HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT ISA Pres. Reading and Writing 11-02-15International School’s Assessment (ISA) Reading and Writing Participating Schools Profile 2015 Number of schools by region: Asia 97 Europe 71 Africa & Middle East 42 Americas 16 Students: 42000 students from 226 international schools in 63 countries Grade 5 6992 Grade 8 5433 Grade 10 2758 Reading Drill Down 2015 Grade 5 Areas In Need of Strengthening (< 70% correct from 29 Items) Aspect: I=Interpreting, RE=Reflecting, RI=Retrieving Information, AR= Access and Retrieve Format: C=Continuous Text, NC=Non Continuous text Type: Ag=Argument, De=Description, Di=Diagram, Exposition, In=Instruction, Na=Narrative, Pm=Poem, Ta=Table Aspect RE 4, II 4 & AR 1 Format NC 6 & C 3 Text Type PM 3, Di 3, Ta 2 & De 1 Quest. No. 15 16 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 Aspect RE II RE RE AR RE II II II Format N C NC NC NC NC NC C C C Type Ta Ta De Di Di Di Pm Pm Pm % All Gr. 5 19 19 21 54 39 38 52 38 12 % WA Gr. 5 17 18 28 61 43 45 60 46 20 Descriptors 2015 Q Grade 5 15 Use textual features to infer the likely source of a text. 16 Make an inference about a given piece of information. 22 Use information in a text to support a particular viewpoint 23 Locate relevant information in text and use to formulate and explain own opinion. 24 Locate relevant information in table to identify correct answer. 25 Explain a possible reason for the common name for an ocean zone. 27 Recognise the anthropomorphic character of a detail in a simple poem. 28 Interpret a key message in a simple poem. 29 Interpret an ironic and humorous reference in a simple poem. Reading Drill Down 2015 Grade 8 Areas In Need of Strengthening (< 70% correct from 30 Items) Aspect: I=Interpreting, RE=Reflecting, RI=Retrieving Information, AR= Access and Retrieve Format: C=Continuous Text, NC=Non Continuous text Type: Ag=Argument, De=Description, Di=Diagram, Ex=Exposition, In=Instruction, Na=Narrative, Pm=Poem, Ta=Table Aspect RE 6, II 3 & AR 1 Format NC 6 & C 4 Text Type Ex 6, Na 2 & Ta 2 Quest. No. 1 4 5 7 10.2 11 15 21.1 21.2 23 Aspect AR RE II RE II RE RE RE RE II Format NC NC NC C NC NC NC C C C Type Ta Ta Ex Na Ex Ex Ex Ex Ex Na % All Gr. 8 53 37 58 55 51 9 40 46 40 21 % WA Gr. 8 63 46 66 51 63 13 48 52 46 24 Reading Drill Down 2015 Grade 8 Areas In Need of Strengthening (< 70% correct from 30 Items) Aspect: I=Interpreting, RE=Reflecting, RI=Retrieving Information, AR=Access and Retrieve Format: C=Continuous Text, NC=Non Continuous text Type: Ag=Argument, De=Description, Di=Diagram, Ex=Exposition, In=Instruction, Na=Narrative, Pm=Poem, Ta=Table Aspect II 6, AR 2 & RE 1 Format C 9 Text Type Pm 6 & Na 3 Quest. No. 24.1 24.2 25 26 27 28.1 28.2 29 30 Aspect II II AR AR II II II RE II Format C C C C C C C C C Type Na Na Na Pm Pm Pm Pm Pm Pm % All Gr. 8 28 10 35 54 38 20 13 9 2 % WA Gr. 8 32 11 49 63 63 20 17 13 4 Descriptors 2015 Q Grade 8 1 Locate information in a list using a key 4 Reflect on advantages of scenario presented. 5 Interpret characters’ feelings in a narrative text. 7 Reflect upon personal traits needed for journey as portrayed in context in a narrative text. 10.2 Find two pieces of information that support an opinion. 21.1 Partly comprehend an inferred opinion from the text to compare it to a given opinion. 21.2 Fully comprehend an inferred opinion from the text to compare it to a given opinion 23 Identify the implications of a simile in a narrative. 24.1 Partly explain the narrator’s implied response to a situation in a narrative. Descriptors 2015 Q Grade 8 24.2 Fully explain the narrator’s implied response to a situation in a narrative. 28.1 Interpret an abstract statement in a poem in concrete terms. 28.2 Fully comprehend an abstract statement in a poem. 29 Justify a supplied statement about style and theme in a poem. 30 Identify the connotations of a word in a poem. Reading Drill Down 2015 Grade 10 Areas In Need of Strengthening (< 70% correct from 30 Items) Aspect: I=Interpreting, RE=Reflecting, RI=Retrieving Information, AR-Access and Retrieve Format: C=Continuous Text, NC=Non Continuous text Type: Ag=Argument, De=Description, Di=Diagram, Exposition, In=Instruction, Na=Narrative, Pm=Poem, Ta=Table Aspect RE 6, II 3 & AR 1 Format C 6 & NC 4 Text Type Ag 3, Di 3, Pm 3 & Ta 1 Quest. No. 3.1 3.2 4 5 7 10 11 15 16 17 Aspect RE RE II RE II II RE AR RE RE Format C C C C C C NC NC NC NC Type Ag Ag Pm Pm Pm Ag Ta Di Di Di % All Gr. 10 27 6 17 41 38 38 29 54 58 13 % WA Gr. 10 45 7 25 45 49 45 42 63 69 21 Reading Drill Down 2015 Grade 10 Areas In Need of Strengthening (< 70% correct from 30 Items) Aspect: I=Interpreting, RE=Reflecting, RI=Retrieving Information, AR=Access and Retrieve Format: C=Continuous Text, NC=Non Continuous text Type: Ag=Argument, De=Description, Di=Diagram, Exposition, In=Instruction, Na=Narrative, Pm=Poem, Ta=Table Aspect RE 4, AR 3 & II 3 Format C 7 & NC 3 Text Type Na 5, De 4 & Ex 1 Quest. No. 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 Aspect II AR RE RE II II RE RE AR AR Format C C C C C C NC NC NC C Type Ex Na Na Na Na Na De De De De % All Gr. 10 35 32 18 42 43 48 12 18 32 21 % WA Gr. 10 52 59 30 65 52 59 17 24 51 37 Descriptors 2015 Q Grade 10 3.1 Identify some examples of derogatory comments in a specified part of a text. 3.2 Identify all examples of derogatory comments in a specified part of a text. 4 Interpret the use of imagery in a poem. 5 Give a personal response to a viewpoint presented in a poem. 7 Interpret the meaning of a sustained image in a poem. 10 Interpret the attitude of a writer in a complex argument. 11 Offer opinion, supported by outside knowledge, for value/purpose of text/chart. Descriptors 2015 Q Grade 10 15 Identify which visual representation matches a described situation. 16 Apply information from a table and diagram to a new situation. 17 Use information from two diagrams to explain the reason for a situation. 18 Make links between a paragraph and a table to identify the cause of a situation. 19 Locate directly stated information in a narrative text. 20 Justify a personal opinion about whether a character is contradictory or not. Descriptors 2015 Q Grade 10 21 Reflect on the claims made in a narrative text using their knowledge of the world. 22 Interpret a character’s behavior in a conversation in a narrative text. 25 Obtain meaning of word in context. 26 Integrate own knowledge with information from the text to develop a hypothesis. 27 Reflect upon the possible cause of a situation described in a text. 28 Interpret a set of graphs in an information text. 29 Compare two graphs in an information text to identify an element common to both. Writing Drill Down 2015 Writing Areas In Need of Strengthening Narrative is a story, either imaginary or based on experience assessed in Content, Language & Spelling Exposition/Argument is a piece of writing setting out ideas on a proposition assessed in Content, ESOL Language & Structure and Organization Narrative (32) Expository/Argument (26) Cont. Lang. Spelling Cont. ESOL Struct. Grad e 5 Raw Score 11 11 10 10 7 9 % All Sch. 5.5 5.4 5.6 5.3 4 5 % WA 5.7 5.6 5.7 5.3 3.9 5.2 Grad e 8 % All Sch. 7 6.8 6.8 6.6 4.9 5.9 % WA 7.2 7.2 7 6.9 5.1 6.1 Grad e 10 % All Sch. 7.7 7.5 7.4 7.4 5.4 6.5 % WA 8.3 8.5 7.7 7.8 5.7 6.6 Aspect Format Type Grade 5 (9 items) Interpreting (4) Reflecting (4) Non-Continuous (6) Grade 8 (19 Items) Interpreting (9) Reflecting (7) Non-Continuous (6) Continuous (13) Exposition Poem Grade 10 (20 items) Reflecting (10) Non-Continuous (7) Continuous (13) Reading What aspects, formats and types of writing do we need to strengthen? Reading What areas of reading do we need to strengthen? Grade 5 Grade 8 Grade 10 % Inference Reflect (2) Reflect (2) Viewpoint Inferred opinion (2) Make Links Formulate and Explain opinion Implication Opinion Possible Reasons Implied response (2) Identify Interpret Interpret (2) Interpret (5) Justify Justify Integrate Compare Apply Writing Strengths In PYP Classes •Personal narrative •Revision Process •Lucy Calkins program of sequenced learning in narrative, opinion and informational writing Areas in Need of Strengthening •Present the test type format as a separate audience and treat it as “just another audience.” • Emphasis on knowing what to do with mis-spelt words. Writing Up to Grade 8 Strengths •Expository stronger than narrative. •Lucy Calkins system (K-5) has developed writers. •Many students say that writing is their favorite part of the day. •Seeing this in their external achievements. •Extremely comfortable telling stories. Areas in Need of Strengthening •Adopting Lucy Calkins approach to writing development up to grade 8 Writing – Up to Grade 10 Strengths: •Progression of writing achievement improving as grade areas increase Needs: •Greater development in expository writing