HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-10-08 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting Minutes April 10, 2008 Attendees: Chris Noonan, Bill Greenwood, George Ledak, David Lee, Dr. Shezad Malik, Julie Timmerman, Laura Wheat, Mike Garabedian, Janet Noonan, Angie Gofredo L Chris Noonan called the meeting to order at 8:32 am. Chris started off the meeting by asking everyone to think about the positive things and our challenges from the past year. They are the following: Positives- Infrastructure is in place with new members. • Messages are appearing to be on the same page. • The school feels like we are no longer a `new' school. • Gallery Night was able to reach out to a new source of supporters • We are on the verge of a new era • The school having accreditation in all three IB programs. • The Art's and Science Centre bond passing. • New leadership gives hope • Future is more certain. • The kids! • Bringing the stakeholders together Challenges- Keep awareness going • Enfranchise the parents more, getting them involved • Enhance legislative efforts • The TEA appeal has been denied IL Liaison Updates A. Janet Noonan, Speaker of the House, gave a HOC update. • The Extreme Makeover was last Saturday. There was a great turnout and the school has been cleaned top to bottom. • Bandana Bonanza is May 2nd from 6:00 — 9:00 pm. There are more things to do this year for the MYP students. Volunteers are needed. The HOC is asking each family to work at least one shift. • Nominating committee is in session right now. They are looking for parents to fill the board positions. • John Awtry is the incoming Speaker of House. B. Mike Garabedian, Chair of the WAAC, gave an update. • April 24th is the Banquet. • The committee is taking some time off and then will begin to look at the registration process. • They have around $14,000 in the bank outside of registration. III. Minutes from the March 6,2008 board meeting were reviewed. Motion was made by Laura Wheat and seconded by George Ledak to approve the minutes. Motion carried. IV. Financial Report was given by Angie Gofredo on behalf of Margo Hundley. She reported that we are in a good financial position. There was no significant change from last month. V. Capital Campaign Laura Wheat & Bill Greenwood A. Gifts &Pledges to date $958,252 B. Building Committee Update given by Mike Garabedian • Contractor will be approved on May 5. It has been narrowed down to 2-3 candidates. • Utility work will be begin in June and then hard construction will begin in July. • Firm numbers will be in by the first part of May. • The committee has asked how much it will cost to pour both sides of the foundation. That cost will be given at the next meeting. C. Parent's Campaign Update- The Parent's Campaign will launch the week of April 28th. Laura reported that we are currently recruiting call captains. A few have already responded. VI. Communication Update was given by Angie Gofredo on behalf of Leigh Sander. • Leigh is currently waiting for a quote from Brett Barron. Brett is the IT web designer for the school and the Town. • It is the goal to get this up and running as soon as possible. That date will be determined by the quote. VII. Julie Timmerman, Chair of the Nominating committee, gave an update. • Jeff Ryan nomination- A motion was made to approve the nomination of Jeff Ryan by George Ledak and seconded by Chris Noonan. Motion carried. VIII. Chris Noonan gave the President's Report • Chris asked Julie to begin to search for additional members. It was suggested to look for community members. Colleen Hess' name came up and Julie agreed to discuss it with her. • Chris also asked that Julie and another board member begin to look for a new President. George Ledak agreed to help. IX. Angie Gofredo gave the Executive Director report. • Gallery Night committee met and they discussed the successes and challenges of the evening. The main point that came out of the meeting is that they need to divide the duties up into separate committees. Angie reported that she would like to bring the group back together after Bandana Bonanza. • The Central Market event is April 25th from 6:30 —8:30. It is an open house. • Angie also reported that she has been working with the HOC and Dr. Tech from the Leadership committee on a New Parent Handbook. X. Other Business XL Next Meeting: May 8, 2008- 8:30 am in the Town office conference room. XIL A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 am by Laura Wheat and seconded by George Ledak. Motion carried.