HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-05-07 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting Minutes January 5, 2007 Attending: Rick Rennhack, President, Ange Bumgarner, Bill Greenwood, Chris, Noonan, Laura Wheat, Julie Timmerman, Lawson Associates: Missy Gale,Ellen Ray, Guest: Carol Langdon Meeting called to order at 8:40 a.m. L Carol Langdon reported on "An Evening at the Gallery." Thirty-two raffle tickets for the FJ Cruiser have been sold. Breakeven is 249 tickets. Different locations were discussed to sell tickets with the FJ Cruiser on site. Ads have appeared in Fort Worth Texas Magazine and the Black Cow; more to come in each an in the Alliance newspapers. Silent and live auction items are coming together. Carol will make up a list of the items for the board to review and help augment. Chef party was discussed as well as possibly a Big Board auction. A puppy, a golf, and a tennis package are still needed. It was recommended that the Building Campaign rendering/easel be at the VIP party. VIP Sponsor party is January 18, 7-9 p.m. in Vaquero. All board members and their spouses are invited. IL November and December Board Meeting Minutes were approved with one correction. November 3, 2006 minutes should reflect a Blacksmith goal of$386,888 under section IV. III. Financial report was reviewed. Rick will talk with Debbie or Mr. Petty about Debbie Piper coming back to the WA Foundation as the Board Treasurer. If she is not available,perhaps Bill Frey might consider. A. The process for receiving and acknowledging gifts to the campaign needs to be clarified B. So far five pledges to the campaign have been received; they total$285,000. C. Discussion of processing gifts was discussed. We need to map what we would like it to look like versus how it is. And Rick will discuss the desired changes with Mr. Petty after board approves the process and job descriptions.. Missy Gale will send the board a job description for an Administrative Asst. and the Development Director. A finance/book keeping person is require approximately 1/4 time. D. Rick will check with Mr. Whitman about the status of his year-end contribution. IV.Presidents report: A. Rick Rennhack reviewed the minutes of the Town of Westlake reflecting when the building of the arts and science center commenced. Rick is working on the agenda for the work session with the Aldermen on January 22, 2007, at 1:30 p.m. Questions arose about the Hotel/Motel Tax and what it is used to fund. B. The vision statement for the Foundation still needs to be done. The mission statement for the Foundation and a proposed vision statement for the Town as it relates to the school were completed at the Board's work session and copies were handed out. We will also thank them for their vision and commitment to the school. V. Capital Campaign discussion included: A. Laura asked Ange to set up a tour of the school for Roxann Taylor's agents with folders of information. It was suggested that Roxann be invited to the Cultivation event at Bill Greenwood's home. B. Ellen was asked to invite Pete from Texas Student Housing Authority to the next meeting of the board. C. Ellen was asked to research Discovery Land and their foundation benefiting education. D. Steering committee meeting will be Friday, January 12, 8:30-10 a.m., at Bill Greenwood's home. E. Cultivation Events are tentatively scheduled for February 13, in Glenwyck—the Timmermans and the Rennhacks will coordinate, and February 15, in Wyck Hill plus the "cats and dogs"—the Greenwoods and Bradley's will coordinate. F. Chris Noonan also offered to host an event a future time. G. Bailey Banks & Biddle have interest in sponsoring an event for Westlake Academy. Ellen and Carol will meet with the Powell Group regarding opportunities connected to the Gallery event and the building campaign. H. The Aldermen and their spouses, as well as Mayor and Mrs. Bradley, should be invited to all cultivation events. VI. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11 a.m. The next WA Foundation Board meeting is Friday,February 2, 2007—same day as the Gallery Night event.