HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-06-07 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting Minutes September 6, 2007 Attending: Dave Lieber,Janet Noonan,Julie Timmerman,Barbara Brizuela,Chris Noonan,Bill Greenwood, Margo Hundley,Mike Garabedian,George Ledak,Barbara McColm,Angie Gofredo L Chris Noonan called the meeting to order at 8:34 A. Chris Noonan introduced new board members Margo Hundley and George Ledak. He also introduced liaisons; Janet Noonan- House Of Commons, Dave Lieber- Black Cow, and Mike Garabedian- Westlake Academy Athletic Club. He also went over the different board positions and committees. B. Chris Noonan spoke about expectations of the meeting and future meetings. He would like to start on time and keep the meetings to an hour and half. IL Gallery Night Report A. Ange Bumgarner reported that we currently have two sponsors; Garabedian Properties and Fidelity Investments. She also indicated that BNSF called to inquire about more information. Sponsor calls are being made now. B. Auction requests will be going out soon to local businesses as well as galleries. It was mentioned again, that the committee is trying to steer away from consignment pieces. C. Phoebe Dill with Vaquero has graciously agreed to help out again with a location for the VIP party. The party is tentatively set for February 7, 2008. Carol Langdon and others are working on the party. D. Carol Langdon is also working on the class projects along with Ms. Shivers. E. George Ledak is working on the raffle again this year. The raffle will be a cash grand prize of $10,000. Other logistics are being worked out. F. A suggestion was made by Chris Noonan to include board members on the email meeting notification. Chris encouraged all board members to attend if they would like to. III. Liaison Update A. Janet Noonan, president of the House of Common updated the board. • She reported that Back to School Night went well. The Uniform resell made over $2,000. • They are in need of more volunteers. Currently they do not have a Social chair. She asked the board if they have anyone in mind to contact her directly. • Family Fun Night is October 12, 2007. This year they will also add a Science Fair concept, which is similar to a book fair. DeeAnn Jepsen is heading this effort. • Laura Gibbs needs more volunteers to help out during lunch. • The House of Commons board meetings are the 2nd Monday of every month from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, board members are welcome to attend. • The HOC packets are trying to go paperless. She encouraged anyone who hasn't set up a pass word for the Westlake Academy web site to do so. B. Mike Garabedian gave an update on the Westlake Academy Athletic Club- WAAC (see attached report) • Highlights of that report include: The purpose of the WAAC is to raise funds to benefit the athletic program at Westlake Academy. The will provide a pool of volunteers to support the athletic program and staff of Westlake Academy. • History of the WAAC — The club started as a need to create a Booster Club. Last year they raised $2,500 in admissions and concessions sales. Last year 200 people attended the 1st 1 annual banquet last May. They have just recently incorporated into a 501 (c) 3 thanks to Michael Eaton. C. Dave Lieber gave an update on the Black Cow. • Dave Lieber reported that not only did the Black Cow receive 28 awards this past year but they received The Gold Medal from Columbia Scholastic Press Association, out of Columbia School of Journalism in Manhattan. • The Black Cow is looking at their first edition coming out the third week in October. • Jamyi Ford is the General Manager this year. She will be assisting with ad spaces. • Dave indicated that this year they will be raising their ad prices and that the students will not be securing these ads. This year several parents have indicated that they will assist. • Taylor Jollisant is this year's editor. Dave indicated that it will be a great year. He also reported that they will be including help from the younger PYP students. They will also have a web site presence. • Dave also reported that everyone who lives in the Town of Westlake will begin to get the Black Cow. • Dave also said he will be introducing a new club this year —Literary writing club. He will also be focusing more on college preparation. • Chris asked Dave to keep the Foundation updated on any fundraising that the Black Cow does. IV. Minutes from the July 13, 2007 meeting were reviewed. Motion was made by Bill Greenwood and seconded by George Ledak to approve the minutes with the correction being made under the Capital Campaign section. Motion carried. V. Financial Report A. Margo Hundley proposed to the board the 2007-2008 Budget. A motion was made by Bill Greenwood and seconded by Julie Timmerman to approve the 2007-2008 Budget with the following changes being made: credit Card fees would be added to the Black Cow; adding the audit fee of$2500 to the contract labor section; update the expenses under the Executive Director's section. Motion carried. B. Margo reported that it was suggested that the Foundation have a separate audit this year because of the capital campaign. She indicated that the cost of the proposal is $2500, which would include $2000 for the audit and $500 for the 990. Margo Hundley made a motion to approve the contract and Julie Timmerman seconded the motion. Motion carried. VI. Operating Shortfall A. Westlake Academy 2007-2008 budget presented by Barbara Brizuela a. Expenditures —see attached budget provided by Barbara Brizuela. Barbara indicated that currently she has 16 days in reserve. b. Sources of Funding • Barbara indicated that she receives funding from the state, the Town of Westlake, and from the Foundation. • She also reported that the school did receive a three year start up grant that has run out. She indicated that more grants are needed. B. Blacksmith Apprentice Program a. Barbara Brizuela shared a worksheet with the board, where the dollars go from the Blacksmith Program (attached). It was suggested that the board use some of that language in the campaign. 2 b. Angie Gofredo reported on behalf of David Lee. The soft launch letter will go out by end of week. Two letters will go out; one for those who have given in the past and; one for the new parents and those who have not given in the past. The actual launch will be November 1 — 15. David is also working on an email campaign to be sent out during this time. We are also reminding parents to check to see if their corporation has a matching grants program. c. Chris Noonan urged that if a board member would like to on the committee they are more than welcome. C. Charter School Legislation —Barbara indicated that she will be attending a conference this month on legislation. She will give an update at a later time. VII. Capital Campaign A. Steering Committee Update report given by Bill Greenwood and Barbara McColm • Bill Greenwood updated that the committee has not met since the last board meeting. The next meeting is September 12, 2007 at 8:30 at Bill Greenwood's home. • Currently, we have $706,838 in pledges and $125,688 cash on hand. • Bill also reported that the committee is still working on calls to parents who have the potential to give $10,000 or more. • Barbara reported that the bond election is Nov. 6 t and the importance of the steering committee and foundation continuing to make calls for donations to the project. • Dave Lieber noted that more communication needs to be sent out to the parents on what the project means to them. What does it mean if they do not build the building? The advice was noted and will be discussed at the next Steering committee meeting. B. Events • Grandparents Day Breakfast is October 4th from 9 — 11:00 am. Over 70 names have been turned in. VIII. President's Report A. Strategic Planning Session- Chris Noonan reminded everyone how important this session will be. He asked that we be part of the solution. IX. Executive Director Report A. Communications- George Ledak reported to the board that he is working on a communication strategy for the board and the school. (see attached report) B. Sage Software Update- Angie Gofredo reported that the software is up and running. C. Signature on checks- Angie Gofredo reported that we need to add Chris Noonan, president and Angie Gofredo on the signature cards for the checking account. Angie will only be able to sign checks when Chris has approved the invoice and is unable to sign checks. Currently Debbie Piper is signing checks. A motion was made by Julie Timmerman and seconded by Margo Hundley to add Chris Noonan and Angie Gofredo to the signature cards and that Debbie Piper will remain as a signer. Motion carried. D. Leadership Conference —Angie Gofredo reported that she has been asked to be President Elect for the Fort Worth Metro Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals for the next two years. Because of this appointment, they have offered to send her to a leadership conference October 10 — 12, 2007. 3 E. Legacy Awards- Angie Gofredo reported that many people have indicated that they either would like to attend the event and/or sponsor a teacher. The Legacy Awards is a benefit for SafeHaven Tarrant County and Barbara Brizuela is one of three nominees for 2007 Legacy of Women's Educational award. X. Other Business • It was suggested by Dave Lieber that the board look at how to bring those individuals who live in Westlake that have no children to the school. He suggested some type of celebration or event that board members could invite their neighbors. • Bill Greenwood noted that he is working on a plan with Laura Wheat on how to reach those residences before the November election. XL Next Meeting: October 10, 2007 at 8:30 a.m. at Westlake Academy XIL The meeting adjourned at 10:45. 4