HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-08-08 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting Minutes May 8, 2008 Attendees: Chris Noonan, Bill Greenwood, David Lee, Dr. Shezad Malik, Rick Rennhack, Julie Timmerman, Laura Wheat, Jeff Ryan, Kim Sutter, Ginger Awtry, Mike Garabedian, Dave Lieber, Janet Noonan, Tom Brymer, Troy Meyer, Barbara Brizuela, Angie Gofredo L The meeting was called to order at 8:36 am by Chris Noonan. A. Chris Noonan asked new board member Jeff Ryan to introduce himself as well as Tom Brymer, new Town Manager. IL Liaison Updates A. Barbara Brizuela, Head of School, gave an update. • Barbara reported that TASK exams and MYP finals will start next week. • Grade 5 is in Mexico, 10th grade is in Spain next week and it is their first visit there, and the 7th graders will go to Taos. • The first MYP graduation will be on June 4th at 6:30 pm. Kelley Calloway from TEA will be there as well as Gloria McDowell from IBO North America. • Barbara also reported that Scott Bradley will be assisting with the festivities on June 5th. B. Janet Noonan, Speaker of the House, gave an HOC update. • Janet reported that the Bandana Bonanza was a great success. She thanked all that attended. • Tuesday was the last appreciation lunch for the year. • Janet reported that Back to School Night is Aug. 21st • She also reported that this was her last meeting and that John Awtry, the new Speaker of House, will be attending the next meeting. C. Mike Garabedian, President of the WAAC, gave an update. • Mike reported that there were 200 people that attended the Banquet this year. They are thinking about splitting the PYP and MYP banquet into two separate banquets. • Registration packets will be out by the end of the school year. He indicated that there would be a one-price system. It was also suggested that the WAAC consider asking a doctor to come to the school to do physicals. D. Dave Lieber, advisor to the Black Cow, gave an update. • Dave reported that 80 parents and students traveled to Austin and came back with 47 awards from the Texas Interscholastic Press Conference. Dr. Malik's daughter, Sarah, won the Top Award in student Art. • Dave also reported that Tarrant County Commissioner Gary Fickes gave the Black Cow a proclamation. • The Black Cow banquet is May 21 and Bob Ray Sanders will by the guest speaker. The Black Cow is also naming the Freedom Award after Barbara Brizuela. E. Tom Brymer, Town Manager, gave an update. • Tom reported that First Southern will give a report at the May 19th meeting regarding the sell of the bonds for the Arts and Sciences Center. The board will then vote to approve or not to approve the sell of the bonds. • The new board of Aldermen will be setting a date soon for a strategic planning session. • Tom also reported that Mark Rosevear will be here after Memorial Day. III. Minutes from the April 10, 2008 board meeting were reviewed. Motion was made by David Lee and seconded by Bill Greenwood to approve the minutes. Motion carried. IV. Financial Report was given by Angie Gofredo. • Angie reported that there is $98,550 in unrestricted funds. • Gallery Night netted $135, 601 this year compared to $87,462 last year. • Blacksmith pledges are coming in each month. Pledges are finished in August of this year for the 2007-08 campaign. There is one parent who has stopped their pledge because they are leaving the school; their outstanding balance was $600. • Angie also reported that currently the Foundation is earning .98% from First Financial and if funds were to be moved to Fidelity the Foundation would be making approximately 1.24%. • A motion was made by Bill Greenwood to transfer funds to Fidelity to earn a higher interest rate and was seconded by Rick Rennhack. Motion carried. V. Capital Campaign report. A. Gifts &Pledges to date are $988,292. B. Parent's Campaign Update- Laura Wheat reported that we had a great kick off with the Call Captains. They all asked great questions and because of this we have decided to hold an informal type Q&A session for all parents who want to attend. C. Groundbreaking ceremony report. • Troy Meyer reported that it was suggested at the last Steering Committee meeting that all events, commendations, 5-year anniversary, and groundbreaking, occur on one day, June 5. • Troy reported that all of the students will be given a plastic hard hat and would line up on the site of the new building so an aerial shot could be taken. • All details have not been settled but all former board of aldermen will be invited as well as the Westlake residence, parents, and other guests. • Laura Wheat asked that the Foundation consider dedicating some money out of unrestricted funds for the event. A motion was made to allow the Foundation to spend up to $1,000 on the Groundbreaking event by Bill Greenwood and seconded by Rick Rennhack. Motion carried. • Troy also reported that the moving of utility lines will start the week of June 9th. VI. Communication Update was given by Angie Gofredo on behalf of Leigh Sander. • Angie reported that the plans for the web site were on the way. A site plan has been worked out for the site and Angie and Leigh are waiting for the final plans to be presented. VII. Julie Timmerman, Chair of the Nominations committee, gave an update. • Julie also thanked Jeff Ryan for joining the Foundation. • Julie reported that Kelly Cox, Debra Ziegler have agreed to serve on the board. Next month the board will vote on whether or not to approve the nominations. • Julie also reported that Karen Osborne is also thinking about joining and that Julie will be talking to Colleen Hess about the Foundation as well. • Rick Rennhack announced that he will be resigning from the board. The entire board again thanked him for his dedication. VIII. President's Report was givens Chris Noonan. • Chris Noonan reported that Margo Hundley has resigned effective immediately. • Chris Noonan also reported that he has agreed to continue as President. IX. Angie Gofredo gave the Executive Director's report. • The welcome packet information has been given to the HOC. A meeting will take place sometime this summer to finish the packet. X. Other Business • Kim Sutter reported that on May 19th there will be a reception after the meeting thanking the former Board of Aldermen and Mayor and welcoming the new Board of Aldermen and Mayor. She invited all to attend. • She also announced that on June 21st there will be a BBQ reception to honor Mayor Scott Bradley. XI. Next Meeting: June 12, 2008- 8:30 am in the Town office conference room. XIL A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 by Julie Timmerman and seconded by Bill Greenwood. Motion carried.