HomeMy WebLinkAboutWA Annual Performance Report 01-12-15 n n ua e ormance e or . . u � c ear� n Westlake Academy Mechelle Bryson, Ed. D. & Chris Hill January 12 , 2015 - _ — . , 1j1111111� _ ►►'''���111 ■ ■ a e cco u n a � � School Report Card Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) pull together a wide range of information on the performance of students in each school and district in Texas every year. Performance is shown disaggregated by student groups, including ethnicity and low income status . The reports also provide extensive information on school and district staff, programs , and student demographics . � , ,,- � ,������1�} },��''`''`� ■ ■ e e ra cco u n a � � NCLB Report Cards Under the accountability provisions in the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, all public school campuses, school districts , and the state are evaluated for Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) . Districts , campuses , and the state are required to meet AYP criteria on three measures : Reading/Language Arts , Mathematics , and either Graduation Rate or Attendance Rate . � . �,: � �1��1����1 1wti����}1}1 An n ual Performance Re ort p State Re uirements q • District/Campus TAPR Reports • District/Campus Performance Objectives • Report of Violent or Criminal Incidents • I nformation From TH ECB about Performance of Students in Post-secondary Institutions � . ,,: t `i�,���1�� 151f�����i�� � • , • , • Y � � � � �. � . °��: y...�. � !•�� �' ,�.. ��. _�� i ' � �, ' ■ _ ■ � �'' �! f � ■ :_ � . � y..... , I��� �R � i + � � � 'i .� � `�� •. �� �`, * * .� � \`�.;����`��`��`',� � - ��,� � . �.�` �� � �� . `�. . � � � � �� �<< � . * �. * � * ..'�� � �� � �. y...�.� � ���� _ `� � m'�,� _�r'y�'� :� ` � ;�r'y�'� :� ` � •�r'y�'� :� i ` � •�r'y�'� :� :� i ` � •�r'y�'�fi .�+.'� . r, " � ''• ;�,�i � r. } - '' +� ;�i � r. r; " � ''�' :�.� �'. r; " � ''�' :�.� �'. r;-" ' ''. :�.� 1 r �- r �- r �- r �- r �- .. .,�,�1-;- �• ,. _ .,�,�1-;- �• ,. .,�,�1-;- �•' ,. .,�,�1-;- .. -_ .,�,� ;' �' .. _ .,�,�1;' �� �;y��1�._ �� ���y��1�._ �� ���y��1�._ �� ���y��1�._ � ���y��1�._ �� � ��1'._ ": ": ": .. .. .'Y - r . _. _ .4 - .r . _. _ .4 - .r . _. _ .4 '- 'r . _. _ .` - .r . _. _ � . � -. .)Y -. .)Y -. .)Y -. .)Y -. .)Y 4 _ '� � 'Y �.�- ���������� I �� �� ����� -- ��' � �� �� � � � ��� ��� �� �� � Ind�c 1 I�c1��x� Ir���x� ir�x � - ':�bu��rrt �t�k �I�irr� ����c�r�d��r �.€hi��r��rr�k Pr�r�� ��rf�rr°t�r�� � ��a�i��� �T�r€�t���r��:a I:T�r��t ��r� _ ��� �;f�r�� ��= 5�� Westlake Academ Performance All Sub 'ects v � 2013-2014 �, r���r All ,4fri�an Am�rican Pa�ific M�re Ecan �ta�e Di�trict �#wdenks American His�ani� Whit� In�di�n Asian I�lander Rae�� Disadu �TAAR Perc�n#at Phase-in�atisfa��ry St�ndard�r Above��um of AlI Gr�d�s T�st�d} �PIII�ubj�Cts 2074 77�1a ��°fo +32°la 98°l0 85°fa 93°!� 1Q�}% 9�°� - S7� - 2073 �7�a 93°5 �J3°�a 9[J°Iff 91°!p 94°la 83�10 9�°Y6 - 8�°!ff - Readin�g 2014 76� 9��'0 �J�°!o 1a�°Jn 9�°la '�6°1a * 9�°� - 88'� - �0�13 S0� ��°lo �J6°!n 95�la 1()0°/a 9�7% * 98°l�0 - 79�10 - h�ath�errrati�� 2Q14 78"� 8i�6 579� �2� 7�9� B�� * 889�� - ?7°l� - 2D13 79�a �133'� 90°!u $2� 829� �'39'u * 9�°,� - 79°l0 - V�'fltif�� 2Q14 7�°!a ��°,� �J�9�o * 87'6� �C°1a - ��°�fo - * - �073 6�� 83°l0 $9°lu 75°l0 81°Ja ��9'n * 9�°l�0 - 77�1a - Science �Q14 78� �33fi �9�9� 1�4°� 889�'� ��°� * 10D°� - 1D��� - 2013 ��� �4°� �94°i� 1���6 �19�g �3�� * 1aD°r6 - 1a4�9 - So�ial�tudies 2014 769� 8�B3b S8� * �6�9�g �1°� ' 87°� - * - 2013 �'6°l0 94°Jo +344!0 1 DI�"l6 1�Q°1� �3°/� * �53b - 1 D43'� - �� ��� �����'� ���� ������"� : � `�: . , �., � .,� �,,. � � �. � ,.� � � � �., � = �._ , 1 , ���������lll 11�����1 �����rr�i� ��I�i��,�r�m�rr# irr F���irr��L� , �I�TI�I��T1��1 E,� 91'wJI�EI"� .�a�.�d�m i� ��t�i���rr��r�� `i r� 1�.�7�#I��m�#i�� �I�TIiI��TI�!`I'� E�F�TT�J"IE� �����r��i�: ��:�i���rr��r�# i r� ��i�rti�� �1�T 1 il'�J�-T 1�'ul'�1 E,�F�.�1�'� .�����rrro i� .,��h i���;rn��r�� ir� ���i�.l "S#��i�� 1�� C�1"�TII�,J�=T 1�I�,� E�F�.I�IE C� T�� �� F}�r���a�# �#�u��r�# �r������ � I"�I�T ELI�I�LE ` T�� �� F��r��rr# �1��`i rr� ������n�,rr�:� ��p�� �I�TI�F��TI�I�J ��I�f�J E`� �����r���r���r�° I����d ir���� �1�T1u�,l�T1�� E,�I�,III��� ■ os - econ a ea � ness om onen I�t�#� �� i�r� � 1 �i�#n� . �:����������r�������-� Er��li�l� L�r�������r�� �I�� �f ���1.� �'�� �°� ���°�� � ���� �f ���I� ���'n ��°� ��°a�� ,. I���tl�����i� ���� � ���� ��� ��� ���°��o ��s�� � ��1� ��� �1 � 1���o � ���� ������� �:I�� �� ���� .���'�n �°� �5w°�d �I�� �f ��1� ,��'`'� ��°� 1�°�`'o _ — , ,,. , 11►����1 ��������ll��� _ ■ ■ ra ua � on om e � on a e - Westlake State Academy Class of o 0 2013 100 /0 88 /o Class ofi o o - 100 /0 88 /o . — 2012 = . ,,: , ,111`lll�� _ ��►''i����� ACT Res u Its ACT 2013-2014 Mean for Westlake Academy ACT Com . 2014 2013 2012 2011 Westlake Aca. 25.7 26.1 27.1 25.9 WA Texas National CarrollISD * 26.1 25.7 25.7 English 26.5 19.8 2�2 Keller ISD * 23.1 22.7 22.9 Mathematics 25.2 21.4 20.9 North Hills * 26.1 25.5 24.6 Reading 25.6 21.1 21.1 Northwest ISD * 22.g 22.� 22.5 Science 25.0 21.0 20.7 Uni.Academy * 16.9 15.8 16.6 Composite 25.7 20.9 20.9 .� 28�0 Avg. Comp. ACT Comparison 2013-2011 � 1 - j11�lll 26.0 � 26.4 25.8 ����1 24.0 25.3 25.4 �i�'�� 22 A 22.9 22.7 20.0 18.0 - 16A - 16.4 14.0 - , 12.0 - 10.0 Westlake Carroll ISD Coppell ISD Keller ISD North Hills Northwest Uni. Aca. ISD Academy SAT Res u Its SAT 2013-2014 Mean for Westlake Academy 2013 SAT-Av . 2014 (+Writ.) 2012 2011 WA Texas National Westlake Aca. 1737 1736 1176 1179 CarrollISD * 1723 1155 1161 Crit. Reading 581 476 497 Co ell ISD * 1696 1140 1155 Mathematics 577 495 513 North Hills * 1737 1178 1153 Northwest ISD * 1476 1000 1009 Writing 579 461 487 Uni. Academ * 1339 858 822 __ `;- . , 1400.0 S�4T Avg. 2013-2011 ��� _ 1363.7 1346.3 1356.0 Ii1I1111���1�11 1300.0 1330.3 �i► 1200.0 — � 1213.3 1161.7 1100.0 -- 1000.0 — 1006.3 900A — 800.0 Westlake Carroll ISD Coppell ISD Keller ISD North Hills Northwest Uni. Aca. ISD Academy esu s World Avg. U.S. Avg. Grad. Year # Diplomas Pass Rate Pass Rate Pass Rate 2010 12 (21) 57.1% 78.1% 68.0% 2011 25 (29) 86.2% 78.0% 67.0% 2012 24 (27) 88.9% 78.5% 66.0% 2013 29 (35) 82.9% 78.5% 68.0% 2014 38 (48) 79.2% 78.0% 68.0% — _ `�� Westlake Academy IB Diploma Results � , 100 = 90 86.2 88.9 1`11�11���11 78.1 78.0 78.5 82.98.5 79.'�8.5 11����I1, 80 — — — 70 68.0 _67.0 —�i6.0 68.0 68.0 r-, 0 60 57.L-- - � a� dn ;� 50 WA Pass Rate � � 40 _ _ World Avg.Pass Rate a U.S.Avg.Pass Rate 30 - 20 10 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Graduation Year ■ ■ ■ ■ io en an ri m i na nci en s Texas statute requires every district to publish a report on violent and criminal incidents at campuses in the district. Westlake Academy reports zero violent and criminal incidents. � � : � , ,�-� l •� � ��1������ i��}�1 1� 111 • Adequate Yearly Progress is the accountability report of No Child Left Behind ( NCLB Report Cards) • It reports on progress of two additional student groups : Special Education & Limited English Proficient • Westlake Academy met AYP � � ��.. S i ��l���l��� if�}���}��1 ■ ccess � n e e o s • Texas Education Agency Website — http :/�www.tea .state .tx. us/ • Westlake Academy Office — Office of the Executive Principal • Westlake Academy Website _ � . ,.: 1 }►�11�}l�� �+t'+����}�