HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-07-08 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting Agenda February 7, 2008 Attending: Chris Noonan,David Lee,Joe Hennig,Julie Timmerman,Janet Noonan,George Ledak,Mike Garabedian,Laura Wheat,Bill Greenwood,Barbara Brizuela,Mayor Scott Bradley,Debbie Piper,Dr. Shezad Malik,Angie Gofredo L The meeting was called to order at 8:32 by Chris Noonan IL Mike Garabedian, chair gave a Gallery Night Report. • The current sponsorship total is at $53,000 • Mike reported that we have several live auction items but we still need smaller items. • He also reported that we are still selling raffle tickets and we will be until the night of Gallery Night. • We will have about a 15 minute presentation that will include students as well as a video presentation that was made by some of the 10th grade boys. III. Liaison Updates A. Barbara Brizuela, Head of School, gave a School update. • The first Science fair took place in January. Students in grades 6th - 10th had to submit projects. There were also a few from other grades. Judges were from University of North Texas and University of Dallas. The judges noted they were very impressed with not only the projects but how the students explained their projects. Twelve of the projects will go on to Regional in March. • Tuesday, February 5th around 15 grandparents convened to start the Grand Committee. This committee will be made up of grandparents and they will begin to plan the Grandparents Day. Bill & Micki Sander will be co-chairs of the committee. • Paul Spain donated four prints of a limited edition of Dr. Ray Chandler's Texas bird paintings. The prints are part of a fund raiser for the Bob Jones Nature Center in Southlake. Emily Gaplin and Paul Scudder from the Nature Center joined Mr. Spain and Dr Chandler in the presentation. • Monday, February 11th is History day at the school. • The Leadership Team for the school has their first meeting today. • Monday will be a Board of Trustee meeting. B. Janet Noonan, Speaker of the House, gave an HOC update. • International evening was a great success. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. • May 9th is Bandana Bonanza. Troy Meyer will be leading the pine derby again this year. • Charlotte Ryan will be leading this years "All school clean up day", April 5th. She is also working with Troy Meyer on re-working the teachers lounge. • Next Tuesday, February 12th is "Java with Jamie" for K-3 rd grade parents. • April 7 t is Spring To Work Day for the 7th grade class. C. Mike Garabedian, Chair of the WAAC gave an update. • The Sports Task force met this past week regarding revamping Tennis and Golf. They are also looking for a Varsity Football coach. • The Sports Banquet will be May 1 sf or April 24th. • The baseball coach is Greg Ziegler • The WAAC will begin giving grants to the athletic department for equipment. D. Joe Hennig, Interim Town Manager gave a Town update. • 1938 continues to go well. Board approved the engineering contract on Monday. Sept/Oct construction will begin. The Town is appreciative to Gary Fikus for his help on the funding. • Project Y is still in the works. No decisions have been made at this time. IV. Minutes from the January 9, 2008 board meeting were reviewed. Motion was made by Laura Wheat and seconded by Julie Timmerman. Motion carried to approve the minutes. V. Financial Report was tabled until the next board meeting. VI. Operating Shortfall A. David Lee, Chair of the 2007-2008 Blacksmith Apprentice Program gave a review of the program. (See report attachment) • David suggested that we look at a combination approach for next year. He felt as if this is not an email only group. • He also asked the board members to please forward any comments or suggestions to him. • Additional thoughts that came up where- launching it at Back to School night, possibly looking at moving it to the spring, and making sure the same campaign goes in HOC folders. VII. Capital Campaign report. A. Gifts &Pledges to date are $936,988 B. Report from Joe Henning, Interim Town Manager gave a report from the Town regarding the Capital Campaign • Bonds approval will come from the Board of Alderman at Monday's meeting. • The Board of Aldermen approved that we will begin to build with the monies on hand at this point. The first section will be the Science portion, lobby and restrooms. • The moving of the utility lines will begin in June. • The Board of Aldermen will formalize a building committee which will include community involvement as well as someone from the Foundation. VIII. George Ledak and Leigh Sander gave a Communications update. • The next Black Cow will have a thank you ad for our sponsors as well as a bio on our 3 newest board members. • George asked that the Spring to Work be placed in the Black Cow as well as he advised the board that every two weeks Jessamy Brown will place an article about Westlake Academy in the newspaper. IX. Julie Timmerman stated there was no report from the Nominations committee. IX. Chris Noonan had no President's report. X. Angie Gofredo, Executive Director gave her report. A. Angie reported that she and Leah visited Janice Kane at the Grapevine Colleyville Foundation. She was told that they have two staff members. The question was asked about grants and they were told that they do not have time to write grants. Both Leah and Angie were surprised. B. Bailey, and Biddle- Angie reported that they are wanting to organize another fundraiser similar to the one they did last year. Angie is waiting on details regarding date etc. from them. D. Angie reported that Karmen Clark, a parent, works for Supreme Lending and wanted the board to recommend her and that if she received business from the recommendation that she would give a portion to the school building fund. It was decided by the board that they would look at creating, as Mike Garabedian, suggested a corporate partnership card. This way the board would not be bound to one person and not leave them open to others asking for the same type of recommendation. C. Angie reported to the board the two options of online giving. It was suggested that we used the free service and monitor it for now. If the need arises that we need to be more specific on our on-line donations then we would review it again at that time. XI. Other Business- no other business was reported. XIL Next Meeting: March 6, 2008- 8:30 am in the Town office conference room. XIIL Laura Wheat made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 and it was seconded by George Ledak. Motion carried.