HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-12-08 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting Minutes June 12, 2008 Attendees: Leah Rennhack, Chris Noonan, Deborah Ziegler, George Ledak, Dr. Shezad Malik, Rick Rennhack, Leigh Sander, Julie Timmerman, Laura Wheat, Kelly Cox, Jeff Ryan, Tom Brymer, Troy Meyer, Debbie Piper, Mark Rosevear, Dave Lieber, Mike Garabedian, Angie Gofredo L Chris Noonan, President called the meeting to order at 8:36 am. • Chris Noonan asked the board members to introduce themselves. Many of the new board members were present. IL Minutes from the May 8, 2008 board meeting were reviewed. Motion was made by George Ledak and seconded by Julie Timmerman to approve the minutes. Motion carried. III. Julie Timmerman gave the Nomination Update. A. Julie first thanked the new members for agreeing to join the board. B. Julie then talked to the board about the officer slate. She explained three months ago Chris Noonan advised Julie and the board that he would be rolling off as president. At that time Julie and her committee members began to search for a successor. During this time Laura Wheat and Margo Hundley resigned from their positions. This opened up both the Vice President and Treasurer spots. Julie announced that the potential officers and their positions are: • Leah Rennhack, President • Julie Timmerman, Vice President • Deborah Ziegler, Treasurer C. A motion was made by Julie Timmerman and seconded by Laura Wheat to nominate Leah Rennhack as President. Motion Carried D. A motion was made by George Ledak and seconded by Rick Rennhack to nominate Julie Timmerman as Vice President. Motion Carried. E. A motion was made by Julie Timmerman and seconded by Rick Rennhack to nominate Deborah Ziegler as Treasurer. Motion carried. F. George Ledak also reported that the committee will be working on a succession plan and it should continue that way. IV. Financial Report was given by Debbie Piper. • Debbie reported that we have received $389,877 to date for Blacksmith and funds will be distributed. • Debbie reported that we have received $523,268 to date for the Capital Campaign. • Debbie also reported that we have $93,309 in unrestricted funds. V. Capital Campaign Laura Wheat & Bill Greenwood A. Gifts & Pledges to date are $1,028,842. This does include the restricted funds from Mrs. Sam Lee for the Arts portion. B. Parent's Campaign Update- $71,050 was raised from the parents during the campaign. Many parents indicated that they would give in the Fall that right now was not a good time. C. Troy Meyer gave a Building Update. • Plans will be ready by July. • Utility will be done by the end of June and we will break ground in September. • Estimates are in and the estimated total cost for the building is $6.4 million. • He reported that we can do the shell and foundation for $5.6 million. • Angie reported that we are hopeful that funds from the Fidelity Foundation will be in September but we are not completely sure. • Laura Wheat indicated that we have around a 30-day window after the bids have come in. Bids will go out at the beginning of August. • Tom Brymer indicated that we are around $750,000 short to complete Phase I. • Laura urged all of the board members to think about those who we can solicit. VI. Leigh Sander gave a Communication Update. A. Leigh showed the board members the web site concept. He showed the different areas that will be represented on the site which include the three main areas outlined by the Foundations mission. B. Leigh indicated that he will be in touch with specific board members to assist with the details for the various sections. Dave Lieber agreed to help if needed. VII. Chris Noonan gave the President's Report. A. Chris advised the board that he would be working with the Town and Leah on the reporting and compensation for the Executive Director. B. Chris also reported that he did get a request from Barbara asking for funds for the difference from Blacksmith, compensation for the new head of school, travel, and legal counsel. At the advise of Tom Brymer, he suggested that we wait until the end of the fiscal year to see where the school is. C. He also reminded the board members that 100% of Blacksmith and Capital Campaign dollars go to the project. VII. Angie Gofredo gave the Executive Director report. A. Angie reported that there are several dates to choose from in regards to Gallery Night. The board decided that Feb. 20, 2009 would be a good date. She also reported that the committee has chosen a theme of "Gallery Night — An evening at the Louvre". Each year the committee felt could choose another country and another Museum to keep with the original theme of the event. It was then suggested that the school could also incorporate the themed country and make it an international affair. Angie noted that she is working with the hotel on the date and the dinner. Kelly Cox noted that she is willing to help out with logistics for the event. B. Angie also reported that Board of Alderman Don Redding approached her about a possible partnership with Sadie's Closet. The tentative way it would work would be to advertise that school parents and other friends of the school could take their stuff to Sadie's Closet and that we would be able to split the proceeds. Don was going to talk to the head of the agency there and have her get in touch with the Foundation. To date she has not contacted us. IX. Other Business • Chris Noonan asked Mark Rosevear to briefly talk about his background. X. Next Meeting: It was agreed that the next meeting be August 14, 2008. XI. A motion was made by Laura Wheat and seconded by Deborah Ziegler to adjourn the meeting at 10:10. Motion carried.