HomeMy WebLinkAboutEntrada presentation1WESTLAKE ENTRADA Planning & Zoning Presentation 2015-11-09 P R O J E C T U P D A T E A N D D I S C U S S I O N P O I N T S Current Project Status: •Trophy Club MUD Water Line Relocation •Offsite Line has been Installed, Tested and Accepted by TC MUD •Existing Line being removed and grading work being completed •Sanitary Sewer: •Can ‘solve our own problem’ on-site with no additional easements needed •Gravity Flow to east removes a lift station and places the metering station in a location to benefit entire Town •Paving for Entrada: •Switching to all Pavers for the entire development •Retaining Walls: •Villa walls have been removed from the PID work (and future Town ownership) •Villas will have daylight basements with remaining Retaining Walls to be privately -owned (as a builder cost) •New Layout of the Hillside Villas •Following direction given from Robin McCaffery •Minimal yards with intent to have a continuous street edge •Master Landscape Plan: Submitted to the Town and working through Design Iterations with Staff and Consultants •Design Guidelines: Complete except for two points: •All-masonry fireplace request by Robin McCaffery •Solid bar pickets where visible from the Street. R E V I S E D H I L L S I D E V I L L A L A Y O U T Revised Hillside Villa Layout per Staff and Consultant’s direction: F I N A L S I T E P L A N S B E I N G P R E S E N T E D Current Final Site Plan Submittals: •CVS: •12,900 sqft Building •Significant Architectural concessions made throughout a multi-month design/iteration process •Additional screening provided by Centurion American’s commitment to set aside four small building pads around the CVS site •Primrose: •12,000 sqft Building •Worked very hard with Staff and Merriman comments to create the fenced-in courtyard appearance while retaining their required playground areas •Centurion American to provide further screening with the addition of the small building to the south of Primrose. Primrose Elevations: C V S A N D P R I M R O S E F I N A L S I T E P L A N CVS and Primrose Final Site Plan: V E R T I C A L C O N S T R U C T I O N U P D A T E : Vertical Construction Update: •In addition to CVS and Primrose, CA will be seeking building permits in Feb 2016 for: •29,500 sqft of Retail and Office on the Davis-114 Corner •36,000 sqft of Showroom/Office around the Gas Pad •330-park Garage adjacent to the Amphitheater •25,000 sqft of Restaurants on the Water with Patio Space •Total, Non-Residential Building Permits to be submitted by the first Quarter of 2016: •12,900 sqft by CVS •12,000 sqft by Primrose •90,500 by Centurion American •Totalling 115,400 sqft •Next Round of Submittals by Centurion American to include the 135-Room hotel with 161,000 sqft of Non- residential Space and the Chapel. •Target submittal date for the Hotel and Chapel is Sept 1, 2016 Retail Corner Renderings: S A N I T A R Y S E W E R O P T I O N S : Existing TRA Sanitary Sewer Line already on Entrada Property Proposed Gravity-flow Offsite Sanitary Sewer Line Proposed new metering Station location to serve all Of Westlake and not just Entrada W E S T L A K E E N T R A D A P H A S E I V E R T I C A L C O N S T R U C T I O N Restaurant Row On the Water 3,000 seat Amphitheater Office/Showroom Retail Corner