HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-17-10 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting September 17, 2010 Attending: Leah Rennhack, Casey Paulson, Kelly Cox, Deborah Ziegler, Cathy Lee, Rob Scott, Charlotte Ryan, and Shelly Myers. Jack Risenhoover was on conference call. Tim Brittan (Town Councilman and Westlake Baja committee member), Rod Harding (MYP Principal) and Jamie Schmitz (PYP Principal) attended for the Fund 100 discussion. I. L. Rennhack called the meeting to order at 8:40 AM. II. Motion to approve Minutes of August 20, 2010 by C. Lee, second by D. Ziegler. Minutes approved as submitted. III. Financial Report • D. Ziegler presented two financial reports, one generated by the Town and one by QuickBooks (QB). Due to rounding and formula issues, the figures won't always match. The QB report is balanced to cash on hand through Aug. 31. Consensus is to continue receiving both reports. • All endowment funds need to be moved into own brokerage account, which insures much higher amounts. • The checking account needs to remain below$250,000 (to ensure FDIC insured). • Monthly income interest will be booked to either endowment or administrative, as appropriate. • Motion to approve Financials by K. Cox, second by C. Lee. Financials approved as submitted. IV. Blacksmith Annual Fund • Campaign stands at$106,410 (18% of$600,000 goal) and will run Oct. 1-31. • K. Cox and D. Ziegler are making thank-you calls to donors; the families have been very receptive. • A sign listing all family names, which would be highlighted as the family contributed, was proposed. Noting that children may feel badly if their family's name isn't highlighted as well as the potential detriment to community building, the idea was rejected. • Donors will be recognized by level of giving per child, by constituency (e.g., parent, Board, staff), and by alphabetical listing. • C. Paulson noted the importance of providing all campaign statistics to the families (e.g., % of parent participation, money raised). • C. Paulson recommended having teachers, parents and Board members making calls during the campaign to increase participation and dollars raised. The Development Committee will examine the timing of a phonathon. • Overall, the WAF needs to do a much better job of promoting its success in funds raised, programs supported, and the positive impact made at WA. V. Fund 100 Discussion • T. Brittan shared his intent and vision for Fund100. With the quality facility and students, we want to ensure that the Academy remains a draw for families by raising funds so school leadership can find, hire, and keep great teachers. • T. Brittan envisioned that all monies raised through the Baja would be spent now to provide early, immediate impact and energy among the faculty and WA community. • J. Schmitz noted that paying teachers at or above salary threshold helps make certain we'll have quality teachers; below that threshold and we'll lose worthy educators. • R. Harding reported research findings, which indicated that the #1 factor in teacher satisfaction was competitive salary. Teachers also desire the opportunity to collaborate, make decisions, and continuously learn. • J. Schmitz noted the importance of WA being a "learning community" for teachers whereby they set goals, are assessed (by self and principal), and reflect, so that areas for growth and development are identified. Administration is working toward ensuring that professional development opportunities address teachers' needs vs. only teachers' interests. R. Harding stated that Secondary is working to establish performance improvement plans to assess each teacher. • R. Scott emphasized that applications to Fundl00 need to be 100% for the teachers. He encouraged J. Schmitz and R. Harding to be mindful of the donor's perception when requesting funds for professional development, particularly of the scope of the $21,500 for Sir Ken Robinson, given that salaries are the most important issue for teachers. The WAF's ability to fundraise and inspire donors is enhanced when we can promote that funds will go to teachers; our ability is decreased with only professional development requests. We need to strive for a balanced resume of grant successes, with funds going to recruitment, retention and development. • R. Scott noted that professional development requests don't always have to go through Fund 100, since WA also has a dedicated budget line. • T. Brittan noted that Fundl00 gives us a program whereby we can competitively pay to keep and attract faculty members. • R. Harding's suggestions of offering teachers a "re-signing bonus" at contract bonus, as well as "loyalty bonus" at, for example, 5-year, 10-year, etc. anniversaries,was well-received. • R. Harding shared that prime faculty recruiting time is December/January. With the expanded block scheduling, the school has already identified teaching needs, so Fundl00 can be used to pay for attendance at recruiting conferences, search firms, etc. • The Program & Allocations Committee will work with R. Harding and J. Schmitz to review and finalize the Fund100 application, general WAF grant form, and a WA professional development form. • C. Paulson noted the importance of teachers actively sharing the opportunities they received courtesy of Fundl00 as a way to excite the community and increase both interest and money raised through the Baja. The more we show people what we're doing and being a community resource, the more we're able to attract new dollars. • It's imperative that the WAF Board and WA leadership communicate regularly to inform of each other's needs. VI. Westlake Baja • The VIP Party on September 17 was a fun event with the Maserati test drives. • R. Scott reported that without some of the higher-end items we enjoyed last year, we don't expect to raise as much through the auction, but this will be a more sustainable event. The committee is looking at ways to promote the Baja more on campus and involve the students. • C. Lee congratulated R. Scott and the Baja committee for organizing the event. VII. Nominating Committee Kevin Hansen's application was reviewed and presented for service. C. Lee moved to approve the nomination of K. Hansen; second by C. Ryan. Motion passed unanimously. VIII. Executive Director's Report • Ashley Hansen is hosting a party for all Board members of the three affiliate organizations (aka: W3) on October 2. She will send an evite shortly with party details. • Remarks by teacher Scott McMickle regarding his experience at two conferences supported by Fund 100 was shared. IX. Other Business • C. Paulson proposed bundling the Foundation's three main campaigns (Baja, Gallery Night, Blacksmith) and asking leadership donors to be "founding members" of a to-be-named society. Folks would only be solicited one time and would receive premier sponsorship and donor recognition(e.g., event tickets, VIP parties). • C. Paulson volunteered to draft a bundled proposal. • Motion for WAF to develop a campaign to target most active, largest donors for a special, combined annual gift made by R. Scott; second by C. Lee. Motion passed unanimously. X. Next Meeting: October 8, 2010 —8:30 a.m. in the Arts & Sciences conference room. XI. C. Lee moved to adjourn the Board meeting at 11:27 AM. Second by D. Ziegler. Motion carried.