. A. Bailey, Banks, & Biddle • Angie reported that they would like to host an event in April to help raise funds. The event would be structured like the one that took place last year. The board felt that we have too many events at this time so we would have to decline and revisit at another time. B. Central Market • Central Market would like to host an event and Laura Wheat would like to use this event to thank current Capital Campaign Donors. XI The board did not go into Executive Session. XIL There was no other Business to report. XIIL Next Meeting: April 10, 2008- 8:30 am in the Town office conference room. XIV. A motion was made by Julie Timmerman and seconded by Bill Greenwood to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 10:10.