HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOT ISA Pres. Math 11-02-15International School’s Assessment (ISA) Mathematics Participating Schools Profile 2015 Number of schools by region: Asia 97 Europe 71 Africa & Middle East 42 Americas 16 Students: 42000 students from 226 international schools in 63 countries Grade 5 6992 Grade 8 5433 Grade 10 2758 Mathematics Drill Down Areas In Need of Strengthening (< 70% correct from 33 Items) PROCESS: E=Employing, F=Formulating, I=Interpreting; CONTENT: C=Change and Relationships, Q=Quantity, S=Space and Shape, U=Uncertainty and Data % Grade 5 averaged over 3 classes Process = E 9 F 4 I 2 Content = Q 4 S 4 U 3 C4 GRADE 5 2015 Quest. No. 7 10.2 11.1 11.2 14 15 21 22 23 25 27 30 31 32 33 Process E I F F E F E E E E E F E E I Content Q U S S Q Q C Q S S U C C C U % All Gr. 5 56 11 54 26 39 44 34 33 28 44 25 46 17 12 18 % WA 38 7 46 17 40 45 34 29 34 43 36 51 13 4 16 Descriptors 2015 Q Descriptors 7 Calculate start time given end time and duration in hours. 10.2 Interpret a chance experiment and explain a related statement. 11.1 Draw a partially correct back view of a model given 2D representation and side view. 11.2 Draw the back view of a model given 2D representation and side view. 14 Determine the ratio that a 6-digit number is to a 4-digit number, in an area context. 15 Interpret a table of data in the form of 3-digit numbers, and order it to solve a problem. 21 Identify and extend a pattern in a table to solve a multi-step problem 22 Find the shortest distance between two locations on a road map. 23 Solve a problem involving multiple distances and directions. 25 Identify size of interior angle of a regular tessellating shape. Descriptors 2015 (Cont.) Q Descriptors 27 Interpret a comparative bar graph to find the total of categories satisfying a given condition 30 Identify and use a pattern of shapes to predict a property of the next shape. 31 In a pattern of shapes, find the particular shape with a given property. 32 In a pattern of shapes, find a property of a given shape. 33 Compare two statements about a chance event and justify decision about which is correct. Mathematics Drill Down 2015 Grade 8 Areas In Need of Strengthening (< 70% correct from 35 Items) (PROCESS: E=Employing, F=Formulating, I=Interpreting; CONTENT: C=Change and Relationships, Q=Quantity, S=Space and Shape, U=Uncertainty and Data Process E 11, F 6 & I 1 Content Q 7, C 6, U 3 & S 2 Q 2.2 4 5 7.2 9.1 9.2 11 15 17 20 23 24 29.1 29.2 30 31 33 34 Process E F E E E E E F E F E E E E F F F I Conten t U S Q C Q Q S Q C Q C C Q Q C C U U % All Gr. 8 20 39 52 38 16 11 56 47 38 54 46 26 42 36 22 26 45 25 % WA 37 44 52 59 7 3 44 52 44 45 61 41 42 28 27 27 55 25 Descriptors 2015 Q Grade 8 2.2 List all the ways a familiar event can occur. 4 Interpret two related diagrams and given information to estimate or calculate a length. 5 Identify a ratio corresponding to two quantities in a recipe. 7.2 Solve a multi-step number problem where the solution satisfies 3 conditions, in context. 9.1 Partly formulate a multi-step problem involving calculation of circumference and metric conversion. 9.2 Solve/formulate a multi-step problem involving calculation of circumference and metric conversion. 11 Identify an actual distance, given the corresponding map distance and scale. 15 Solve a multi-step problem involving area of rectangles 17 Solve a multi-step problem involving an informal rate and a given condition. Descriptors 2015 Cont. Q Grade 8 20 Identify the solution to a problem involving metric conversion and division. 23 Interpret a complex distance–time graph to solve a problem. 24 Interpret a complex distance–time graph to identify the solution to a problem. 29.1 Partly solve multi-step problem involving metric conversion and division, but make conversion error. 29.2 Solve a multi-step problem involving metric conversion and division. 30 Solve a multi-step problem involving distance, time and speed. 31 Interpret line graph to identify the range of values that fall below a set limit. 33 Identify a probability given grouped data in a frequency table and a given condition. 34 Determine the accuracy of statements about grouped data in a frequency table. Mathematics Drill Down 2015 Grade 10 Areas In Need of Strengthening (< 70% correct from 35 Items) PROCESS: E=Employing, F=Formulating, I=Interpreting; CONTENT: C=Change and Relationships, Q=Quantity, S=Space and Shape, U=Uncertainty and Data Process E 8, I 2 & F 1 Content Q 4, C 3 S 3 & U 1 Quest. No. 2 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 17 19.1 19.2 Process E E F E E I E I E E E Content Q S C Q C U S S C Q Q % All Gr. 10 47 59 51 48 52 39 50 26 25 54 32 % WA Gr. 10 44 65 56 43 36 51 56 17 15 44 28 Mathematics Drill Down 2015 Grade 10 Areas In Need of Strengthening (< 70% correct from 35 Items) PROCESS: E=Employing, F=Formulating, I=Interpreting; CONTENT: C=Change and Relationships, Q=Quantity, S=Space and Shape, U=Uncertainty and Data Process E 10, F 2 & I 1 Content C 6, Q 4, U 2 & S 1 Quest. No 20 22.1 22.2 23 24 25 27 28 29.2 31 32 33 35 Process F E E E E E E E I E E E F Content U C C C Q Q S Q Q U C C C % All Gr. 10 30 48 22 56 36 19 25 60 35 48 53 17 24 % WA Gr. 10 44 43 14 58 39 15 18 58 43 57 57 21 19 Descriptors 2015 Q Grade 10 2 Use a tessellation of rectangles to solve a multi-step problem involving proportional reasoning. 7 Interpret a geometric diagram and given information to calculate a length 8 Find the length and width of a rectangle given its area and perimeter 9 Find the volume of a prism given the dimensions of its net. 10 Using Pythagoras' theorem, find the length, expressed as a surd, of a diagonal line. 13 Determine the accuracy of statements about grouped data in a frequency table. 14 Determine the number of lines of symmetry of a design. 15 Determine the accuracy of statements about two designs, where one is an enlargement of the other. 17 Calculate average speed (in km/h) given distance in km and time in minutes. Descriptors 2015 Q Grade 10 19.1 Partly formulate a problem about the area of a rhombus which is part of a 6-pointed star design. 19.2 Calculate the area of a rhombus which is part of a 6-pointed star design. 20 Explain how the number of different arrangements leads to a probability in a random experiment. 22.1 Partly describes the effect on one variable in a non-routine formula when another variable changes 22.2 Describe the effect on one variable in a non-routine formula when another variable changes. 23 Transpose and solve a non-routine equation in context. 24 Solve a multi-step problem involving the summation of several times in minutes and seconds. 25 Find a percentage that one time (in minutes and seconds) is of another time (in minutes). Descriptors 2015 Q Grade 10 27 Interpret a diagram and use proportional reasoning to calculate a length. 28 Choose appropriate values from a diagram and calculate a required percentage. 29.2 Use complex information to explain the solution to a problem involving speed, distance and time. 31 Find the mean of frequency data for selected categories, displayed as a column graph. 32 Interpret a graph and write down the equation of a given horizontal line. 33 Interpret a graph and write down the equation of a line with negative gradient. 35 Formulate and solve a multi-step problem involving a rate and a percentage calculation, in context. Mathematical Process an Content Areas in Need of Strengthening Grade Area Process Content 5 E 9, F4 Q4, S4 8 E 11, F6 Q 7, C 6 10 E 18 Q8, C6 Process E= Employing, F=Formulating Content Q = Quantity (Number & Measurement), S = Shape and Space C = Change and Relationships Stands of Mathematics in need of Strengthening (Combined ISA & STARR) Grad e PYP Grade MYP 3 Shape and Space Measurement 6 Shape and Space (Geometry) & Data Handling Measurement Pattern and Function 4 Shape and Space Measurement 7 Shape and Space (Geometry) & Data Handling Measurement Pattern and Function 5 (ISA) Shape and Space Measurement 8 (ISA) Geometry 10 (ISA) Geometry