HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA Power Point Presentation - JF edits 08-10-151 Completed - Phase 1 expansion (estimated 832 students) & continued community growth o Budget reflects Council decisions based on 2012 - WA Facility Master Plan (FMP) recommendation •Phase 1 = Three (3) new buildings - Secondary Classrooms, Multi- Purpose Hall, and Athletic Field House •Guided by enrollment projections and 5-year forecast indicating projected enrollment of 820 in FY14/15 and 830 in FY15/16 o Future enrollment would be managed by attrition/graduation to ensure adequate space for primary boundary residents until funding was available for Phase 2 of the FMP •Phase 2 would require additional enrollment increases and capital costs, which are not currently funded. 12/23/2015 Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 2 Budget document prepared according to BOT policies and conservative revenue projections – utilized projections from FY 14/15 Service Level Adjustments (SLA’s) developed and linked to Tier Two Strategy Map Staff monitored final outcome from legislative session, has some recommended changes from budget retreat Projections hold WAF funding flat Growth of fund balance to 51 days 12/23/2015 3 Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 Increase Staff Retention Improve Communication Continued Emphasis on Academic Excellence Continued Importance of Town and WAF Contributions 12/23/2015 4 Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 Basic Assumptions: o 18 students per class in Kindergarten through G5 o 23-24 students per section in G6-G12 o Average Daily Attendance rate of 97% Revenues: o 100% use of WAF Annual Program revenues (proposed $1.1 million) o Slight increase in FSP funding in FY 2015/16 and held flat going forward Payroll & Related Expenditures: o Personnel costs are estimated to increase an estimated 1% each year Operating Expenditures: Per BOT Policy - will only increase if revenues increase o Professional Services o Supplies & Materials o Other Operating Costs 12/23/2015 5 Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 12/23/2015 6 Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 Estimated Proposed $ Increase % Increase FY 2014/15 FY 2015/16 (Decrease) (Decrease) Revenues $ 7,699,024 $ 7,941,626 $ 242,602 3% Expenditures (7,570,239) (7,851,666) (281,427) 4% Other Resources 45,000 45,000 - 0% Other Uses (45,000) (45,000) - 0% EXCESS REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 128,785 89,960 (38,825) -30% FUND BALANCE BEGINNING 1,024,517 1,153,302 128,785 13% FUND BALANCE ENDING 1,153,301 1,243,262 89,960 8% Assigned (113,650) (113,650) - 0% FUND BALANCE ENDING (Unassigned) $ 1,016,952 $ 1,106,912 $ 89,960 9% # Days Operating (Based on 365) 49 51 2 5% Daily Operating Expenditure $20,740 $21,511 $771 4% TEA Funding per Student $7,026 $7,085 $59 1% Operating Cost per Student $9,323 $9,437 $114 1% Employee Staffing 91.80 95.56 3.76 4% Student Teacher Ratio 8.85 8.79 (0.05) -1% Operating Revenues $7,941,626 o 3% increase of $242,602 from FY14/15 estimated Operating Expenditures $7,851,666 o 4% increase of $281,427 from FY14/15 estimated Excess Revenues over (under) Expenditures $ 89,960 7 12/23/2015 Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 FY14/15 Estimated o Ending Fund Balance (unassigned) $1,016,951 FY15/16 Proposed o Ending Fund Balance (unassigned) $1,106,912 Fund Balance Increased $ 89,960 o 7% increase from FY14/15 estimated o Operating Days 51 8 12/23/2015 Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 *Thomas E. Brymer Superintendent of Schools Dr. Mechelle Bryson Executive Principal *Amanda DeGan Assistant Town Manager Alan Burt Assistant Principal and Director of Athletics *Debbie Piper Director of Finance Stacy Stoyanoff DP Principal *Troy Meyer Director of Facilities Dr. Andra Barton Middle Years Principal *Jason Power Director of Information Technology Terri Watson MYP Coordinator *Ginger Awtry Director of Communications & Community Affairs Rod Harding Primary Years Principal *Todd Wood Director of Human Resources and Admin Services Alison Schneider PYP Coordinator *Asterisk denotes shared services personnel between the academic and municipal service teams of the Town of Westlake. Jennifer Furnish Student Services Administrator Dr. Shelly Myers Executive Director of the WAF & Director of Development Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 12/23/2015 9 MISSION “Westlake Academy is an IB World School whose mission is to provide students with an internationally minded education of the highest quality, so they are well-balanced and respectful life-long learners.”  Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 VALUES Maximizing Personal Development Academic Excellence Respect for Self and Others Personal Responsibility Compassion and Understanding  12/23/2015 10 VISION “Westlake Academy inspires college bound students to achieve their highest individual potential in a nurturing environment that fosters the traits found in the IB learner profile.” ~ Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced, and Reflective~  DESIRED OUTCOMES High Student Achievement Strong Parent & Community Connections Financial Stewardship & Sustainability Student Engagement-Extracurricular Activities Effective Educators & Staff  12/23/2015 11 Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 Estimated Proposed $ Increase % Increase FY 2014/15 FY 2015/16 (Decrease) (Decrease) Operating Expenditures $ 7,255,239 $ 7,536,666 $ 281,427 3.88% Municipal-Transfer to WA Operating Budget 315,000 315,000 - 0.00% Total Academic Costs 7,570,239 7,851,666 281,427 3.72% Annual Debt Service (Municipal budget) 1,857,674 1,856,591 (1,083) -0.06% Major Maintenance and Replacement 393,800 271,330 (122,470) -31.10% In-direct Operating Costs 579,537 579,492 (45) -0.01% Total Municipal Costs 2,831,011 2,707,413 (123,598) -4.37% TOTAL EXPENDITURE COSTS $ 10,401,250 $ 10,559,079 $ 157,829 1.52% Number of Students 812 832 20 2.46% Expenditure Cost per Student $ 12,809 $ 12,691 $ (118) -0.92% The shared services model that the Academy operates under with the umbrella of the Town of Westlake provides for our administrative services. 12/23/2015 12 The Academy’s State funding per pupil peaked in FY 09/10 with cuts in the following two years due to state budget short-falls. The state increased funding by approximately four percent (4%) in 2013. In FY 2015/16, the Academy anticipates that state funding will increase slightly from FY 2014/15. Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 $7 , 2 7 9 $7 , 0 7 3 $6 , 7 3 6 $6 , 8 1 7 $6 , 9 8 0 $7 , 0 2 6 $7 , 0 8 5 $8 , 1 3 4 $7 , 6 1 7 $6 , 9 6 2 $6 , 9 1 0 $7 , 0 3 2 $7 , 0 2 0 $7 , 0 8 5 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 15/16 Proposed Average State Funding / Student Adjusted for Inflation $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 15/16 Proposed $3.67 $3.93 $4.36 $4.65 $5.19 $6.07 $6.29 $0.43 $0.52 $0.67 $0.74 $0.85 $1.10 $1.10 Mi l l i o n s Gifts & Donations Interest Earned Food Services Transportation/Parking Other Local Revenue WAF Fund-an-Item WAF Salary Reimbursement Athletic Activities Town Contribution WAF Blacksmith State Revenue 12/23/2015 13 State funding was 86% of General Fund revenues in FY 09/10 and are currently approximately 79%, for FY 15/16. Westlake Academy Foundation contributions have climbed from less than 10% to approximately 14% of the Academy’s total General Fund Revenues in FY 2015/16. Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 12/23/2015 14 Blacksmith revenues represent approximately 14% of the Academy’s total revenue. These dollars are allocated to faculty and staff salaries and benefits, which comprise over three-quarters of the total operating budget. Per the WAF Executive Director, revenues will remain flat for the proposed FY 15/16. Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 15/16 Proposed $431 $524 $680 $800 $851 $1,100 $1,100 Th o u s a n d s 12/23/2015 15 Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 5xxx Revenues $ 242,602 o3% increase 61xx Salaries & Related $ 389,003 o7% increase 62xx Contracted Services $(153,094) o14% decrease 63xx Supplies & Materials $ 53,336 o12% increase 64xx Other Operating $ (7,818) o2% decrease 12/23/2015 16 Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 Citizen, Student, Stakeholder Increase the Future Readiness of All Students $7,569 20% Increase Stakeholder Satisfaction $18,923 50% Enhance Westlake Academy's Unique Sense of Place $11,354 30% $ 37,845 Financial Stewardship Increase External Revenue Sources -$96,440 37% Improve Financial Stewardship -$144,659 63% $ (241,099) Academic Operations Optimize Student Potential $13,162 22% Improve the EfficiencIes of Operational Systems $8,775 15% Strengthen Our Westlake Academy Future $15,138 25% Strengthen IB Philosophy & Implementation $22,707 $ 59,782 People, Facilities & Technology Attract, Recruit, Retain & Develop the Highest Quality Workforce $389,003 31% Increase the Capacity of Teachers and Staff $14,995 61% Improve Technology, Facilities & Equipment $20,901 8% $ 424,899 Grand Total $ 281,427 12/23/2015 17 Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 12/23/2015 18 The employee growth is directly correlated with the growth in student population. The school offered G1 – G6 in 2003 and has grown by one grade each year. The academy strives to maintain 18 students per class in Kindergarten thru grade 5 and 23-24 students in grade 6 thru grade 12. Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 Proposed 56.12 60.94 70.03 73.57 78.68 91.80 95.56 12/23/2015 19 Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 0 25 50 75 100 FY 09/10 Actual FY 10/11 Actual FY 11/12 Actual FY 12/13 Actual FY 13/14 Actual FY 14/15 Actual FY 15/16 Proposed 5.85 5.50 5.00 6.50 8.00 9.50 9.00 33.62 37.65 43.65 43.90 47.31 55.40 58.31 16.05 17.19 19.78 21.57 21.77 24.90 25.25 0.60 0.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 2.00 3.00 Maintenance Support Staff Teachers Administrative This chart breaks down the number of employees by job function, primary school teachers, secondary school teachers, instructional administration, etc. Growth in the number of employees has been primarily the result of the school expanding the number of students as it matured into a full K through Grade 12 campus. 12/23/2015 20 Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 Function Position Description Payroll Impact 11 DP Math Teacher $32,670 11 DP Chemistry Teacher $33,490 11 DP English Teacher $29,636 51 Facilities Maintenance Tech $32,925 52 Crossing Guards $5,695 11 MYP Math Teacher $74,581 53 I.T. Technician $53,972 11 Speech Pathologist $27,241 NEW POSITIONS $290,211 31 College Counselor/SL Dir $81,654 31 MYP Academic Dean $6,207 21 PYP Coordinator (+10 days) $3,159 21 MYP Coordinator (+10 days) $3,077 23 DP Principal & Coordinator $13,644 51 Facilities Payroll Adjustment $1,474 51 Facilities Payroll Adjustment $1,175 23 MYP Principal $55,000 53 I.T. Coordinator $7,893 POSITION CHANGES $173,283 GRAND TOTAL $463,494 Description Payroll Impact Reduction in Personnel -$220,467 Insurance Contribution $15,675 Scale incease (Median -3.5%) $130,301 Other Changes Total -$74,491 Total Payroll Increase $389,003 7% increase from FY14/15 Estimate 12/23/2015 21 In FY 14/15, salaries were adjusted by two percent (2%). In FY 15/16, staff is recommending a realignment of the salary scale, making each step equally comparable to the surrounding market. This realignment would result in an average salary increase of 3.9% from FY 14/15, and would be 3.5% below the estimated median average. Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 WA ISDs WA ISDs WA ISDs WA ISDs FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 $51.3 $53.1 $52.0 $54.0 $52.8 $55.2 $54.0 $56.6 12/23/2015 22 Enrollment is anticipated to increase by 20 students in the FY 15/16 school year. The increase is the result of completing Phase 1 of the Academy Master Plan. We anticipate enrollment in future school years to remain flat (as approved by Board and Council based on the Phase 1 master plan Resolution 12-37 dated 11 -12-2012) or until funding for additional facilities is made available. Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 15/16 Proposed 491 530 630 658 697 812 832 12/23/2015 23 There are over 2,000 students on the lottery waiting list. A 184% increase of 1,556 since FY09/10 Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 FY 09/10 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14-15 FY 15-16 844 705 1,027 2128 2194 2177 2400 12/23/2015 24 The number of students attending the Academy, who reside in Westlake, has decreased by 2% since FY 10/11. Staff will continue to manage additional growth at the Academy through student attrition until it becomes necessary to implement Phase II of the Facility Master Plan. Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 530 630 658 697 812 832 FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 Estimated FY 15/16 Proposed 371 460 461 425 586 599 159 170 197 272 226 233 Secondary Boundary Primary Boundary 70% 73% 70% 61% 72% 72% 30% 27% 30% 39% 28% 28% 12/23/2015 25 Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16 Proposed Projected Projected Projected Projected FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 Total Revenues 7,941,626 7,942,058 7,950,784 7,955,332 7,959,984 Total Expenditures 7,851,666 7,910,415 7,879,949 7,949,669 8,020,088 Excess Revenues Over(Under) Expenditures 89,960 31,643 70,836 5,663 (60,103) FUND BALANCE BEGINNING 1,153,302 1,243,262 1,274,905 1,345,741 1,351,404 FUND BALANCE ENDING 1,243,262 1,274,905 1,345,741 1,351,404 1,291,301 Assigned 136,350 136,350 136,350 136,350 136,350 FUND BALANCE ENDING (Unassigned) $ 1,106,912 $ 1,138,555 $ 1,209,391 $ 1,215,054 $ 1,154,951 Number of Operating Days (365) 51 53 56 56 53 Dollars per Operating Day $ 21,511 $ 21,672 $ 21,589 $ 21,780 $ 21,973 Total Students Enrolled 832 832 832 832 832 TEA Funding per Student $ 7,085 $ 7,085 $ 7,085 $ 7,085 $ 7,085 Operating Cost per Student 9,437 9,508 9,471 9,555 9,640 Employee Staffing 95.56 95.56 95.56 95.56 95.56 Student Teacher Ratio 8.79 8.79 8.79 8.79 8.79 12/23/2015 26 Westlake Academy – Proposed Budget FY 15/16