HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-12-08 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting Minutes December 12, 2008 Attending: Leah Rennhack, Chris Noonan, George Ledak, Kelly Cox, Jeff Ryan, Tom Brymer, Troy Meyer, Dave Lieber, Angie Gofredo L Leah Rennhack called the meeting to order at 8:43 am. IL Minutes from November 14, 2008 Board Meeting were tabled until the January 9, 2008 meeting. III. Angie Gofredo presented the November Financial Report on behalf of Deborah Ziegler. • New format was presented to the board members • Blacksmith Apprentice Program — $35,443 received for the month of November with a new total of$427, 980 • Capital Campaign - $951,621 in cash • Unrestricted funds - $56,736 IV. Liaisons Report A. Mark Rosevear, Head of School, gave a school update. • Mark reported that he is currently looking at the next school year in regards to teachers, budget etc. • The Black Cow Book event was a great event. Books are available for $10. • The Diploma Program is well on its way. Term exam are next week. • The PYP evaluation will be next Spring. Everything is going well with the preparations, according to Head of Primary, Jamie Schmitz. B. Tom Brymer, Town Manager, gave a Town update. • Tom reported that Deloitte is still planning on building despite economic issues. • Oil and Gas regulations are still not final. A comment/question was asked again if the Town could put a 2% overage/fee that would allow at least 1% to be dedicated to the school. • A meeting took place with Senator Nelson regarding Education finance. Another meeting with Vicki Truitt will also take place before the legislative sessions starts. C. Dave Lieber gave a Black Cow report. • The Best of the Black Cow book is out and for sale • The book will be mailed to a list of influential people/foundations. The list will be compiled over the next month. The WAFoundation will be able to add to that list. V. Capital Campaign A. Gifts &Pledges to date - $951,621 in cash and $1,373,135 in cash and pledges B. Leah Rennhack gave a Building Update report. • The building committee met to discuss ad on options for the building such as staining the floors etc. The committee will meet again before the holiday's to see which if any are necessary. • It was suggested that the Steering Committee meet again at the first of the year and possibly add a few new members to the committee. To date there is a delta of approximately $120K needed for the building. VI. President's Report- no additional report was given VII. Angie Gofredo gave the Executive Director report. • Gallery Night — Sponsors are down. Sponsors need to be turned in by the first week of January to be in the invitation. Auction items are needed as well. Two round trip Southwest tickets came in this week. • Grants —Lockheed Martin Grant will go in before the holidays, and meetings will be set up at the first of the year for some other local foundations. • Web site—up and running www.westlakeacademy.org/foundation/ • Tours — starting to do a few tours for community members- Horton's will be on Monday • Community Connection tours/tea/coffee- At the beginning of the year a list will be made to invite community members/corporate partners to invite them to a lunch/tea to learn more about the school • Marketing- Angie will be joining the Town of Westlake marketing committee. The first meeting will be at the first of the year. VIII. Other Business- no other business was discussed. IX. Next Meeting: January 9, 2009 - 8:30 am in the Dining Hall at the school. X. Meeting adjourned at 10:07 am.