HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-13-07 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting Minutes April 13, 2007 Attending: Rick Rennhack,President,Ange Bumgarner,Bill Greenwood, Chris Noonan,Becky Rogers,Julie Timmerman,Laura Wheat. Lawson Associates: Missy Gale,Doug Lawson,Barbara McColm,Ellen Ray. Guest: Carol Langdon L Rick Rennhack called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. IL Carol Langdon reported on Gallery Night 2007. It is imperative that we begin meeting with new committee in the early summer to solicit sponsorships. Evaluations showed that people were pleased with the design/graphics of the print pieces and advertising/promotion.The Big Boar and Live Auctions were rated well;the silent auction is too large and should focus more on the children's art work. People liked the video, but it could be better if children were speaking either in the video or at the event prior to the Live Auction. Need a more dynamic auctioneer. Limit the number of Gallery pieces and consignment. Consider Auction Pay to expedite the auction check out. Reach out into the community for new committee members (Lucy Noonan was suggested). Doug Lawson suggested to consider `bartering' with donated ad space for items that require you to pay, i.e. the car. Most of those who purchased items were parents. Accurate mailing lists are important. Data base would help in this area. III. Motion made by Laura Wheat and seconded by Julie Timmerman to approve the Minutes from March 2, 2007.Motion carried. IV. Financial Report was reviewed. A. Julie Timmerman will follow up on the list of those who are `defaulting' on their Blacksmith pledge. B. Board consensus that it is time to invest in the infrastructure of the Foundation. Sid Richardson might help fund this area as well as teacher training or duplicating the private/public partnership model. C. Becky Rogers will meet with Barbara Brizuela to put together bullet points for Teacher Training including costs. V. Capital Campaign report was given by Missy Gale and Barbara McColm. A. Pledges now stand at$504,813. Missy Gale projects that the quiet phase will most likely continue into the fall. She hopes that corporate and other foundations will be approached this summer to support the Science Building. B. The Stagecoach event had a good turnout with 15 people attending who were not parents. C. The Steering Committee (SC) suggested that a welcome event be hosted for Kindergarten parents with Dave Lieber as a speaker. D.The SC is excited about the expansion of the sports programs at WA. E.Doug Lawson and Rick Rennhack will check their calendars to schedule some prospect visits. F. Goal for new building to open is Fall 2008. Hotel tax funding must go to Arts building and have community use. The architect,Michael Bennett,has started work thanks to the Town. G. We need a deadline for the fundraising goal to be met. Missy and Doug will suggest one after Bill, Missy, and Doug meet with Trent Petty on April 25. VI. Director's Report was given by Ellen Ray. A. The Foundation will need to move into the school side of the complex before the end of April.Rick will help Ellen make the move. B. Interviews for the Executive Director position will begin on Monday,April 23. Ellen will schedule them for the Selection Committee(Chris Noonan,Becky Rogers,Laura Wheat). VII.Next Meeting: Friday,May 4,2007,PLACE TO BE ANNOUNCED VIII. Meeting was adjourned at 10:05 a.m.