HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-10-07 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting Minutes October 10, 2007 Attending: Chris Noonan,Mike Garabedian,Bob Timmerman,Bill Greenwood,Leah Rennhack,Margo Hundley, Angie Gofredo,Don Redding,George Ledak,Julie Timmerman,Janet Noonan,Missy Gale, Barbara McColm,Barbara Brizuela Trent Petty, and Mayor Scott Bradley L Chris Noonan called the meeting to order at 8:37 a.m. A. Introductions were made. B. Chris Noonan set the stage of the meeting. He stated that we need awareness, understanding, and agreement. We need to be aware of the challenges and opportunities, understanding of our solutions, and agreement on what we are willing to do. IL Angie Gofredo gave the Gallery Night report. A. Angie Gofredo reported that sponsor calls are being made. We currently have 5 sponsors to date. The letters for the auction items will be going out soon. Each board member was asked to assist with any auction item that might be able to secure and sponsorships. B. George Ledak and Angie Gofredo will be working on a survey to be sent out to the parents and staff The purpose of the survey is to use buying power to leverage possible future gifts. It will be reviewed at the next board meeting. III. Liaison Update A. Barbara Brizuela, Head of School, updated the board. • Barbara gave an update on the Summit that she attended last week. She said it was very successful. Attendees included legislative representatives, school board, and lobbyist. • Barbara also indicated that the choice of Bob Schulman as our lawyer was a good one. It appeared at this summit that he was well sought after. • Barbara reported that Grandparent's Day was very successful. She estimated over 150 grandparents with 5 great grandparents attending. • She also reported that some of her staff attended a TIBs conference • Teachers presented a new Language Policy that is now in effect all over the world at other IB schools. B. Janet Noonan, president of the House of Common updated the board. • Janet Noonan reported that Family Fun night is this Friday (Oct. 12th at 6:00 pm.) • The HOC has secured a social chair, DeeAnn Jeppson. • The HOC is in the process of developing a web site that will provide information to the parents and staff such as their monthly minutes. More details to come. • Janet clarified that they are not a 501c3 as of yet. They are still waiting for their authorization. C Mike Garabedian, president of the WAAC updated the board. • Mike reported that they are a 501c3 Corporation and once they elect a formal treasure they will need to complete our filing with the IRS on their nonprofit application. Bank accounts are at Prosperity Bank in Roanoke. Approximately $2,300 is in WAAC account at school. • Mike also reported 141 children have registered, $12,370 collected, $1,050 balance to be collected, $13,420 total registration fees to date, 46 family memberships. Total of all fees to date are $7,125. 1 • Spirit Sales have generated approximately $300 in sales —items were a gift from HOC to the WAAC —Thank You for your support. • They have received approximately $190 in concessions and admission sales to date. • Mike reported that they are in need of volunteers as they have shifts that are not being filled. IV. Minutes from the September 6, 2007 meeting were reviewed. Motion was made by Julie Timmerman and seconded by Bill Greenwood to approve the minutes. Motion carried. V. Margo Hundley gave the Financial Report to the board. A. Capital campaign- cash & pledges- currently the board has $1,044,138 in pledges with $129,146 paid to date. B. Endowment gifts —There is one endowment that currently has $66,456. VI. Operating Shortfall A. Angie Gofredo reported on the Blacksmith Apprentice Program on behalf of David Lee. • Current cash and pledges are $111,125 came from 34 families participating, and current average $1884/student. B. Blacksmith Communication Plan (I would put periods after all theses bullet points) • Email update to Academy community re: soft launch status on 10/3 • Cartoon postcard reminder to all "non-givers" on 10/17 • Possible email update to Academy community re: soft launch status on 10/17 • Email approximately every other weekday to Academy community during Nov 1-15 campaign (with current campaign status and different testimonial/story from Academy family in each email) • Professional signs in both PYP Carpool and MYP Carpool during entire Nov 1-15 campaign C. Blacksmith Volunteer Picture • Looking good • Stacye Thompson, Dave Lieber, Kelly Cox, Leigh Sander, and Jill McCune are drafting testimonials/stories for Nov 1-15 email campaign • Dave Lieber is developing cartoon postcard reminder • Kelly Cox is leading development of signs • Currently working on lining up individuals to make phone calls to "non givers" during the Nov 1-15 campaign. George Ledak has already agreed to help with this. VII. Capital Campaign A. Trent Petty gave an update on the building costs • Facilities received the building numbers last Friday (Oct. 5, 2007) and they were $6.9 million. These numbers were sent to the board to be worked on. • Trent Petty, Bob Bowman, and the architect worked on the numbers to focus on what was the most important aspect of this project; to have a building that will be functional for the students needs. • Mr. Petty estimated that the new cost should be $5 million or slightly below. • A special town meeting has been called for Wednesday, October 17, 2007 at 6:00 pm. There they will present the final numbers and finalize the Fact Sheet. B. Trent Petty, Missy Gale, Barbara McColm, and Chris Noonan discussed Interim financing. • Trent advised the board that at this point all cash needed to be in hand by December 1st for the building to begin in January. • Chris Noonan advised the board that Laura and Bill have begun discussions with "friendly bankers". 2 • Barbara McColm advised the board that she has been touch with President of the First Financial bank located in Abilene for loan information. He has instructed Barbara to go to the local branch and use his name. D. Steering Committee Update • Missy advised the board that at this time there are 12 potential significant asks being made. • The next Steering Committee is tomorrow. E. Events • Grandparent's day was a success and a re-cap meeting is to take place soon. VIII. Chris Noonan gave the President's Report. A. Chris Noonan reminded the board that we need to have passion. He stated "We believe in what we do. We need to work together." B. Chris acknowledged the Letter to the Editor. No response was to take place. C. Chris has written an article that will take place in the first Black Cow edition. D. Chris reported that at this time the Strategic Plan is still in draft form and will be presented to all parties soon. E. Adding additional board members • Julie Timmerman reported that she is actively researching potential board members based on time, talents, and treasurers. • The board discussed Leigh Sander as a potential board member. A motion was made by Julie Timmerman and seconded by Bill Greenwood to send a memo for approval to the BOA to approve Leigh Sander as a new board member. Motion carried. • The board asked Angie Gofredo to discuss with Leigh if he is willing to accept the nomination. IX. Angie Gofredo gave the Executive Director's report. • Angie Gofredo reported to the board that she will be researching grant opportunities for the school. She will report her findings at the next board meeting. • Angie asked the board if they would like to take pictures during picture day at school. The board agreed to do so and Angie will coordinate. • Angie also reminded the board that she will be out of town at a conference Wed. afternoon until Friday. X. Other Business A. George Ledak, Communications Chair, reported that he is working on other letters to come out in the Black Cow. He is also exploring other ideas to be presented later. XI. Next Meeting: November 1, 2007 at 8:30 a.m. at the Town Office Conference room XIL The meeting adjourned at 10:30. 3