HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-12-10 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting November 12, 2010 Attending: Leah Rennhack, Casey Paulson,Kevin Hansen,Deborah Ziegler, Cathy Lee,Rob Scott, Charlotte Ryan, Bill Greenwood, George Ledak,April Gallagher,Kelly Cox,Mayor Laura Wheat and Shelly Myers. I. L. Rennhack called the meeting to order at 8:35 AM. II. L. Rennhack introduced and welcomed new Board members Kevin Hansen and April Gallagher. III. Motion to approve Minutes of October 8,2010 by C. Lee, second by C.Ryan. Amended Minutes approved. IV. Fund 100 Update • R. Scott reported on a meeting that he and C. Lee had with Rod Harding (MYP Principal) and Jamie Schmitz(PYP Principal)to discuss use of Fund100 resources for recruiting and retention efforts. • From a fundraising standpoint, teacher compensation is a compelling solicitation message. School administration will draft a proposal outlining a compensation plan, including implementation, monitoring, and budget, as part of the school's retention efforts. • Re. recruitment, R. Harding and J. Schmitz commented on the need for(1) quality marketing materials to promote WA and attract both international and expatriate IB teachers, and (2) expanded advertising venues for job recruitment. The Committee strongly encouraged grant requests for these initiatives, ideally for use in January,which is the prime recruiting and hiring period. • The Committee is working to strike a balance with allocating specific percentages/amounts of Fund 100 dollars while remaining flexible to the school's changing needs. • B. Greenwood commended the Committee for partnering with school administrators in this process. • L. Wheat remarked that the principals and faculty feel "treasured" with how much money has been invested in professional development. • A. Gallagher emphasized importance of letting community know how funds are spent and the grants' impact on WA education. V. Financial Report • D. Ziegler reported $118,427 in undesignated funds. Administrative costs run approximately $8,000/month. Though no new funds will be added until March 2011 Gallery Night event, we're in solid financial position. • Outstanding Baja pledges need to be collected and closed. • A. Gallagher asked for approximate cost to run the WAF to try and cover that cost with Gallery Night sponsorships. Also suggested reporting cumulative impact of Gallery Night to the WA community to encourage support. • Motion to approve Financials by B. Greenwood, second by G. Ledak. Financials approved as submitted. VI. Blacksmith Annual Fund • Campaign stands at $523,000; parent participation at 62%. With only $77,000 remaining to goal, the campaign was extended into Nov. • K. Cox shared that much positive feedback has been received re. the campaign. D. Ziegler will produce a report to show constituency statistics, giving levels, etc. • We need to explore new opportunities and different venues to continue expressing that giving to BAF is an expectation. R. Scott suggested recruiting"grade captains"to connect with peers. • K. Cox emphasized importance of honoring our commitment to install a permanent recognition plaque. VII. Program&Allocations Committee • C. Lee distributed summary of six proposals received and reviewed. To date, the Board has approved $73,060 from Fundl00. • Guided Math: two teachers applied to attend this Bureau of Education & Research course. Motion to approve by D. Ziegler, second by B. Greenwood. Approved for$398. • Annual Convention and World Languages Expo: one teacher applied to attend this American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)conference in Boston,MA. Motion to approve by B. Greenwood, second by R. Scott. Approved for$1,760. • Inquiry into China: two teachers applied to attend this 10-day, TIBS-sponsored experience. Motion to approve by K. Cox, second by A. Gallagher.Approved for$4,700. • Expanded Internet Bandwidth at WA: Motion to table this proposal until discussion with Town personnel by G. Ledak, second by B. Greenwood. Motion to table approved. • K. Cox asked how teachers will share outcomes of their experiences with other faculty. C. Lee noted that the newly revised application will require faculty to make written reports and present to their peers. B. Greenwood requested that funded teachers also make periodic reports to the WAF Board. • We must work better and more creatively to market the good work of the Foundation in awarding these grants as well as the resulting positive outcomes in the classrooms. VIII. Nominating Committee • Before presenting a new slate of officers for consideration, G. Ledak thanked L. Rennhack for her dedicated service, strong leadership, and long-standing commitment to the Foundation. • Nominated officers: President—Kelly Cox; Vice President—Rob Scott; Treasurer—Deborah Ziegler; Secretary—Cathy Lee;Immediate Past President—Leah Rennhack. • Motion to accept presented slate of officers by G. Ledak, second by A. Gallagher. Motion passed unanimously. • L. Rennhack expressed her pride in the progress of the Foundation and how honored she has been to serve and lead this team. IX. Executive Director's Report • The WAF was invited to include information in a FAQ booklet for new WA parents. • The WAF's presence at the Northwest Chamber Expo was well-received and generated interest in both the school and WAF events. • Grandparents Day will be held Nov. 19; over 120 guests expected. As a way to collect grandparent addresses,we may offer raffle sign-up for two tickets to Gallery Night. o Related, K. Hansen suggested adding a "Grandparent Match" option to the Blacksmith donation form. • Worked with VGS marketing firm on a press release of Baja results and the overall impact of WAF fundraising. X. Next Meeting: December 13,2010—8:30 AM in the Arts& Sciences conference room. XI. C. Lee moved to adjourn the Board meeting at 11:44 AM. Second by D. Ziegler. Motion carried.