HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-06-07 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting Minutes December 6, 2007 Attending: George Ledak, Chris Noonan, Julie Timmerman, Bill Greenwood, Missy Gale, Rick Rennhack, Leigh Sander, Mike Garabedian, Janet Noonan, Dave Lieber, Joe Hennig, Don Redding, Mayor Scott Bradley, Michelle Corson, Lizann Cundall,Ann Dunlap,Angie Gofredo L The meeting was called to order by Chris Noonan at 8:34 am IL Gallery Night Report was given by Angie Gofredo. A. Angie reported that we currently have 10 sponsors to date. B. Angie also reported that auction items are needed for the event. C. Chris asked for the board's commitment to help secure either a sponsorship, auction item, or both. With the chair stepping down all help is needed. III. Liaison Updates A. Janet Noonan, president of HOC gave an update. • Janet reported that the Book Fair is going on right now and ends Friday. • International talent night is next January. Sign up forms can be found in the front office. • The HOC gave the school $3,000 to be used for teacher continuing educational trips. These funds allow Barbara Brizuela an opportunity to prolong the teachers stay by a day or two so they can visit another IB school. • The HOC board meeting will be next week, Dec. 10 at 1:00 pm. B. Mike Garabedian gave an update on WAAC. • The WAAC is in the process of dealing with all of the basketball games. • He reported that he is looking for volunteers to help with the concession stand. Profits from the concession stand help pay for the end of year banquet. C. Dave Lieber liaison for the Black Cow gave an update. • Dave reported that advertising dollars will be used for training the students in journalism. • This Friday he is going to talk to the students about important issues facing other teens. Examples include poverty and illiteracy. He then reported that he is going to ask some of the students to write an article for the next issue. • He also announced that Casey Gallagher will now be the China Bureau Chief. She will report back on her life in another country. D Joe Hennig, interim Town Manager gave an update on the Town. • Joe gave the board an update on the Arts and Sciences Centre project. He stated that there are some challenges ahead but at the same time some great opportunities. He stated that the final cost of the building still needs to be determined. Joe also mentioned that quality and functionality of the building is very important. • The Board of Alderman will be meeting December 15th and will be going over many details of the project. They will look at several items such as construction options, costs, financing options, and a construction calendar. The will look at construction options, costs, etc. • Joe advised the building would not be ready in Jan. 09 but Aug. 09 is entirely feasible. IV. Minutes from November 1, 2007 Board Meeting were reviewed. Motion was made Bill Greenwood and seconded by Julie Timmerman. Motion carried. V. Angie Gofredo gave the Financial Report on behalf of Margo Hundley, Treasurer. • During the month of November we have received $3,120 in Gallery Night Sponsors, $150,955 in Blacksmith Apprentice and $650 in Capital Contributions. Expenses have totaled $17,385 of which $5,233 were Administrative Expenses, $12,000 of Campaign Management costs and $152 of Capital Campaign related expenses. • Total Gallery Night Sponsor income this year (since September 1, 2007)is $6,520, total Blacksmith Apprentice contributions received are $273,019 and contributions received for the Capital Campaign total $23,409. • The ending cash balance of$466,829 is comprised of$57,408 of Endowment related funds, $266,917 of funds received from the Blacksmith Apprentice Program and not yet paid to Westlake Academy, and $144,881 received for the Capital Campaign after deducting expenses incurred to date which are directly related to the campaign itself. • It was also noted by Rick Rennhack that those funds need to be transferred to the school. VI. Angie Gofredo gave the Blacksmith Apprentice Program update on behalf of David Lee. • It was reported that the total amount raised to date is $406,820. The average gift per child represented in giving is $1,417.49; the average gift per student (total population) is $1,073.40; 165 families participated representing 76% of the families. • It was also discussed to publish the names in the next Black cow and list the results. • It was suggested that at the next Board meeting that we discuss in detail the Blacksmith program. Items for discussion will be, when do we launch the program and making sure we give a clear message including things such as where the money goes and what happens if the school doesn't get the money. VII. Missy Gale with Lawson Associates gave the Capital Campaign update. • Missy reported that the committee is still working on securing leadership gifts and pledges. These gifts are $10,000 and above. • She also reported that once we have exhausted this pool that we will then launch the next phase. VIII. Leigh Sander and George Ledak gave a Communication update. • It was reported that in the next Black Cow the foundation will list the donors from Blacksmith and an ad in for Gallery Night. The board voted to buy a page and half. Bill Greenwood made the motion and Rick Rennhack seconded. Motion carried. • It was suggested that the Foundation possibly think about having a Town Hall type meeting to let others hear about what the Foundation is working on. • Leigh Sander has joined the communications committee and will be working with George Ledak and Angie Gofredo on several communication options for the Board. IX. Julie Timmerman gave a Nomination update. • Julie reported that she is working on some possible candidates for the board. She will be working with Chris Noonan and Angie Gofredo. IX. Chris Noonan gave the President's Report. • Chris reported that in the next couple of months we will be reviewing our strategic plan. X. Angie Gofredo gave the Executive Director report. • Angie reported that in January we have the Hudson Foundation coming for a visit of the school. • She also reported that to date we have raised $1,035 in crystal sales and $270 in spinners. XL Other Business- no other business was discussed. XIL Next Meeting: January 16th, 2008 at 8:30 am. Bill Greenwood made the motion to accept the meeting date of January 16th instead of the scheduled date of January 3rd and Julie Timmerman seconded. Motion passed. XIIL The meeting adjourned at 10:19.