HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-17-08 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting Minutes October 17, 2008 Attending: Leah Rennhack, Deborah Ziegler, George Ledak, David Lee, Julie Timmerman, Kelly Cox, Jeff Ryan, Karen Osborne, Tom Brymer, Troy Meyer, Dorothy Harwood, Angie Gofredo L Leah Rennhack, President, called the meeting to order at 8:35 am. IL Minutes from the September 12, 2008 meetings were reviewed. Motion was made by George Ledak and seconded by Julie Timmerman to approve the September 12, 2008 minutes as written minus the treasurers report. Motion carried. III. Deborah Ziegler, Treasurer, gave the Financial Report. A. Review September's Financials • Deborah reported that $218,840 has been collected as well as $24,963 for Blacksmith. • Deborah reported that $90,439 has been collected for the Capital Campaign. • Deborah reported that there are a few questions that she would like to ask Debbie Piper from the Town, but Debbie is out of Town. A meeting will be scheduled. She noted that the main reason would be to make sure she understands the financials. Debbie noted that it is possible with the new 990's this year that the entire board might have to sign. B. Budget- A motion to table the budget until Deborah has had the opportunity to consult with Debbie Piper was made by George Ledak and seconded by Jeff Ryan. Motion carried. IV. Liaisons Report A. Tom Brymer, Town Manager, gave a Town update. • Deloitte project — The zoning for that area has changed from residential to commercial. The total acreage is 100 acres. • Tom reported about the funding reduction from TEA has been dismissed. This mean that the approximately $266,000 will not have to be paid back to the TEA. Vicki Truitt and others helped with this. • A Gas Well Drilling Information meeting is scheduled for November 4th at the Town. • A discussion took place asking Tom Brymer if the Foundation should ask the Town Aldermen to consider putting possible ear mark funds notation in future or possible Gas Well Drilling contracts. V. Capital Campaign A. Angie reported that the gifts & pledges to date are $681,665 cash and total raised is $1,370,635. The delta is approximately $125,000. B. Troy Meyer gave a building update. • Troy reported that modifications were made to the building but mainly on the interior. The physics class room is now the art room. The kiln and dry room will be where the small conference room was. The Black Box storage is now going to be the conference room. The total square foot is 8700 sq ft. • Troy reported that dirt has been moving. They are treating the soil based on the soil samples. • Next week the drill for the piers will be on campus. The foundation and parking lot should be poured and finished by January. The building is still on schedule to be opened by Aug. of 2009. C. Leah Rennhack mentioned that at some point the Foundation would like to present a check to the Board of Aldermen for the project. VI. Angie Gofredo gave a Blacksmith Apprentice Program update. • Angie reported that $423,895 has been raised to date. Average gift per child represented in giving is $1427.26, average gift per student (408) is $1034.49, 170 families participated which represents 73% of the families (232), 27 of these families were new to the school. • Sixty eight families did not give and of these families 22 gave last year but not this year. Calls were made to the families who hadn't given some said yes they would give; some said the economy was a big factor of why they weren't giving. • A small thank you will be in this month's Black Cow and the list will be in the November Black Cow. • Angie also gave out thank you gifts to the committee. VII. Leah Rennhack, President, asked Colleen Hess to take this time during the President's Report to talk about the Vaquero event. • Colleen reported that about 60 people attended the event. She felt it was a great event. The event was basically a community builder to introduce the new Town representatives. • Tom reported that others like this will be happening in the different sub divisions. • Colleen also reported that she has several that would like to tour the school. She will set these up with Angie Gofredo. VIII. Angie Gofredo gave the Executive Director report. • Angie reported that Grandparents day was a success. Approximately 110- 120 grand parents and great grandparents attended the event. They raised approximately $1000 for the book drive. • Angie also reported that Kelly Cox, Colleen Hess, and Laura Wheat had met to talk about how we can bring in people from Vaquero to visit the school and get them engaged. Several have been identified and this small committee will be working on bringing them in. IX. Other Business X. Next Meeting: November 14, 2008 in the Dining Hall at the school. XL A motion was made by Colleen Hess and seconded by Kelly Cox to adjourn the meeting at 10:00. Motion carried.