HomeMy WebLinkAboutDP Evaluation Summation 10-05-15 2 Summation of the 5-Year Diploma Programme (DP) Evaluation for Westlake Academy (WA) STANDARD PRACTICE FINDING MATTER TO BE ADDRESSED EVIDENCE IMMEDIATE ACTION PLAN C1.1+1a+1b Collaborative planning and reflection addresses the requirements of the programme(s). a. Collaborative planning and reflection includes the integration of theory of knowledge in each subject. b. Collaborative planning and reflection explores connections and relations between subjects and reinforces knowledge, understanding and skills shared by the different disciplines. Meetings scheduled are planned collaboratively within the same subject, but not across subjects and the core. The meeting schedule does not mention specifically TOK integration. The school has indicated a relatively low level of implementation. The school has indicated a relatively low level of implementation. All DP teachers are involved in collaborative planning and reflection to meet the requirements of the Diploma Programme (DP)—this involves the TOK teacher(s), the CAS Coordinator, and the DP Coordinator. All DP teachers integrate TOK in their planning. A schedule of dedicated time for teachers’ collaborative planning, with clear indication of frequency, duration, attendees and objectives of the allocated time. A description of the planning process used to integrate TOK into the other DP courses. Revise the current annual professional development schedule to reflect the collaborative planning agendas for the DP as a whole and also for grades 11 and 12 horizontally. The DP has already adopted a plan for training subject teachers in TOK though our professional development both on and off campus. In addition, the DP has rolled out a system to track TOK moments across the curriculum (ongoing). C1.3 Collaborative planning and reflection addresses vertical and horizontal articulation. The report indicated planning and reflection for vertical articulation, but not horizontal. The school’s action plan does not indicate a plan to increase horizontal planning. Teachers plan and reflect in horizontal and vertical teams A schedule of dedicated time for teachers to plan in vertical teams that includes frequency, duration, attendees, and objectives of the allocated time. Revise the current annual schedule of dedicated vertical teaming to reflect the departmental collaborative planning agendas across the continuum of programs (PYP, MYP, and DP). 3 STANDARD PRACTICE COMMENDATION RECOMMENDATION 5 YEAR ACTION PLAN A2 The governing body, administrative and pedagogical leadership and staff demonstrate understanding of the IB philosophy. The governing body is integrally involved in the operation and evaluation of the Diploma Programme (DP) and the DP coordinator reports to the governing body on a monthly basis. The school should develop strategies to insure a common understanding of the approaches to teaching and learning by the governing body, administrative and pedagogical leadership and staff. Continue to develop and implement a system of professional development focused on the approaches to teaching and learning for all WA stakeholders (ongoing). A4 The school develops and promotes international-mindedness and all attributes of the IB learner profile across the school community. The school participates in an International Mindedness symposium with school in Latin America, Europe, and Canada and planned to host the event this summer. N/A Continue to expand the International Mindedness symposium locally, regionally, and globally (ongoing). A5 The school promotes responsible action within and beyond the school community. The school has taken advantage of its K-12 IB authorization status to conduct ongoing CAS activities with Primary Years Programme (PYP) students. N/A Continue to expand CAS activities across the continuum of programs (ongoing). A8 The school participates in the IB world community. N/A The school should work to increase collaboration with area DP schools and create opportunities for faculty to attend an IB Academy. Further develop our relationships with IB schools in the area and abroad. Arrange for faculty to visit other IB schools to share and collaborate on best practices (ongoing). A9+9a+9b The school supports access for students to the IB programme(s) and philosophy. a. The school provides for the full Diploma Programme and requires some its student body to attempt the full diploma and not only individual diploma courses. b. The school promotes access to the diploma and diploma courses for all students who can benefit from the educational experiences they provide. All DP students in the school are diploma candidates. N/A Continue IB for all in the DP (ongoing). 4 c. The school has strategies in place to encourage students to attempt the full diploma. B1.1 The school has developed systems to keep the governing body informed about the ongoing implementation and development of the programme(s). The DP coordinator meets monthly with the governing body and the governing body conducts regular surveys of stakeholders regarding the DP. N/A N/A B1.2 The school has developed a governance and leadership structure that supports the implementation of the programme(s). The school is a K-12 IB continuum school with all students participating in IB. N/A N/A B1.5c The school develops and implements an inclusion/special education needs that is consistent with IB expectations and with the school’s admission policy. The school’ special education/special educational needs policy uses the IB Learner Profile as a guiding framework. N/A N/A B1.5e The school has developed and implements an academic honesty policy that is consistent with IB expectations. N/A The school should continue to work to revises the academic honesty policy so that it aligns with DP philosophy. Revise the academic honesty policy before the start of the 2016-2017 school year. B2.3.3+3a The school ensures that teachers and administrators receive IB – recognized professional development. a. The school complies with the IB professional development requirement for the Diploma Years Programme at authorization and evaluation. The school has made great strides during the time under review in sending faculty to IB professional development workshops. Continue to train and retrain faculty and staff as needed (ongoing). B2.4 The school provides dedicated time for teacher’s collaborative planning and reflection. N/A The school should increase opportunities for collaboration among DP teachers, particularly in horizontal teams. See C1.1+1a+1b. B2.7 The school ensures access to information on global issues and diverse perspectives. The pedagogical leadership team has established an ongoing process of revision of school resources N/A N/A 5 focused on access to information on global issues and diverse perspectives. B2.9+9a The school has systems in place to guide and counsel students through the programmes(s). a. The school provides guidance to students on post-secondary educational options/counselor. N/A The school should continue its efforts to appoint a new DP counselor, if the at person has not already been appointed. DP college counselor was appointed prior to the 2015-2016 school year. B2.11 The school utilizes the resources and expertise of the community to enhance learning within the programme(s). The school has developed close links with experts from the community that contribute to the implementation of the DP in the areas of business, culture, history and university research. N/A N/A B2.12 The school allocates resources to implement the primary Years Programme exhibition, the Middle Year’s Programme personal project and the Diploma Programme extended essay for all students, depending on the programme(s) offered. N/A The school should develop a calendar timeline for the EE process. The DP has already developed internal assessment (IA), external assessment (EA), CAS, and extended essay (EE) calendars for the 2015- 2016 school year (ongoing). C1.2 Collaborative planning and reflection takes place regularly and systematically. N/A The school should work to ensure that collaborative planning takes place more regularly and systematically. See C1.1+1a+1b and C1.3. C2.1+1a+1b+1c+1d The written curriculum is comprehensive and aligns with the requirements of the programme(s). a. The curriculum fulfills the aims and objectives of each subject group and the core. b. The curriculum facilitates concurrency of learning. c. The curriculum is balanced so that students are provided with a reasonable choice of subjects. d. The school develops its own courses of study for each subject on offer and Because all IB students in grade 11 and 12 are DP students, the curriculum is ideal to align to the requirements of the DP and facilitates concurrency of learning. N/A N/A 6 for the theory of knowledge. C2.10 The written curriculum integrates the policies developed by the school to support programme(s). N/A The school should work to ensure that the written curriculum integrates the policies developed by the school to support the DP. Continue to integrate policies on assessment, academic honesty, CAS, extended essay, and Theory of Knowledge across the DP curriculum (ongoing). C4.5 The school provides students with feedback to inform and improve their learning. The school’s assessment policy describes very thorough systems for recording student progress aligned with the assessment philosophy of the DP. N/A N/A C4.7 The school analyses assessment data to inform teaching and learning. N/A The school should work to ensure that data is consistently used to differentiate practice or provide examples of growth over time. The DP has implemented an analysis tool for reflecting and developing action plans to improve student performance. These action plans will be reflected in the teacher’s annual SMART goals under the performance appraisal system.