HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 16-06 Amending the Budget to Execute an Agreement with Hardin and Associates for TCEQ Regulatory Compliance Consultation TOWN OF WESTLAKE
WHEREAS, the state and federal government have established water quality standards
to ensure water purveyors provide a safe and adequate supply of water to citizens and water
customers within their geographic service area; and
WHEREAS,the Town Council of the Town of Westlake desires ta provide safe drinking
water to its citizens and custamers; and
WHEREAS, the development and implementation of a Nitrification Action Plan, Sample
Siting Plan, and Cross Connection Control Program are regulatory mandates that are necessary to
protect the life, safety, and welfare of Westlake citizens and customers and is sound
infrastructure planning consistent with goals and objectives within the adopted strategic plan;
WHEREAS, the Town Council finds the proposed agreement with Hardin & Associates
provides the necessary capacity to satisfy the state and federal regulatory requirements; ai�d
WHEREAS, the costs associated with the proposed contract is not included in the
adopted FY 2015/2016 budget; and
WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that funding is necessary to successfully
implement the mandates and that funding is appropriate and further amends the adopted FY
15/16 budget to include funding of$44,060; and.
WHEREAS, the Tawn Council finds that the passage of this Resolution is in the best
interest of the public.
SECTION l: All matters stated in the Recitals above are found to be true and correct
and are incorporated herein by reference as if copied in their entirety.
Resolution 16-46
Page 1 of 2
SECTION 2: The Town Council of the Town of Westlake hereby approves the budget
amendment of$44,060 to the adopted FY 15/16 budget.
SECTION 3: The Town Council of the Town of Westlake hereby approves the
agreement with Hardin & Associates consulting, LLC for TCEQ Regulatory Compliance
Consultation, attached as Exhibit "A", and further autharizes the Town Manager to execute the
agreement on behalf of the Town of Westlake, Texas.
SECTION 4: If any portion of this Resolution shall, for any reason, be declared invalid
by any court of campetent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions
hereof and the Council hereby determines that it would have adopted this Resolution without the
invalid provision.
SECTION S: That this resolution shall become effective fram and after its date of
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Laura � heat, Mayor
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Kelly�Edwa `, Town Secretary Thomas E. B er, own Manager
APPROV r S TO . �aOF.W�sr�y
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L t n L r , ow Attorney
Resolution 16-06
Page 2 of 2
FORnn 1295
1 of 1
Complete Nos.1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY
Complete Nos.1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING
1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number:
of business. 2016-14366
Hardin and Associates Consulting LLC
Irving,TX United States Date Filed:
2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 02/17/2016
being filed.
Town of Westlake Date Acknowledged:
g Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a
description of the goods or services to be provided under the contract.
consulting services
4 Nature of interest(check applicable)
Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business)
Controlling Intermediary
5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑
6 AFFIDAVIT ````���T B ����,' I swear,or affirm,under enalty of perjury,that the above disclosure is true and correct.
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AFFIX NOT/��%�NIf+�3E'¢�����1/E
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Swom to and subscribecfbe'ore me,by the said �`�rU''� �'i- ���^��^ �� ,this the � 7�j� day of �, %+AG�
20 � � ,to certify which,witness my hand and seal of office. �
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Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oat�i
Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.34944
January 28,2016
Town of Westlake
Public Works Department
Attn: Jarrod Greenwood, Public Works Director
3 Village Cir.
Westlake, Texas 76262
Subject: Master Service Agreement for TCEQ Regulatory Compliance Assistance
Per our discussion, please see the enclosed Master Service Agreement (MSA) between the Town
of Westlake and Hardin & Associates Consulting LLC (HAC) for providing professional
consulting services for TCEQ required public water system compliance projects as requested.
We val�ie our business relationship with the Town of Westlake and are pleased to have the
opportunity to assist you as needed. I have enclosed an original MSA for your review and
approval. If acceptable, please send back a signed copy of the executed MSA to my attention to
the following address:
Hardin & Associates Consulting,LLC
5005 W. Royal Lane, Suite 1�0
Irving,TX 75063
Attn: Byron Hardin,President, CPM
If you have a1�y questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at(9'72} 823-8800.
� J��j ��i�
Byron R. Hardin,President
Hardin&Associates Consulting,LLC
Resolution 16-06
THIS Mr�STER S�RVICE r1GR�EI��NT(1�ZSr�) is made and entered into on this ���
da�of ����`��"i.��.�`t��_='�f����� by� and between the Town of Wes�lake, liereinafter referred to as
"Client," and Hardin� r�ssociates Consulting, I�T C, a Texas compan��, its affiliates and subsidiaries,
hereinafter referred to as "Consultant."
i�'H�RI�AS,Client desires dlat from time to time Consultant furnish Client certain consulting senrices;
l�/HER�r�S, Consultant has available and offers to provide personnel and facilities necessary to
perfarm the services desired under this r�greement;
NOW,THER�FORF,Client and Consultant agree as follows:
Ser�rices to be pro�rided shall be as described in �vritten task orders made pursuant to and referencing
this Agreement.
The primaiSr service(s) to be pro�rided b�� the Consultant are As-Needed Environmental Support for
the Client's�vaterf�vaste�vater systems and ma�r include,but are not limited to the follo�ving:
• Customer Service Inspections
• Backflow Cross-connection Ordinance development and review
• Preparation of reports,plans and other regt�latory compliance documents
• Training
• Nitrification Acrion Plan Development
• TC�Q P��'S 1�lonitoring Plan Development
• Other Client requested environmental support tasks
Consultant agrees to perform those basic ser�rices described in separate written task or purchase orders
signed b�� Client and Consultant(the "Ser�rices"). T1us r�greement provides the terms,obligations and
conditions i�jhich shall control all �vork. The printed terms and conditions, if an�T, contained on the
re�zerse sides of an accepted task or purchase order shall not apply to senrices provided under this
rlgreement Unless modified in�vriring b�T both parties,duties of Consultant shall not be construed to
Resolution 16-06
eYceed those ser�rices specificallST described in each task order. In the e�jent�vork is authorized prior to
the issuance of a written task order, any ser�rices �erformed b5= Consultant will be presumed to have
been completed under the terms of tlus Agreement.
In addition to pa5rment for the Services performed under this rlgreement,Client shall:
1. r�ssist and cooperate with Consultant in an}� manner necessai-� and «ithin its ability to
facilitate Consultant's performance under this Agreement.
2. Designate in �vriang a person to act as Client's representative �vith respect to this
Agreement. Such person shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive
information, interpret and define Client's policies, mlke decisions and etiecute documents
on Client's behalf.
3. I'urnish Consultant�vith all technical data in Client's possession including, but not limited
to, maps, surveys, dra�vings, soils or geotechnical reports, and any other informarion
required by or useful to, Consultant in performance of its Sercrices under this Agreement.
Consultant shall be entided to rely upon the information supplied b�T Client.
�. Notif�r Consultant of an�kno�un or potential health or safen�hazards esisting at or near the
project site.
5. Provide access to and/or obtain permission for Consuitant to enter upon all property,
�vhether or not o�vned bjT Client,as required to perform and complete the Ser�rices.
1�ny other pro�Tision of tlus r�greement to the contrary not�vithstanding, unless otherwise specified in
the Scope of Services, Client shall ha�re sole responsibilit�r as between Client and Consultant for
compliance with the Americans�Vith Disabilities Act("ADA") 42 U.S.C. 12101 et. Seq. and the related
In signing this 1lgreement, Client grants Consultant specific authorization to proceed �vith �vork as
directed in eYecuted task orders.
This agreement will not esceed$�°�"�"�`,��;�.:���� .00 without prior�vritten appro�Tal b}7 both parties. For
the Ser�rices described in each task order,Client agrees to pa}r,and Consultant agrees to accept the total
compensarion in accordance �vith compensation terms included in the task order. Where Consultant
has provided Client `vith a breakdown of the total compensation into subtasks, such breakdowns are
estimates onl��. Const�ltant may re-allocate compensation between tasks, pro�Tided total compensation
is not e:�ceeded �uithout the approval of Client. Time charges shall be in accardance with the Hourly
Rate Table contained in Exhibit A. I'he rate schedule shall be re�rised annually. r�nnual re�risions to
Resolution 16-06
the Hourl�T Rate Table shall be submitted prior to the date that they take effect. The re�-ised HourljT
Rate T'able shall take effect unless written notice is received from the Client that the re�Tised rates are
not accepted. Compensation shall be billed monthi�T in sunitnary form. Payment to Consultant is due
upon presentation of invoice to Client.
As long as Consultant has not defauited under this Agreement, Client shall pajr Consultant«ithin 30
cia�=s of the date of Consultant's in�roices for ser�rices performed and reicnbursable expenses incurred
under tlus Agreement. If Client has reason to question or contest an�T portion of an�� such invoice,
amounts c�uesrioned or contested shall be idenrified and notice given to Consultant�uithin 15 da�Ts of
the date of the in�roice. riny portion of an�=invoice not contested shall be deemed to be accepted and
approved for pa5�ment and shall be pud to Consultant�vitlun 30 days of the date of the intiroice. The
Client agrees to cooperate �vith Consultant in a mutual effort to resolve prompdy any contested
portions of the Consultant's irnToices.
In the e�Tent an�r uncontested portions of any invoice are not paid �uithin 30 da�rs of the date of
Consultant's in`roice, interest on the unpaid balance shall accrue beginning �vith the 31st da�� at the
ma�imum interest rate permitted by law, and Consultant shall have the right to suspend �vork per
l�rticle Z'V,Suspension of`�Tork.
r�. Standard of Care Professional Ser��ices
Subject to the limitations inherent in the agreed scope of��ark as to the degree of care,
amount of tirne and eYpenses to be incurred, and subject to any other limitations
contzined in this Agreement, Consultant shall perform its Sertrices in accordance widl
generally accepted standards and pracrices customarily utilized b�� competent
engineering fums in effect at the time Consultant's Sei-�rices are rendered. Consultant
does not etpressly or impliedlv�varrant or guarantee its Services.
B. Relilnce u�on Information Pro�rided bv Others
If Consultant's performance of sercrices hereunder requires Consultant to rely on
information pro��ided by other parties (eacepting Consultant's subcont��actors),
Consultant shall not independendy verif�r the validit�T, completeness, or accuracjr of
such infonnarion unless atherwise expressly engaged to do so in writing b5-Client.
C. Consultant's O�inion of Costs
Client ackno�vledges that construction cost estimates, financial analyses and feasibilit�T
projecrions are subject to many influences including, but not limited to, price of labor
and materials, unkno��n or latent conditions of existing equipment or structures, and
time or quality of performance by third parties. Client acknowledges that such
influences maST not be precisel�T forecasted and are beyond the control of Consultant
and that actual costs incurred rnay �Far� substantially from the estimates prepared by
Consultant. Consultant does not warrant or guarantee the accurac�r of construcrion or
de�relopment cost estimates..
Resoiution 16-06
Consultant and Consultant's subcont�actors shall have no responsibilinT for the disco�rery, handling,
removal, or disposal of or exposure of persons to asbestos or hazardous or to�ic materials that are
present in anjr form at the Project site. Professional services ielated to or in anp�vay connected with
the in�resrib tion, detecrion, abatement, replacement, use, specification, or removal of products,
materials, or processes containing asbestos or hazardous or toxic materials are beyond the scope of
this r�greement. Client shall be solel5� responsible for notifying all appropriate go�rernmental agencies,
including the potenrially effected public,of the e�stence of any hazardous or toxic materials located on
or at the projece site at any tune.
In the e�rent Consultant encounters asbestos or hazardous materials at the jobsite, Consultant may, at
its option and �vithout liabilit�� for damages, suspend d1e performance of senTices on the Project until
such time as Client and Consultant mutually agree on an amendment to tlus r�greement to address the
issue, or Client retains anotheL specialist consultant or contractor to identif��, classify�, abate and/or
remove the asbestos and/or hazardous mateiials.
11. Sco e
Consultant's �vork product, wl-uch is prepared solel�T for the purposes of this
rlgreement, including, but noC limited to, drawings, test results, recommendations and
technical specifications, whether in hard cop3r or electronic form, shall become the
property of Client when Consultant has been fu11y compensated as set forth herein.
Consultant ma�r keep copies of all work products for its records.
Consultant and Client recognize that Consultant's work product submitted in
performance of this Agreement is intended only for the project described in this
�greement. Client's alteration of Consultant's�vork product or its use by Client for any
other purpose shall be at Client's sole risk, and Client shall hold harmless and
indemnify Consultant against all losses, damages, costs and expense, including
attorneys' fees,arising out of or related to an57 sucli alteration ar unauthorized use.
B. Electronic Co�ies
If iequested, solely as an aid and accommodarion to Client, Consultant may pro�ride
copies of its �uork product dociunents in computer-readable media ("electronic
copies"). These documents will duplicate the documents pro�Tided as �vork product,
but �uill nat bear the signature and professional seals of the registered professionals
responsible for the work. Client is cautioned diat the accurac�T of electronic document
copies may be compromised by electronic media degradarion, errors in forinat
translation, file corruption,�rinting errors,and incompatibilities,operator inexperience,
and file modification. Consultant will maintun the original cop��, �vhich shall ser�re as
the official, arcluved record of the electronic documents. Client agrees to hold
harrnless, indemnif�T and defend Consultant from any claims arising out of or relating
to an�T unauthorized change or alterltion of electronic copies of documents.
Resolution 16-06
A. Indemnificarion of Client
Consultant agrees to indemnif�7 and hold Client harn�less from and against any liabilit��
to the eYtent arising out of the negligent errors or negligent omissions of Consultant,
its agents, employees, or representati�Tes, in the performance of Consultant's duties
under this r�greement.
I3. Consec�uential D�nages
Regardless of any other term of this Agreement, in no event shall either party be
responsible or liable to the other for anv incidental, consequential, or other indirect
Consultant shall procure and maintain the follo�uing minimum insurance:
1. Corrunercial general liabilit}T insurance, including personal injur�T liability, blanket
contractual liabilit�T and broad-form propert�� damage liabilit�� coverage. The combined
single limit for bodil�T injur}�and property damage shall be not less than�1,OOd,000.
2. r�utomobile bodily injury and propertyr damage liability insurance co�rering o�vned, non-
owned, rented, and hired cars. The combined single limit for bodily injur�T and propert��
damage shall be not less than�1,000,000.
Client shall be named as additional insured on policies 1 and 2 above. Upon request, a certificate of
insurance �vill be pro`rided to Client��ith a 30-day�uritten notice in the event the above policies are
Consultant agrees it��ill maintain the confidentialit�J of material it receives from Client�vhich Client has
clearlST identified as "Confidential" and will not disclose, distribute, or publish to any third party such
confideniial infoimation �vithout the prior permission of Client. Nottivithstanding the foregoing,
Consultant shall have no confidentialin�obligation with respect to information that:
1) becomes generall}r a�Tailable to the public other t�ian as a result of disclosure by Consultant
or its agents or employees;
2) �vas available to Consultant on a non-confidential basis prior to its disclosure by Client;
3) becomes available to Consultant from a third part�� �vho is not, to the kno�vledge of
Consultant,bound to retain such information in confidence.
In the event Consultant is compelled b3T subpoena, court order, ar administrati�=e order to disclose an�T
confidential information, Consultant shall prompdy notif�r Client and shall cooperate�vith Client prior
to disclosure so that Client may take necessar57 acrions to protect such confidentia.l informarion from
Resoiution 16-06
Consultant shall be enrided, to the extent determined appropriate by Consultant, to subcontract an�7
portion of the ser�rices to be performed under this r�greement. r�n�T sub contracted ser�rices shall be
noted in the�uritten task orders issued under dlis agreement.
`l�'ork under this�greement may be suspended as follo�us:
1. Bv Client. B5� �vritten notice to Consultant, Client may suspend all or a portion of the
��'ork under this r�greement if unforeseen circumstances beyond Client's control make
normal progress of the W'ork unpracticable. Consultant shall be compensated for its
reasonable espenses resulting from such suspension including mobilizarion and
demobilization. If suspension is greater than 30 daj�s, then Consultant shall have the
right to terminate this r�greement in accordance�vith r�rticle�'V,Termination of Work.
2. Bv Consultant. B5� �vritten norice to Client, Consultant may suspend the `Y/ork if
Consultant reasonabl�- determines that �vorking conditions at the Site (outside
Consultant's control) are unsafe, or in�Tiolation of applicable la�vs, or in the event Client
has not made timely pa5�ment in accordance with Article VI, Compensation, or for other
circumstances not caused by Consultant that are interfering�;rith the normal progress of
the�k'ork. Consultant's suspension of Work hereunder shall be without prejudice to any
other remedy of Consultant at la�v or equinr.
r1. Tlus r�greement may be tenninated b� Client as follows: (1) for its con�Tenience on
30 days' notice to Consultant, or (2) for cause, if Consultant materially breaches this
Agreement through no fault of Client and Consultant neither cures such material
breach nor makes reasonable progress to�uard cure tivithin 15 days a£ter Client l�as
given written notice of the alleged breach to Consultant. ,
B. This 1�greement may be terminated bv Consultant as follows: (1) for cause, if Client
materiall�r breaches tlus r�greement through no fault of Consultant and Client neither
cures such material breach nor makes reasonable progress to�uard cure �uithin 15
days after Consultant has given�vritten notice of the alleged breach to Client, or (2)
upon fi�re days' notice if�vork under this t�greement has been suspended by either
Client or Consultant for more than 3Q days in the aggregate.
C. Pa��ment u�on Termination
In the event of termination, Consultant shall perform such additional work as is
reasonabl�= necessary for the orderl�J closing of the ��Jork. Consultant shall be
compensated for all work performed prior to the effective date of terminarion, plus
�vork required for the orderl�� closing of the ���ork, including: (1) authorized work
performed up to the termination date plus termination e�:penses, including all labor
and etipenses, at Consultant's standaLd billing rates, directl�7 attributable to
Resolution 16-06
terminarion; (2) all efforts necessary to docuinent the work completed or in progress;
and (3) anp tertnination reports requested b��Client.
�xcept for termination of Consultant byT Client far cause, Consultant shall also
� receive a termination fee equal to 15 percent of the total compensation yet to be
earned under e�isting authorizations at the time of terminarion to account for
Consultant's rescheduling adjustments, reassigmnent of personnel, and related costs
incurred due to termination.
This Agreement is binding on the heirs, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. E�cept as
otherivise set forth under Article VIII, r�ssigrunent of Tasks to Affiliates, this Agreement may not be
assigned b}=Client or Consultant t�ithout prior,written consent of the other.
The ser�rices to be performed bj� Consultant are intended solely for the benefit of Client, and no
benefit is conferred on,nor contractual relarionship established with an}T person or entits not a parnT to
this Agreement. No such person or enrit�J shall be entided to rely on Consultant's senrices, opinions,
recommendations,plans,or specifications�uithout the express written consent of Consultant. No right
to assert a claim against the Consultant, its officers, employTees, agents, or consultants sha11 accrue to
the construction Contractor or to any subcontractor, supplier, manufacturer,lender,insurer, suret�T, or
any other third part�r as a result of this t�greement or the performance or nonperformance of the
Consultant's ser�rices hereunder.
Consultant shall not be responsible for delays caused b�T circumstances be�rond its reasonable control,
including, but not limited to (1) strikes, lockouts, �vork slowdowns or stoppages, or accidents, (2) acts
of God, (3) failure of Client to furnish timelST information or to approve or disapprove Consultant's
instnunents of setvice prompdy, and (4) faulnT performance or nonperformance by Client, Client's
independent consultants or contractors, or governmental agencies. Consultant sha11 not be liable for
damages arising out of any such delay, nor shall the Consultant be deemed to be in breach of dus
�greement as a result thereof.
This Agreement represents the entire understanding of Client and Consultant as to those matters
contuned herein. No prior oral or�uritten understanding shall be of any force or effect��ith respect to
those matters co�Tered herein. T}us r�greement may not be modified or altered except in�vriting signed
b5� both parties. riny purchase order issued b5r Client, whetl�er or not signed by Consultant, and any
terms and conditions contained in such purchase order wluch are inconsistent with this l�greement
shall be of no force and effect.
Resolution 16-06
If any part of this r�greement is found unenforceable under applicable laws, such part shall be
inoperative, null, and �roid insofar as it conflicts �vith said laws, but the remainder of this r`�greement
shall be in full force and effect.
This r�greement shall be administered and interpreted under the la�vs of the state of Te�as.
In the e�jent either party commences legal proceedings against the other, then the prevailing party�shall,
in addition to any other recoverST,be entitled to recover its reasonable attomeys' fees and all other costs
of such proceeding.
r1ll notices required under this Agreement shall be deli�rered by facsimile,personal deliver�or mail and
shall be addressed to the follo�ving persons:
Byron R. Hardin,CPM Jarrod Greenwood
Sr. Project Manager Public Works Director
Hardin&Associates Consulring,LLC To�vn of��esdake
�005 W. RoS�al Lane,Suite 170 3 Village Cir.
Irving,Te:�as 75063 , �Y�esdake,Texas 76262
e-mail:bl�ardin�llactc.tas.cotn e-mail: j�,reemt-ooa(n?,«-estlake.tx.or�
Office (972) 823-8800 Off ce(817) 490-5717
Fa�:: (972) 823-8802 Fax: (817) 430-1$12
Notice shall be effective upon deli�rery to the abo�=e addresses. Either party may notif�t the other that a
new person has been designated byr it to receive notices, or that the address or Fax number for the
deli�rer�� of such notices has been changed, provided that, until such time as the other part�J receij%es
such notice in the manner pro�rided for herein, any norice addressed to the pre�riousljT-designated
person and/or delivered to the pre�riously-designated address or Fax number shall be effective.
I`he persons exccuting this rlgreement on behalf of the parties hereto represent and warrant that the
parries ha�e all legal authorit�T and authorization necessary to enter into tlus Agreement, and that such
persons hai e been duly authorized to e�ecute this Agreement on dieir behalf.
IN`ti�IT`NESS�X�HEREOF, the parties hereto l�a�Te executed this r'�greement as of the date first abo�Te
Resolution 16-06
Hardin&��ssociates Consulting,LLC Town of VUestlake
i r-"
'-,�.�_ `"�,,�'`�� �",�i�t' �rt
Signature ��-� Signature�
Printed Name B�Tron R. Hardin,CPIVI Printed Name ����"�'"�=�� �---•�����'`�°���`"
Tide President Tide i�`�k�~' ��"���"�-�`�� f,��.
Federal Tax ID number: 26-4555939
Resolution 16-06
l„`��3!�1;4+��G,LYk,���� �S vu .4 Ty "�t'n`j3tC l ���3t��rM't� 1 � l` . L �j�a} ?' {
Senior En ineer � $150.00
Senior Pro'ect Mana er $135.00
Senior Water Qualit S ecialists $125.00
Administrative $45.00
�:�� ,
This agreement will not to exceed$ �-�``{�X�without prior approval by Town Council.
�F�� �g
�'-� I���ci:'�
Resolution 16-06
� HaRnitv&
Client(Town of Westlake)
Task Order Authorization
Task Order No. 1
PWS Monitoring Plan Review/Nitrification Action Plan Development
HAC Project Description PWS Monitoring Plan/Nitrification Action Plan Development
Client Name Tawn of Westlake
Client Address 1301 Solana Boulevard BuildinQ 4 Suite 4202.
Westlake Texas 76262
Effective Date
of Authorization ���� ��- ���-=���
Upon execution of this Task Order, and effective as of the date shown above, the parties agree
that Hardin & Associates Consulting, LLC (HAC) shall perform the following services:
HAC will assist client with ensuring compliance with the Texas Commission on Environmental
Quality (TCEQ) Chlorarnine Monitoring Plan Requirements, also referred to as the Nitrification
Action Plan (NAP), that took effect on July 30, 2015. Public water systems(PWSs) in Texas are
required to maintain minimum disinfectant levels throughout the distribution system to protect
public health. In addition, a PWS should be careful not to exceed the maximum residual
disinfectant levels (MRDLs). A PWS is required to develop a Nitrification Action Plan (NAP)
and include this NAP as part of its Monitoring Plan. A copy of the PWS NAP must be located
on-site and made available to the TCEQ if requested. HAC will also review and provide updated
water utilities PWS Monitoring Plan for water utilities staff to work from to ensure continued
TCEQ compliance.
Monitoring Flan �Section 290.121 A Water S�andards Gove�ning D�inking Water Qzsaliry and
Reporting Rec�arirelnents .fo� Public Water Systems, All community and nontransient no
communrty (N7'1VC) pzrblic water systems are required to have a monitoring plarr. This
reguiren�ent was part of the federal Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule,
which became part of TCEQ�•egulations in October 2000.
If a system trecrts szcrface water (SW) of•groundwater under the dir°ect influence of suYface wcztef�
(GUI), a monrtoring plarr must be subrrritted to the TCEQ.fot-review and appf�oval. ?'he deadline
Resolution 16-06
fo� latge systerr�s (serving crt least 10,000 people) that treat SW or GUI was January 1, 2001.
The deac�line for small systems (serving fe��er than 10,000 people) that treat SW or GUI was
.Ianuary 1, 2003.
If a systenz tr•eats g�•oundwater or purchases tt�ented watet�, it is not requit-ed to send in a
rnonitoring plan. A TCEQ inspector will look at it as �art of the compt•ehensive compliance
investigation (sanitary survey), and the TCEQ's sampling eo»tractor u1ill look at it when they
come to eollect chemzcal samples.
If a system purchases water, careful coof•dination and development of a monitof-ing plan with
your wholesaleN mcry be necessary. A monitoring plan musC also be available to other systems
that provide or receive water from you, as needed. If you employ an operating comparry, you
must give them a copy and be sure they are following it. � �
Monitoring Frequency'�290110(c). A PWS is to fno�ritor the n7onochloramine, total chlorzne,
free a�nmonia and nitr�ate/nitrite levels periodically at di,fferent locatiorrs. This ensures that �rra
crdequate disinfectarrt r�esidual is being fnaintained, and that nitrzfrcation is not oceurring in the
c�istribution system. Amn2onia, nitr�ate and nitrzte must be sampled at least once zn your souree
Record Keeping �290.46(f}; �290.46(z) A PWS is regui�ed to develop a Nitrification Action
Plar� (NAP) and include�this NAP as�art of your Monitot ing Plan. A copy of your NAP must be
located on-site and mac�e available to the TCEO if requested. All chlora�rarnation records
inclacdirag monito�-ing s•esults will need to be kept for at least three years. One-tzme sozcf•ee water
n�onitot•ing must be rnaintained as long as it is Nepresentative of the wate�quality o.f the source.
NotificatioH�290.47(h)Noti�cation ofthe use o.f'chloramines must be providec�to your systenx's
t•etail arrd wholesale customers at least 14 clays before the watef� zs delivef•ed. Also, the
noti�cation naust continue to be provided to all ne�� customeNs. Notifrcation must be nsaintained
on site and made available to �'CEQ during on-site invesZigatio�zs.
Design Requirements �290.42(e) The design Yeqzcirements for chenzical injection, mixing and
chemrcal containme�t for chloramine systems are now provided in �290.�2(e). If you at�e
planning to make any,fi�tu�e changes or additions to your system, pla�as and specificatzons will
be f•equired to be sent to the TCEQ's Plan Revzew Team.
Pu rqose'
Client desires to evaluate and review the expansion of the current potable water distribution
conveyance system to evaluate efficiencies in operation to ensure continued compliance with
TCEQ rules and regulations for public water systems.
HAC will provide professional potable water distribution system review by assisting the client
with the development of a TCEQ required Nitrification Action Plan (NAP). The following task
will guide Hardin &Associates Consulting through the development of this projeet:
Hardin&Associates Consulting and Client MSA Town of Westlake Task Order No. 1
Resolution 16-06 Page 2 of 6
Item 1 - PWS Monitoring Plan Review to include NAP water quality sample site map
l.l Meet with Town staff to identify all required TCEQ water quality parameter
distribution monitoring sites (including newly required NAP sites)
Item 2—Develop documents for required water quality parameter samples and schedules
2.l Identify and develop the required reporting document for required TCEQ NAP
2.2 Develop routine NAP sampling schedule for inclusion in TCEQ Required
Monitoring Plan
Item 3 — Develop PWS Monitaring Plan to include provisions for the NAP to ensure continued
TCEQ compliance
3.1 Develop draft NAP section for client review to include as part of client's
Monitaring Plan
3.2 Provide completed NAP section for addition to clients existing PWS Monitoring
3.3 Develop PWS Monitoring Plan. Items for inclusion include:
What chemicals/parameters are required for sampling
Four Sub-sections based on location
• Raw water
• In-plant
• Entry point to distribution system
• Distribution system
Lists and Schematic(s) of a11 sample sites on one drawing
• Coliform (and Disinfectant Residual)
• Bacterialogical sampling locations (BAC "T")
•NAP sites
• Disinfection byproducts
• THM and HAA
• Lead/Copper locations
• Asbestos - If any are identi�ed in water distribution system (A/C pipe)
3.4 Update water distribution system map of where required water quality samples
are collected
3.5 Provide a PWS Monitoring Plan for use by staff to ensure continued compliance
with TCEQ
Followii�g authorization to proceed, HAC's estimated time for completion and submittal of the
NAP is a minimum of 120 days. This time line is dependent upon remittance of necessary report
information from client and necessary official written response from TCEQ.
Hardin&Associates Consulting and Client MSA Town of Westlake Task Order No.1
Resolution�6-os Page 3 of 6
Total task costs for this scope of service will not exceed $19,060.OQ without prior written
approval from the Town of Westlake. These costs include labor, travel, and other direct costs
associated with this assignment.
General Terms and Conditions:
Hardin &Associates Consulting's services shall be governed by the Master Agreement dated�/���'�'
together with this Task Order and any Exhibits attached hereto.
Signature� �
Printed Byron R. Hardin, CPM ''
Printed !�iU`e��;��; � '���`"€���'"'t�?E'Y"`
Title President
, �__.---
` Title i ��I�": �°��.�tr t�����:.�`r�_
Date � �� �
Date �'���-�� � � �>
Hardin &Associates Consulting and Client MSA Town of Westlake Task tJrder No. 1
Resolution 16-06 Page 4 of 6
.,;.�,ua ..,., ...,..r , �C�Y.4h.�!f!��l,•i�r����Y�k�,,.ii�' ?:.�,��,.,.� b? t �.61 ��Y,ft� � ..rzf� e�%..,�,J^L'r�����i` � .�.i� �'��i�.� � ;,��.�i
s<� !
� Senior En ineer $150.00
Senior Pro'ect IVlana er $135.00
Senior Water Qualit Anal st $125.00 �
Administrative $45.00
Hardin&Associates Consulting and Client MSA Town of Westlake Task Order No. 1
Resolution 16-06 Page 5 of 6
i 2 ; �� l: ..t t n t � � '�"`� �"�j � k.!L t Y _. .. f E;` C k
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1 PWS Monitoring Plan Review to include $2 ]60
NAP water quality sample site map '
1 � Meet with Town staffto identify water 16 $2,160
distribution nitrification monitoring sites
Develop required documents for required
2 water quality parameter samples and $2,250
2 � Identify and develop the required reporting g $1 080
documents for re uired TCEQ NAP '
Develop routine NAP sampling schedule for
22 inclusion in TCEQ Required Monitoring 2 8 $1,170
Provide a finai PWS Monitoring Plan that
3 includes TCEQ required NAP 14,650
Develop draft NAA section for client review
''� to include as part of client's Monitoring Plan �6 2 g � $2,350
3 2 Prepare final NAP section to include as part 8 6 $1 17Q
of client's PWS Monitoring Plan '
3.3 Develop TCEQ Required PWS Monitoring 32 8 $5,520
3.4 Update water distribution system map of 6 16 $3,210
where required water samples are collected
Provide a completed PWS Monitoring Plan
3.5 for use by the water utilities staffto ensure 24 6 2 2 $2,400
continued com liance with TCEQ
Total �19,060.00
Hardin&Associates Consulting and Client MSA Town of Westlake Task Order No. 1
Resolution 16-06 Page 6 of�
� � ; HARDIN&
Clieilt(Town of Westlake)
Task Order Authorization
Task Order No. 2
Conducting TCEQ Required Customer Service Inspections
Cross-Connection Control Ordinance Development
HAC Project Description TCEO Cross-Connection Control Pro�ram Development
Client Name Town of Westlake
Client Address 1301 Solana Boulevard, Building 4, Suite 4202
Westlake, Texas 76262
Effective Date
of Authorization �,.��� �- �� ��-'���
Upon execution of this Task Order, and effective as of the date shown above, the parties agree
that Hardin & Associates Consulting, LLC (HAC) shall perform the following services:
The purpose of this scope of services is for the Town of Westlake to allow Hardin &Associates
Consulting, LLC (HAC)to develop the required TCEQ Cross-Connection Contro( Program.
The objectives to be achieved with Task 2 are as follows:
l. Provide Customer Service Inspections(CSI) TCEQ Compliance Inspections;
2. Identify additional backflowlcross-connection devices for annual inspection;
3. Provide copies of HAC's Cross-Connection Control Compliance Inspections (4C's)that
detail inspection findings and recommendations for compliance; and
4. Review existing Cross-Connection Control ordinance and revise where appropriate to
include newly established requirements for amendment by Town Council.
Resolution 16-06
Texas has promulgated regulations that mandate that all public water suppliers have a progra�n to
require backflow prevention devices be installed to protect against contamination of public water
supplies. Effective January 1, 1996,the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
required that all public water systems comply with Texas Administrative Code, Title 30, Chapter
290, which states as follows:
§290.44 Water Distribution. (li). (1). No��ate��connection from any pzrblic drinking
water supply systern shall be made to any establishment whet•e an actual or potential
contamination or systen� hazard exists without an ait•ga�separation between the
drinking water sz�pply and the souree of poter�tiaZ eontamxnation. .... Under these
conditrons, ac�ditional p�oteetion shall be required at the�neter in the form of a backflo��
preventzon device ...on those establishments handling substances deleterzous or
hazas�dous to the pzablic health. The��aler parrveyor need not requzre backflow protection
at the water service entrance if an ac�equate cross-conneetion eontrol pf•ografn is in effect
that includes an annual inspectiotz und testing by a certified backflow preve»tion device
tester. It witl he the responsibility of the water purveyor to ensure that these
requirements are met. (En�phasis added)
�290.46(i)Plurnbing o�•dinance. Public watef-systerns n�ust adopt an adec�uate plzrmbing
ordinance, f•egulations, or sef�vice agreement with p�•ovisions fof�proper enfor•cement to
insur�e that neither cross-connections nor other unacceptable plumbing p�-actices ar�e
pe��mitted(See�290.47(b) of this title (relating to Appendzees)). Should sanitary control
of the dislrzbution system not reside with the pa�t�veyor, the entity retaining sanitary
control sl7all be responsible for^establishing and enfor•cing adequate regulations in this
t-egard. The use of pipes and pipe fzttings that contain more than 8.0%lead or solders
anc�flux that contain more than 0.2%lead is prohibited for installation or repaif•of any
�t�blic watei�supply and foN ins�tallation or repair of any plumbing zn a resic�ential or
r�onr•esidential facility providing water,foN human consum�tion and connected to a public
drinking water supply system. This f�eqzrzrement may be waived for lead joints thcrt are
necessary for repair•s to cast iron pipe.
�290.46(j) Gustomer service inspeetions. A customer sel�viee inspection ce�tifieate shall
be completed pYior to providing continuous water service to new const�tcction, on any
existing service either when the water purveyor has reason to believe that cross-
connections ot•othef•potential contaminant hazards exist, or after any material
improvement; correction, or addition to the private water dtstrzbzstion facilities. Any
custornef�service inspection cef�tifrcale form which vat•ies from the format foasnd in
§290.47(d) of this title must be approvec�by the executive direetor prior to being�lacec�
in Zrse.
The TCEQ began full enforcement of these regulations and evaluates public water systems for
compliance through its annual public water system inspection program. All systems found
without a program or with an inadequate program may risk potential enforcement action in
the form of fines each day from the TCEQ until an approved program is in place.
Hardin&Associates Consulting and Client MSA Town of Westlake Task Order No. 2
Reso�ution 16-06 Page 2 of 7
Pu rpose:
Client desires to conducting TCEQ required Customer Service Inspections and Cross-
Connection Control Ordinance development to ensure continued compliance with TCEQ rules
and regulations for public water systems.
HAC will provide prafessional services by assisting the client with the development of a TCEQ
required Cross-Connection Control program. The follawing items will guide Nardin &
Associates Consulting through the development of this project:
Item 1 — Project Management
HAC Project Ma�lager and will be responsible for the following:
1.1 Lead the project efforts;
1.2 Review and monitor inspections results;
1.3 Serve as the key contact between the Town of Westlake and HAC; and
1.4 Ensure that the project is completed in accordance with the Scope of Work and schedule.
Item 2—Adininistrative
Hardin & Associates Consulting will provide administrative duties and functions associated with
this project.
2.1 Provide Town staff with inspection reports {CSI and I or 4C's}; and
2.2 Produce a"draft" revised Town of Westlake Cross-Connection Control ordinance with
recommended language to ensure continued compliance with TCEQ regulations.
Item 3 —Conduct TCEQ Compliance Inspections and Re-inspections to ensure customer
HAC will conduct TCEQ compliance inspections and re-inspections. Compliance inspections
will include both CSI and 4C's on new and existing facilities for the purpose of validating newly
discovered backflow prevention devices to be entered into the Town's backflow data
management system.
3.1 Conduct TCEQ compliance inspections (CSI and 4C's)on new and existing facilities;
3.2 Conduct TCEQ compliance re-inspections as needed.
Hardin &Associates Consulting and Client MSA Town of Westlake Task Order No.2
Resolution 16-06 Page 3 of 7
Item 4—Review Existing Cross-Connection Control Ordinance for TCEQ Compliance
The Compliance Review is critical to ensure that the To�vn of Westlake Backflow Prevention
and Cross-Connection Control internal administrative policies and procedures are followed by
Town staff, and its contractors,to avoid enforcement action from TCEQ. HAC with the
assistance of Town staff will review the existing Town of Westlake Cross-Connection Control
ordinance and will prepare a revised "draft"with recommended language to ensure continued
compliance with TCEQ regulations. HAC will include the following in the draft ordinance:
4.1 Relevant TCEQ and TSBPE rules and regulations necessary for compliance;
4.2 Review of Town's inspection guidelines and procedures;
43 Review current plumbing code for cross-connection requirements;
4.4 Develop forms and Standard Operating Procedures for program (as needed};
4.5 Development of a fees section designed to capture program costs;
4.6 New enforcement and penalties section for noncompliance;
4.7 Add language far requiring annual cross-connection compliance inspections;
4.8 Annual testing reguirements for required backflow prevention assemblies; and
4.9 Registration process for privatized testing of backflow prevention assemblies.
Item 5—Benchmark and Identify Estimated Annual Revenues Involved with Backflow Program
HAC wi(1 project the annual revenues that could be generated from the program activities.
5.1 HAC will benchmark the Town's backflow program against similar sized communities'
programs to determine recommended user fees to offset program costs.
Following authorization to proceed, HAC's estimated time for campletion and submittal of the
Review Existing Cross-Connection Control Ordinance is a minimum of 120 days. This time line
is dependent upon remittance of necessary report information from client and necessary official
written response from TCEQ. Conducting the TCEQ required CSI's will be ongoing as required
and directed by client's staff.
Total task costs for this scope of service wil) not exceed $25,OOO.QO without priar written
approval from the Town of Westlake. These costs include labor, travel, and other direct costs
associated with this assignment.
Hardin&Associates Consulting and Client MSA Town af Westlake Task 4rder No. 2
Resolution 16-d6 Page 4 of 7
General Terms and Conditions:
Hardin & Associates Consulting's services shall be governed by the Master Agreement dated����r��
together with this Task Order and any Exhibits attached hereto.
Signature �j'" /� ��
Signature d6� +� t���%'�
Printed Byron R. ardin. CPM
.�.w--- ��
Printed_1���r����.� �;�... ��a `��� ��'`��"
Title President '
� � }' � Title �������': ��'��;�.�,.tc,t��,i�,;,-�
Date �-�����-`� � ��='
Hardin &Associates Consulting and Client MSA Town of Westlake Task Ordet No. 2
Resolution 16-06 Page 5 of 7
C � �:, .. f � t ,?�� r - t -; �-rs�r r a �� �;g r� t� a� c . � 3
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Senior Pro'ect Mana er $I50.00
Senior Water ualit Ins ector $125.Q0
Administrative $45.00
Hardin&Associates Consulting and Client MSA Town of Westlake Task Order No.2
Resolution 16-06 Page 6 of 7
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S ti Y5 # l'
1 Project Management 4 $600
2 Administrative 20 $900
3 Conduct TCEQ Compliance Inspections 60 $7,500
and Re-inspections
4 Review existing Cross-Connection 16 32 $5,520
Ordinance for TCEQ Cornpliance
Benchmark Other communities to
5 Identify Estimated Annual Revenues l6 2 $1,020
Involved with Ins ection Pro ram
Total $15,540.00
Hardin&Associates Consulting and Client MSA Town of Westlake Task Order No.2
Resolution 16-06 Page 7 of 7
FORM 1295
1 of 1
Complete Nos. 1-4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY
Complete Nos. 1,2,3,5,and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING
1 Name of business entity filing form,and the city,state and country of the business entity's place Certificate Number:
of business. 2016-14366
Hardin and Associates Consulting LLC
Irving,TX United States Date Filed:
2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is 02/17/2016
being filed.
Town Of Westlake Date Acknowledged:
g Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract,and provide a
description of the services,goods,or other property to be provided under the contract.
consulting services
Nature ofinterest
Name of Interested Party City,State,Country(place of business) (check applicable)
Controlling Intermediary
5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑
My name is , and my date of birth is
My address is , , , ,
(street) (city) (state) (zip code) (country)
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed in County, State of ,on the day of ,20
(month) (year)
Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity
Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.34944