HomeMy WebLinkAboutStaff Report Zoning ChangeTOWN OF WESTLAKE, TX STAFF REPORT TO PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AND TOWN COUNCIL Date: 2/19/16 Request: Review and Recommendation of a Zoning Change Request. Agenda Item: Conduct a Public Hearing and Consider a Recommendation Regarding a Zoning Change Request to Amend “Planning Area 5,” a Portion of Planned Development District 3 (PD 3-5), Located along State Highway 170 and State Highway 114, by Dividing Said Planning Area into Two (2) New Planning Areas to be Known as PD 3-5A and PD 3-5B and Establishing Development Regulations, Permitted Uses, and Allowable Densities for Both Planning Areas. Additionally, 336,000 square feet of allowed density will be transferred from PD 3-3 to the PD 3-5 Planning area. I. CASE INFORMATION Development Name: Project Blizzard Location: This property is generally located at the intersection of State Highway 170 and State Highway 114, part of the Circle T Ranch in the PD3-5 Zoning District. Owner: Hillwood Properties Applicant: Joe Schneider, Vice President, Hillwood Properties Developer: Hillwood Properties Site Size: 153 (+/-) acres Permitted Use(s): Existing uses include Mixed-Use, Office, and certain Single Family Residential Uses. See Ordinance 452 (attached) for a complete listing. Summary: This is an application by the property owner, Hillwood Properties, to amend the zoning of the Planning Area 5 portion of Planned Development District 3 (PD3-5), a 153 acre (+/-) tract located at the intersection of SH170 and SH114 on the Circle T Ranch. The owner and applicant are requesting that PD 3-5 be amended as follows: 1. Divide the PD 3-5 Planning Area to create two (2) separate Planning Areas, to be identified as PD 3-5A and PD 3-5B as shown on the map below. Existing allowable building square footages to be divided between the two areas. It should be noted that PD3-5A has two (2) parts with the southern portion being creek/drainage areas near Lake Turner (currently undevelopable without extensive fill and FEMA/Corps of Engrs. Regulation). 2. Increase maximum allowable building square footages for both proposed Planning Areas while reducing the maximum allowable building square footage in PD 3-3 by an equal amount. The proposed amendment does not change the aggregate maximum allowable building square footage on the Circle T as a whole (PD3). 3. Amend the maximum allowable building heights for the PD 3-5A and PD 3-5B Planning Areas 4. Amend the Development Standards for the PD 3-5A and PD 3-5B Planning Areas. 5. No new uses are requested in this application, only the changes to the existing uses cites above. The apartment use discussed in November with the Commission is not included in this Zoning Change Request. The property owner has filed this particular Zoning Change Request as part of Project Blizzard, which involves the construction of a major corporate office campus for the Charles Schwab financial services firm on the proposed PD 3-5B tract, as well as a mixed-use development including office, retail, hotel, and residential components on the proposed PD 3-5A tract (see attached location map). Previous Activity Related to this Request: The applicant made a presentation on this proposed development at the Commission’s November 9, 2015 meeting and advised that this development would include a significant corporate office campus for a major financial services company. In addition, the applicant’s client believed there was a need to have a “live/work/play” type environment near their office campus. To that end, the client had requested that a mixed use development be co- located immediately north of their office campus complex that included 750 “urban living” (i.e. multi- family or apartments) units. The Applicant next filed a zoning change request, without requesting the urban living use, which would have been a new use as PD3-5 does not have multi-family as a permitted use. The case was scheduled for public hearing before the Commission and Town Council in December 2016. However, Page 2 of 23 this zoning change application, while containing many of the same components as cited above in terms of existing uses, was withdrawn by the applicant before it was heard by either body. II. SPECIFICS OF THIS ZONING CHANGE REQUEST The current permitted uses in PD3-5 (established in Ord. 452, 2004) are: • Mixed Use • Includes retail, hotel, restaurant, office, and residential (275 Single Family Residential, Attached & Detached) • Maximum aggregate floor area of 1,305,060sf (All Uses within Mixed Use Area) • Mixed Use is defined by high lot coverage, minimal setbacks, pedestrian friendliness, and a variety of uses in close proximity to one-another • Office/Commercial/Government/Institutional • Maximum aggregate floor area of 884,505sf (Outside of Mixed Use Area) • Residential • Limited to 275 Single Family Residential (SFR) dwelling units • Permitted Attached (i.e. townhomes) or Detached Overall, the owner and applicant are requesting that PD 3-5 be amended as follows: 1. Divide the PD 3-5 Planning Area to create two (2) separate Planning Areas, to be identified as PD 3-5A and PD 3-5B. Existing allowable building square footages to be divided between these two areas. 2. Increase maximum allowable building square footages for both proposed Planning Areas 3-5A and PD3-5B while reducing the maximum allowable building square footage in PD 3-3 by an equal amount. The proposed amendment does not change the aggregate maximum allowable building square footage in Planned Development District 3 (The Circle T Ranch). 3. Amend the maximum allowable building heights for the PD 3-5A and PD 3-5B Planning Areas as follows: 4. Amend the Development Standards for the PD 3-5A and PD 3-5B Planning Areas Page 3 of 23 The property owner has filed this request as part of Project Blizzard, which involves the construction of a major corporate office campus for the Charles Schwab financial services firm on the proposed PD 3-5B tract, as well as a mixed used development including office, retail, hotel, and residential components on the proposed PD 3-5A tract (see attached location map). It should be noted that Roadway & Residential Slope Requirements would not apply to proposed PD3-5A or PD 3-5B because the developer desires to create a pedestrian friendly environment incorporating mixed use into the design idea. Staff recommends that, if approved, this zoning request would be implemented by three (3) separate proposed ordinances as follows: Ordinance 768 modifying PD 3-3 would: 1. Reduce the maximum allowable building square footage in PD-3 by an amount equal to the increase in maximum allowable building square footage in PD 3-5A and PD 3-5B. This makes PD3-3 the “sending district” in terms of square footage being sent from this district to the new PD3-5A. Ordinance 769 creating PD 3-5A would: 1. Establish the boundaries of the new Planning Area 2. Establish new limits on allowable square footage for permitted uses 3. Establish new limitations on building heights 4. Amend existing Mixed-Use development regulations/standards Ordinance 770 creating PD 3-5B would: 1. Establish the boundaries of the new Planning Area 2. Establish allowable square footage for permitted uses 3. Eliminate all residential uses and mixed-use development standards 4. Specify maximum allowable building heights 5. Authorize signage regulations specific to the PD 3-5B Planning Area Note that permitted uses in this proposed Planning Area PD3-5B are identical to existing permitted uses in PD 3-5, with the exception of Number #3 (residential and mixed use) listed above. A summary of the square footage transfer that would be affected by the approval of these three (3) proposed ordinances is as follows: Page 4 of 23 Note that existing zoning entitlements contained in PD 3-5 include office and various retail/commercial uses, as well as 275 residential dwelling units (i.e. single family attached, detached, and zero lot lines, examples- townhomes, garden homes; see below). This zoning amendment request does not add new uses or change or modify existing residential entitlements, except to the extent that residential uses and mixed-use development standards are restricted only to the PD 3-5A Planning Area, i.e. residential uses and mixed-use development standards would not be permitted uses in PD3-5B (which is the proposed office campus area for Schwab). III. GENERAL DISCUSSION OF THE APPLICATION Highlights of Alignment With Comprehensive Plan: The proposed uses are consistent with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. A discussion of some of the main areas of Comprehensive Plan focus follows, after which is a more detailed analysis of compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. • Land Use and Development Square Footage: The additional square footage transferred from PD 3-3 to PD 3-5 is generally consistent with the intent and recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan Elements regarding not increasing overall entitlements in Westlake, but allowing, where it is concert with the Comprehensive Plan. for entitlements to be transferred from one planning area or district to another, i.e. from sending to receiving zones. It is recommended and encouraged that future further transfers of non-residential square footage be taken from PD3-3. • View Sheds & Corridors: The building height additions requested are generally consistent with the intent and recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan elements, i.e. view shade and view shed zones. The location of the development is north of areas of the Town characterized by hilly topography, i.e. residential views of this site from the south of this development will be blocked by hills located just south of the Blizzard development. • Transportation: Site fits with the Thoroughfare Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Road infrastructure within the site would be the construction responsibility of the developer. At the time of submission of a PD site plan a transportation impact study will be required whereby the development’s on-site and off-site traffic impact will be determined. Off-site traffic impacts will be assessed in accordance with Comprehensive Plan Policy B.2 which states defines traffic loads that would require off-site street improvements attributable to a particular development. • Utilities: Water and sewer utilities are provided by the Town and service is available to the subject site. Any dedication of water and sewer easements for public lines will be dealt with at the time of site plan and/or preliminary plat submission. Page 5 of 23 • Site Design/Drainage: A PD site plan will be required at the time of proposed development along with a preliminary plat which will establish storm drainage requirements for the site. The building massing plan that the applicant has prepared to date (it is not final, but shows preliminary placement of buildings and parking, utilizes the site’s natural beauty with its adjacency to Lake Turner. • Trails/ Pedestrian Circulation and Open Space: Comportment with these elements of the Comprehensive Plan will be made at the time of PD Site Plan submission, including parkland dedication requirements. • Economic Development Element: Proposed development fits the Economic Development Element of the Comprehensive Plan by developing “industry clusters”, in this case financial services business addition to this existing industry cluster, to expand Westlake’s tax base. Note: More detailed analysis of this Zoning Change Request with the Town’s Comprehensive Plan is in Attachment A to this Staff Report. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends that the Planning & Zoning Commission forward the following Ordinances to the Town Council with a recommendation for approval: • Ordinance 768 modifying PD 3-3 as the “sending district” transferring certain office/commercial square footage to PD 3-5A and B as outlined in this proposed ordinance. • Ordinance 769 creating PD 3-5A from PD3-5 with proposed development standards and accommodating the increased development square footage for certain existing uses coming from PD3-3 as outlined in the proposed ordinance. • Ordinance 770 creating PD 3-5B from PD 3-5 with proposed development standards and accommodating the increased development square footage for certain existing uses as outlined in the proposed ordinance. Page 6 of 23 Attachment A to Feb. 19, 2016 Project Blizzard Staff Report (Note: the following evaluation is not made from a PD Concept or Site Plan, which will be submitted at a latter point in the process. Rather, this analysis is made from the presentation made by Hillwood to the P&Z on Nov. 9, 2015) I. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS RELATIVE TO COMPLIANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDTIONS AND INTENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1. General: a. General intent of Citizen Goals and Priority Statements as documented in the Comprehensive Plan: The Forging Westlake 2015 Comprehensive Plan identifies 19 goals, supported by priority statements which flow from those goals. The goals include: i. Views, Visual Image, and Preservation seek preservation of present vistas of naturalness, pastoral/ agricultural character/ sense of openness. ii. Quality of Life, Seeks preservation of “slow paced Life style” iii. Urban Form, Development Form seeks to create a holistic town form, town center, town linkages, protection of residential areas from commercial encroachment, and greater levels of amenity. iv. Accessibility, Vehicular Circulation/ Traffic, and Alternate Modal Movement seeks connectivity, functionality, and capacity in the trail and roadway network as well as containing major traffic increases in the northerly portions of the Town. In addition, reduce vehicular trips and promote pedestrian safety. v. Land Use seeks to clearly separate residential and commercial areas in ways that reinforce single family values and neighborhoods. vi. Value/ Financial Sustainability seeks to increase the ad valorem base and thereby continue to serve the Town’s financial needs. vii. Academy Sustainability and Education seeks to meet the future educational needs of the Town population and make Westlake a major educational center. viii. Waterways/ Waterbodies/ Natural Systems seeks to create more and more usable water amenities for the Town of Westlake. ix. Infrastructure/ Public Facilities have infrastructure and emergency facilities to assure the continued health and safety of the Town’s full-time and day-time population. x. Environmental Sustainability and Conservation seeks to promote water conservation and environmental preservation. xi. Parks/ Recreation seeks to establish distinctive recreational and park opportunities. These goals guide the formulation of the Comprehensive plan elements listed below. The proposed Blizzard Development is consistent with many of these goals as follows: b. Application compliance with Citizen Goals and Priority Statements as documented in the Comprehensive Plan: Page 7 of 23 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GOALS Pl a n D e s i g n a s su b m i t t e d La n d U s e a s su b m i t t e d Tr a n s f e r o f S q u a r e Fo o t a g e a s su b m i t t e d COMMENTS Views YES NA YES Density placed in a receiving area and transferred from a sending area Visual Image YES NA YES Reduction of density toward Dove Road through importation and establishment of distinct project identity. Quality of Life NO NA YES Reduction of commercial development in close proximity to single family residential Preservation YES NA YES Density placed in a receiving area and transferred from a sending area; Turner Lake maintained/ enhanced Urban Form YES YES YES Gathers commercial entitlement to the north Development Form YES NA NA Could makes edge of Lake Turner available to Public Use Accessibility YES NA NA Provides place of Regional Trail Convergence Vehicular Circulation/ Traffic YES/NO NA NA Use of Ottinger as southerly access links commercial traffic directly to Dove Road in later phases this could mean more cars. Elimination of high trip volume Mall use may reduce trips, overall. A TIA should be performed to confirm this statement. Alternate Modal Movement YES YES YES Mixed use reduces trips. Trail connections present. Land Use NA YES/NO YES Does not encourage home- ownership within the development but does protect existing single-family areas through transfer of commercial square footage. Page 8 of 23 Value/Financial Sustainability YES YES YES Captures full value potential in development intensity Academic Sustainability NA YES NA Enrollment impacts on Westlake Academy do result from SFR development as per previous Town studies. Education NA NA NA Water Ways/ Water Bodies/ Natural Systems YES YES YES Turner Lake Edge could be developed for pedestrian use Infrastructure and Public facilities NO NA NA No provision of public emergency facilities or over sizing of public utilities. Environmental Sustainability and Conservation NO NO NO No inherent water conservation measures presented Parks and Recreation YES NA NA Major public gathering space presented 2. The Thoroughfare Plan: a. General Intent of the Thoroughfare Plan: The Thoroughfare Plan establishes a coherent traffic system which anticipates the trip generation potential of Town build-out to 70% of entitlement. In addition, the Thoroughfare Plan: i. Establishes a north-south/ east-west street network system with capacity to accommodate 70% buildout of entitlement. ii. Mitigates limitations to Freeway/ Interchange capacity due to regional traffic flows iii. Improves Town connectivity between live, work, shop, entertainment, and amenity. iv. Establishes a framework for growth that more evenly distributes commercial value and protects residential values v. Accommodates pedestrian and bicycle movement vi. Diverts a substantial portion of the commercially generated traffic from residential segments of Dove Road vii. Identifies Design Focus and Special Consideration points within the proposed system. viii. Establishes a Town-wide Street Typology b. Application compliance with the Thoroughfare Plan: Page 9 of 23 THOROUGHFARE PLAN St r e e t a n d P a t h w a y s La y o u t La n d U s e Re l a t i o n s h i p s St r e e t D e s i g n COMMENTS North-south/ east-west street network YES NA YES Provides Regional Arterial as illustrated on the Thoroughfare Plan and sets up extension westward as per the Thoroughfare Plan. Shifts Ottinger connection as indicated by thoroughfare plan to east side of Lake Turner to be addressed at at a future date Mitigate limitations to Freeway Interchange capacity NO NA NO Mitigation of Freeway limitations is dependent on off-site thoroughfare connections. Later phases may encounter LOS impacts without such connections. Initial phases should work with streets shown but a TIA is needed. Presentation does not show SH114 ramp from the north as it connects to the existing service road…ingress/ egress study needed to understand regional and local traffic flow along service road as it relates to development. Town Connectivity YES YES YES Sets up connection with Presentation identified off site street extensions, provides trail connections to major amenity features and commercial/ work elements, and integrated live work related land uses. Framework for growth YES NA NA Transfer the major places of development value away from the freeway service road to internal streets, thereby setting up pattern for continuation of such non-freeway fronting development. Development capture is not ties to freeway but Page 10 of 23 moves into the Town fabric. Pedestrian and bicycle movement YES YES YES Presentation appears to connect regional trails to work and entertainment destination as well as primary lake front amenity. Divert from Dove POTENTIAL YES NA Requires off-site system connections to prevent traffic from using Ottinger to Dove as the non-service road route. Mixed Use reduces trips which relieves traffic on Dove. Resolves points of Design Focus/ Special Consideration NO NA NA The issue of Design Focus #1 (as identified on the Thoroughfare Plan) is not affected by the thoroughfare proposed, thereby pushing resolution of this issue to the east side of Lake Turner. Establish Town wide Street Typology YES NA NO Plan implements the Regional Road Connection to 114. The street ROW for the Regional Road needs to match Comp Plan (no scale or design provided at this point). 3. The Land Use Plan: a. General Intent of the Land Use Plan: The intent of the Land Use Plan is to create a fabric of Community Types that: i. Protects and coincide with the 5 view conditions (Vista Points, Vista Termini, View Shade, View Shed, and View Corridors) ii. Establishes a desired built character of the community type that guides density re-distribution iii. Establishes a desired land use dominance of the community type iv. Aggregates value to support the Town’s Ad valorem base requirements. Promote attainment of threshold entitlement buildout while still supporting the view protection goals. v. Facilitates and encourages re-distribution of development square footage through transfer and not upzoning. vi. Conceals vertical disruption, ground plane augmentation and form deviations associated with more intense development densities. vii. Minimizes displacement of important natural fabric. viii. Coincides with identified sending and receiving areas b. Application compliance with the Land Use Plan: Page 11 of 23 LAND USE PLAN Si t e D e s i g n a s su b m i t t e d La n d U s e R e l a t i o n s h i p s as s u b m i t t e d As s u m e d T o p o g r a p h i c COMMENTS Protects/ coincide with the associated view condition YES NA YES Lies in a View Shade Zone concealed by land promontory north of Westlake Academy…and RC-D district Establish desired built character for the Community Type YES YES NA Lies in a Regional Commercial District, which is the most intense commercial district designation in the Land Use Plan. Includes structured parking, taller buildings, and active building-to-street relationships. Establish desired land use dominance for the Community Type NA YES NA Commercial dominance. Commercial aggregation is “deemed a land use objective” when it promotes lowering density in a view sensitive zone. Commercial development is regionally associated, attracting trips related to its 114 association. Aggregates value, promotes attainment of threshold ad valorem YES YES NA Corporate headquarters that will create substantial industrial cluster capable of stimulating vertical and horizontal expansion which will attract more aggregation of commercial use. Establishing commercial cluster creates value center for Town. Facilitates, encourages redistribution through transfer YES YES YES Development flexibility accommodates the more intense development needs of a corporate center and encourages continued importation of development square footage from sending areas. Conceals vertical YES NA NA Pedestrian street and Page 12 of 23 disruption, ground plane augmentation, and form deviations of intense development significant central open space as well as lake edge development creates a meaningful ground plane which is supported by building placement. Minimizes displacement of important natural fabric YES NA YES Located on lower ground below the more complex natural settings to the south. Contains an appropriate level of lake edge development that does not over develop the natural asset. Coincides with identified sending and receiving areas YES NA YES Conforms to the RC-D area configuration. 4. The Economic Development Plan: a. General Intent of the Economic Development Plan: The intent of the Economic Development Plan is to promote a robust economic environment for Westlake through: i. Supporting attainment of a sustainable and adequate Ad valorem base. ii. Promoting and furthering attraction of, or providing for, Corporate Headquarters to Westlake. iii. Promoting and/ or providing specialty retail iv. Facilitating and enhancing ability for targeted recruitment v. Facilitating and contributing to industrial cluster formation. vi. Providing for infrastructure extension to desired areas of future development, facilitating circulation, and providing for information dissemination. vii. Providing locational value for development in close proximity. viii. Enhancing Town identity. ix. Providing increased amenity. x. Providing desirable associations. xi. Enhancing education. xii. Supporting a rational land use context. xiii. Supporting corporate retention. xiv. Supporting employee retention. xv. Implementing opportunities for office-driven mixed use. b. Application compliance with the Economic Development Plan Page 13 of 23 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN Si t e D e s i g n a s su b m i t t e d La n d U s e Re l a t i o n s h i p s a s su b m i t t e d Pr o p o s e d E n d U s e r as s u b m i t t e d COMMENTS Attainment of sustainable/ adequate Ad valorem base YES YES YES Aggregates high value use enhances locational value identity Attracts or provides Corporate Headquarters YES YES YES Builds on and extends Westlake assets and provides locational identity for financial services industries. Promotes/ provides Specialty Retail NA YES NA Urban shopping street and vertical mixed use with upper income occupants. Facilitates Targeted Recruitment YES YES YES Provides critical mass to establish Westlake as a desirable community for financial services. Facilitates/ contributes to industrial Cluster Formation YES YES YES Combined with Financial Services already in place, establishes a critical mass of financial services that will support vertical and horizontal expansion…thereby supporting growing cluster formation. Provides infrastructure extension, facilitates circulation and information dissemination. YES NA NA Putting main line utilities that can continue to other sites with ROW extensions. This was discussed in presentation but not clear in submittal documents. Provides value for locations in close proximity. YES YES YES Defines a value gradient emanating from the corporate headquarters center. Enhances Town identity YES NA YES Conforms to the RC-D area configuration. Provides increased amenity YES NA NA Provides natural and plaza open space features with trail connections indicated on conceptual site plan…should be labeled. Provides desirable associations NA NA YES Major Financial Services Home/ Regional Office is an Page 14 of 23 association sought my many components of the industrial cluster. Enhances Education NA NA NA Supports rational land use context YES YES NA The sequence from mixed use freeway edge to corporate office interior. Importation of square footage from PD 3-3 promotes density gradient from freeway to residential, south of Dove. Supports corporate retention YES NA YES Strengthening Financial Services Industrial Cluster maintains Westlake’s importance as a Financial Services location. Supports employee retention YES YES YES Generous open spaces, lake edge development, and mixed use favors employee retention. Implements area opportunities for office driven mixed use YES YES YES 5. The Housing Plan: a. General Intent of the Housing Plan: The intent of the Housing Plan is to protect and define high value submarkets for Westlake by: i. Consolidating dispersed price points into definable sub-market zones. ii. Supporting/ protecting current price point distinctions. iii. Providing new housing choices for emerging empty nester, retiree, and young family/ young professional markets, unique to this area, seeking higher price point housing options. iv. Providing housing choices for changing housing needs among Westlake’s own population as they grow through life style changes. v. Mitigating value encroachment from neighboring lower price point sub-markets and preserve value. vi. Implementing housing market type gradients as portrayed in the Westlake Housing Plan map. b. Application compliance with the Housing Plan: Page 15 of 23 HOUSING PLAN Si t e D e s i g n a s su b m i t t e d La n d U s e Re l a t i o n s h i p s a s su b m i t t e d Ho u s i n g C o m p o n e n t as s u b m i t t e d COMMENTS Consolidate disperse price point housing types NA NA NA TBD Supports/protects current price point distinction NA NA NO Current SFR zoning entitlement is for 275 attached or detached units. More analysis will be required at time of PD Site Plan submission. Provide housing choices for emerging empty nester, retiree, and young family/young professional markets seeking higher price point options. NA NA POSSIBLY While Entrada is now underway, Westlake does not yet offer an upscale mixed use housing option. This issue needs to be more fully evaluated in light of the SFR entitlements existing in this zoning district. Provide housing choices for changing housing needs among Westlake’s own population as they grow through life style changes. NA NA POSSIBLY TBD depending how existing SFR zoning entitlements are implemented. Mitigate value encroachment from neighboring lower price point sub-markets and preserve value NA NA POSSIBLY Combined with Financial Services already in place, establishes a critical mass of financial services that will support vertical and horizontal expansion…thereby supporting growing cluster formation. Continued higher income daytime residents can support home values in area. Implements housing market type gradients as portrayed in the Housing Plan Map. NA NA POSSIBLY TBD depending how existing SFR zoning entitlements are implemented. Page 16 of 23 6. The Parks, Open Space, and Trails Plan: a. General Intent of the Parks, Open Space, and Trails Plan: The intent of the Parks, Open Space, and Trails Plan is to protect natural resources, protect distinctive natural settings, and provide for recreational needs of a future population through development that: i. Preserves important natural features and systems. ii. Provides sufficient recreational opportunities for future population. iii. Protects Westlake’s Ecotone from over development. iv. Preserves Landmark Landforms. v. Protects Rural Ranch Landscapes. vi. Provides Open Space Connections. vii. Provides Recreational Open Space, Parks, and/ or Recreational Facilities. viii. Connects Town and Regional Trails. ix. Provide applicable park type recommended for general location of development. x. Implement the Open Space Plan as configured on the Open Space Plan map with aggregated open spaceareas. xi. Implements the Trail Plan as configured on the Open Space Plan map. b. Application compliance with the Parks, Open Space, and Trails Plan: PARKS, OPEN SPACE, AND TRAILS PLAN Si t e D e s i g n a s su b m i t t e d La n d s c a p e D e s i g n as s u b m i t t e d Ar c h i t e c t u r a l Re l a t i o n s h i p s t o t h e Op e n S p a c e a s su b m i t t e d ? COMMENTS Preserve natural features/ systems YES YES YES Preserves lake Turner and develops its asset potential. Contributes to provision of sufficient recreational opportunity for future populations YES NA NA Provides Ball Diamond, Soccer Field, and Tennis Courts. Also provides amphitheater. Protects Westlake’s Ecotone from over development NA NA NA Not located in Ecotone Area. Preserves Landmark Landforms. NA NA NA Landmark Landforms are not located in this area of Westlake. Protects Rural Ranch Landscapes. NA NA NA Urbanized setting not rural. This development is not within Rural Ranch Landscape area as delineated in the Parks and Open Space Plan. Provides Open Space Connections YES NA NA Provides Lake Turner Connection as shown on the Page 17 of 23 Open Space Plan Provides Recreational Open Space, Parks, and/or Recreational Facilities YES NA NA Provides Ball Diamond, Soccer Field, and Tennis Courts. Also shows amphitheater which is not a permitted use. Connects Town and Regional trails YES NA NA Provides trail connection from east to west north of Turner Lake (not a recommended trail location in Trail Plan but not discouraged). Trail along regional street right-of-way should be considered as per the Trail Plan. Provides applicable Park Type recommended for general location of development YES NA NA Provides Mini/ Urban park as indicated on the Open Space Plan. Implement the contiguous open space configuration as shown on the Open Space plan map. YES NA NA Provides Lake Turner Connection as shown on the Open Space Plan. Implement the Trail plan as configures on the Open Space Plan Map YES NA NA Provides trail connection from east to west. Trail along regional street right-of-way should be considered. 7. The Urban Design Structures Plan: a. General Intent of the Urban Design Structures Plan: The intent of the Urban Design Structures Plan is to consolidate a coherent image and comprehensible legibility for Westlake through development that: i. Implements the applicable Street Typology streetscapes as presented in the Urban Design Street Type map. ii. Implements the applicable Intersection Typology as presented in the Urban Design Plan map. iii. Implements the applicable Trail Typology as presented in the Urban Design Plan map. iv. Implements the applicable Edge Typology as presented in the Urban Design Plan. v. Provides applicable active or other open spaces as shown on the Urban Design Plan map. vi. Implements recommended design standards for applicable design settings. vii. Adheres to the recommended thematic plant list. viii. Implements Town monument recommendations. ix. Implements focal points and portals as identified in the Urban Design Plan. Page 18 of 23 x. Adheres to thematic forms and material recommendations of the Urban Design Plan. b. Application compliance with the Urban Design Structures Plan: URBAN DESIGN STRUCTURES PLAN Si t e D e s i g n a s su b m i t te d La n d s c a p e D e s i g n as s u b m i t t e d Ar c h i t e c t u r a l Re l a t i o n s h i p s a s su b m i t t e d COMMENTS Implement applicable Street Typology YES YES NA Plan shows a Regional Arterial as specified with organized landscape patterns as recommended…need specifics, including ROW dimensions and detailed design. Implement applicable Intersection Typology YES? NA NA Intersection enhancement is shown but design is not sufficiently detailed to identify. Implement applicable Trail Typology UNSURE NA NA Plan does not indicate recommended Regional Trail within Regional Road ROW Implement applicable Edge Typology YES NA NA Plan shows Highway 114 edge setback and landscaping. Provide applicable active or other open spaces YES NO NO Plan shows Major Plaza and central open space feature Implement recommended design standards for applicable design setting UNSURE NA NA Not sufficient detail to determine Adheres to the recommended thematic plant list UNSURE UNSURE NA Not sufficient detail to determine Implements Town monument recommendations UNSURE NA NA Sample of freeway signs is shown but monument locations and elevations are not provided. Implements focal points and portals as identified in the Urban Design Plan NO NA NA Portals and focal point monuments are not indicated or provided 8. The Storm Water Conservation Plan: Page 19 of 23 a. General Intent of the Storm Water Conservation Plan: The intent of the Storm Water Conservation Plan is to protect natural areas/ systems and promote conservation practices through development that: i. Implements applicable Storm Water Best Management Practices/ ii. Implements applicable Water Conservation Practices. iii. Furthers implementation of Storm Water management or Water Conservation programmatic and policy initiatives. b. Application compliance with the Storm Water Conservation Plan: STORM WATER CONSERVATION PLAN Si t e D e s i g n a s su b m i t t e d La n d s c a p e D e s i g n as s u b m i t t e d Ar c h i t e c t u r a l Re l a t i o n s h i p s a s su b m i t t e d COMMENTS Implement applicable Storm Water Best Management Practices UNSURE UNSURE UNSURE Not sufficient information or detail Implement applicable Water Conservation Practices UNSURE UNSURE UNSURE Not sufficient information or detail Furthers implementation of Storm Water Management or Water Conservation programmatic and policy initiatives UNSURE UNSURE UNSURE Not sufficient information or detail 9. Facilities and Town Hall Plan: a. General Intent of the Town Hall Plan: The intent of the Facilities and Town Hall Plan is to provide emergency and municipal services for the current and future 24 hr. and daytime population through development that: i. Supports/provides funding of improved services. ii. Provide facilities or a facility site within the applicable service area. iii. Provides a Town Hall site or facility. b. Application compliance with the Town Hall Plan: Page 20 of 23 EMERGENCY FACILITIES AND TOWN HALL PLAN Si t e D e s i g n a s su b m i t t e d La n d s c a p e D e s i g n as s u b m i t t e d Ar c h i t e c t u r a l Re l a t i o n s h i p s a s su b m i t t e d COMMENTS Supports/ provides funding of improved services UNSURE UNSURE UNSURE Not sufficient information or detail Provides facilities or a facility within the applicable service area UNSURE UNSURE UNSURE Not sufficient information or detail Provides a Town hall site or facility UNSURE UNSURE UNSURE Not sufficient information or detail II. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS RELATIVE TO DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN 1. General: Moving density from within the town out to the highway frontage and creating pedestrian friendly environments, as proposed, are generally supported by the 2015 Comp Plan. 2. Utilities (including on and off-site extensions and easement dedications): Utility information not provided. 3. Stormwater (including on and off-site facilities and easement dedications): Storm water Management design not provided in application. 4. Setbacks/Building Lines: Urban street is generally consistent with Town Square street sections of Ordinance 452 5. Parking/Fire Lanes: More detail needed. 6. Solid Waste Collection Facilities: Details not provided, concept only 7. Traffic Access Management/Internal Site Circulation and Connectivity to Adjacent Property Tracts (both owner’s and non-owner’s tracts): TIA and traffic analysis needed Page 21 of 23 8. Site Design A. Materials, Building Design, Architecture, and Hard Screening Details not provided, concept only B. Landscaping and Landscape Screening Details not provided, concept only C. Signage Details not provided, concept only D. Lighting Details not provided, concept only E. Water Features/Public Art Details not provided, concept only F. Pedestrian Circulation (within the site) See Comp Plan comments above G. Pedestrian Access (around perimeter of and to the site) See Comp Plan comments above H. Trails/Open Space See Comp Plan comments above III. FINAL STAFF COMMENTS RE: COMP PLAN AND THIS ZONING CHANGE REQUEST Site Plan and supporting documents: Based on the above analysis of the application and supporting documents, the proposed project generally conforms to the intent and recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan Elements with a few exceptions as noted in the tables above. Land Use and Development Square Footage: The additional office square footage (transferred from PD 3-3 to PD 3-5) is generally consistent with the intent and recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan Elements. It is recommended and encouraged that future transfer of office square footage be taken from PD3-3. High-quality design, construction, and attainment of various types of high-quality housing is recommended in order to continue the community supported desire to be unlike all other suburbs. Also, the Comprehensive Plan (pages 306 and 308) identifies the need for Office-Driven Mixed Use as one means of employee retention. Building Height: The height additions requested are generally consistent with the intent and recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan elements. Page 22 of 23 Road Connections to the South: As the proposed phases of this project are implemented, a TIA for each phase will be needed to determine the extent to which off-site road extensions/ connections may be required to maintain a Level of Service (LOS) D or less. The Comprehensive Plan recommends a maximum LOS of D. The Comprehensive Plan Thoroughfare Element sought to bring Ottinger north to 114 east or west of Lake Turner. Approval of this application displaces the Ottinger issue to a future date when the need for such connection may be more material. The conceptual plan does not include the 114 ramp connection to the service road on the north property boundary. This connection should be considered in the future TIA/ traffic studies. Page 23 of 23