HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-14-08 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting Minutes August 14, 2008 Attending: Leah Rennhack, Chris Noonan, Deborah Ziegler, David Lee, Jeff Ryan, Karen Osborne, Tom Brymer, Mark Rosevear, Dave Lieber, Mike Garabedian, and Angie Gofredo L Leah Rennhack, President called the meeting to order at 8:34 am. Leah welcomed all that attended and advised because there wasn't a quorum no action items will take place. IL Approve the Minutes from June 12, 2008 Board Meeting—held until the next meeting. III. Deborah Ziegler gave the financial report (financials attached). Deborah indicated that all funds for Blacksmith have been transferred to the school. She also mentioned that we are working on a new format to show the monthly financials. IV. Liaisons Report A. Mark Rosevear, Head of School, gave a school update. • All staff positions that were open have now been filled. Mark also noted that the Academy will also have a full time nurse this year. • The Senior Management Team has been working on updating documents like the parent/student handbook. The handbook will be approved on Aug. 21st by the Board of Trustees. New items in the handbook included such things as an outside trip policy, and an anti-bullying policy. • Mark indicated that they are reviewing that the Academy is upholding to TEA standards with regards to the curriculum. • The school will now only have 2 semester reports instead of three and two interim reports. • There is an increase in the number of students this year. There will be approximately 80 new students with a total of approximately 410. • The Academy budget was approved on Aug. 11th B. Tom Brymer, Town Manager, gave a Town update. • The Town staff as well as the Academy and the Board of Trustees will be working on a strategic plan for the school Sept. 12th and 13th • The first Town newsletter went out in August. It was suggested that copies be sent to all parents. • Deloitte is set to move project forward and possibly begin building this fall. • The Town budget will include for upkeep of the school • Mayor Wheat and the Board of Trustee will host a Welcome Back breakfast on nd Aug. 22 V. Capital Campaign A. Gifts & Pledges to date are $564,611 in cash with a total of$1,029,185 in cash and pledges. B. Leah Rennhack and Mike Garabedian gave a building update. • Leah indicated that we are short $800,000 for Phase I of the building. Leah spoke with Laura before the meeting and she indicated that several asks were in the works. Leah also encouraged those board members who have not made their gift to please do so. • Leah also advised the board that proposals were sent to Deloitte and to Allied Waste and that Angie has sent proposals out to two major foundations. • Mike indicated that there is some room in the schedule for a few delays to still ensure that the building will open in the Fall of'09. VI. David Lee gave a Blacksmith Apprentice Program update. • David indicated that his committee, Kelly Cox and Deborah Ziegler have been working very hard over the summer. • This year four communications will go out each Friday in the month of September. These communications will come from Mark, the Foundation, a teacher/student, and a parent. • The theme again for this year is "Make a Difference". Banners will be hung as well as the progress posters. VII. Angie Gofredo gave a Communication Update on behalf of Leigh Sander. • The website is still in draft form. To view it go to www.westlakeacademy.org/foundation/. • Leigh will be sending out emails to those board members who are in charge of a particular area to get their assistance with the content. VIII. Leah Rennhack gave the President's Report. • Leah reminded everyone how important it is to give if you haven't given to the campaign as well as Blacksmith. • Leah announced that Angie's office has moved to Glynda's old office in the performance hall. IX. Angie Gofredo gave the Executive Director report. • Angie reported that the meetings will now be moved to the second Friday of every month. X. Other Business • Tom Brymer spoke about the grant request from Barbara in August and reported that at this time there was no need to fulfill the request. XI. Next Meeting: September 12, 2008 in the Dining Hall at the school. XIL Adjournment