HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-09-15 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting November 9, 2015 Board Members in Attendance: Andy Sedino, Adam Smith, Zan Jones, Debbie Kraska, Andy Grieser, Sean Shope, Kevin Hansen, Deanna Titzler, Wendy Greenwood, Shelly Myers, Karen Stoltenberg, Leah Rennhack, Jeff Watson Others in Attendance: Julie Kelly I. K. Stoltenberg called the meeting to order at 8:32 AM. II. Motion to approve minutes of October 19, 2015 meeting by A. Sedino, second by C. Jeppesen. Motion carried. III. Financial Report  S. Shope reviewed “Financial Analysis” page and Statement of Activities.  Blacksmith Annual Fund YTD actuals will be checked for accuracy.  Baja expenses expected to be lower than budgeted and revenue to be lower as well. Anticipating net revenue at $100,000.  Motion to approve financial report with exception of planned review of BAF YTD and Actuals clarification by C. Jeppesen, second by A. Sedino. Motion carried. IV. Investment Committee  K. Hansen and C. Jeppesen reviewed current Investment Policy.  Discussed recommendation of an annual review of investments by the WAF Board to ensure continued growth and alignment with objectives.  Motion to approve changing the language of the investment policy to include an annual WAF Board review by C. Jeppesen, second by A. Sedino. Motion carried. V. Development Committee  Blacksmith Annual Fund o K. Stoltenberg provided campaign update. BAF gifts and pledges currently at about $871,000 with 63% of families participating. o Volunteers will continue to follow up and make phone calls/contact with families to encourage participation. o S. Myers discussed campaign for Academy alumni to “Honor a Teacher .” Also discussed work to increase corporate giving. o C. Jeppesen suggested follow up with families of withdrawn students to determine reasons for leaving the school. o S. Myers will obtain parent survey results in regard to the WAF o Giving Day bonus funds resulted in net of $11,014.57 for SmartBoards. o A. Sedino recommended video from families/parents to contribute to BAF on “why they give.”  Westlake Baja o A. Smith reported on success of Baja attendance, food, golf and tennis events. o There was lower than expected participation and financial results for live and silent auctions. o Discussed possible solutions to start promoting the auction items further in advance of the event and more broadly among the community, moving auction to take place before food/dinner is served, and assigning board member liaisons to winners instead of items. o A. Smith suggest ed that next year’s chair be a Vaquero member if the event continues to be held at the Vaquero Club. o Baja debrief meeting date to be determined.  Gallery Night o D. Kraska reported on volunteer kick-off party will take place at the Bella Vita model home on Sunday, 11/15. Christine Ross and Lisa Pylant are joining D. Kraska as event co-chairs. o Board members encouraged to forward all sponsors to Shelly or Debbie, as well as to be considering possible live auction items. o Bella Vita has agreed to be a Presenting Sponsor for the event again. VI. Marketing Committee  Z. Jones reported that positive feedback has been received on Year in Review piece.  November postcard was mailed last week. The next postcard will be mailed early December, and is currently in process, the potential theme being “Featured Families .” VII. Grant Committee  Gifted and Talented conference grant request was presented, asking for $830.00 to support attendance of two (2) teachers.  Motion to approve by A. Sedino, second by A. Grieser. Motion carried. VIII. President’s Report  none IX. Executive Director’s Report  S. Myers distributed proclamations from State Repres entative, Giovanni Capriglioni, to WAF directors for their volunteer service. Other Business  J. Watson reported on new Westlake non-smoking ordinance.  Granada, phase 2, has been approved to sell lots and develop infrastructure.  Entrada is being discussed at Planning and Zoning meeting tonight as there is a change in developer. D. Kraska moved to adjourn the Board meeting, second by A. Grieser. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:19AM. Next Meeting: Monday, December 14, 2015 at 8:30 AM, Lee Field House Conference Room, WA