HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-20-10 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting August 20, 2010 Attending: Leah Rennhack, Casey Paulson, George Ledak, Kelly Cox, Deborah Ziegler, Cathy Lee, Rob Scott, Karen Osborne, and Shelly Myers. I. L. Rennhack called the meeting to order at 8:40 AM. II. L. Rennhack welcomed and introduced new Board member, Casey Paulson, General Manager at Vaquero Club. C. Paulson has been instrumental to our Westlake Baja success and brings significant business and marketing experience to the Foundation Board. III. Motion to approve Minutes of May 7, 2010 by C. Lee, second by D. Ziegler. Minutes approved as submitted. IV. Financial Report • D. Ziegler reported that the July financials were received too late to reconcile with the Foundation's records, so approval was tabled. • We are working to enter 2009-10 data into QuickBooks to establish baseline for comparing to 2010-11 data. V. Blacksmith Annual Fund • K. Cox and D. Ziegler are again chairing Blacksmith; campaign goal is $600,000. • The central message to all Academy constituents is to "pull your own weight" for the success of the school and support the BAF. • In the two Back-to-School nights,parents contributed/pledged$73,000 (12% of goal). • Several recognition levels (e.g.,by giving level,by constituency) will acknowledge donors. • The campaign will run Oct. 1-31; materials will include a FAQ incorporating data from the recent parent surveys to further educate folks re. school funding. The Town will use its "Budget at a Glance" document to demonstrate the $600,000 need. • Campaign strategies will include targeting corporations to provide "challenge grants" as donor incentive; using students as webmasters to create and post videos/podcasts of student and teacher interviews re. impact of BAF gifts; and having Board members make thank-you calls to every BAF donor. VI. Westlake Baja • As event chair, R. Scott commended the Baja Committee for planning a great event and fantastic party on September 27. The VIP Party will be September 17 at a home in Vaquero. • This year's entire event will be in the evening with golf, cocktail party, and live and silent auctions. Sponsors will play the Vaquero course on a day of their choice. • There will be a Maserati and $10,000 cash prizes for Hole-in-One contests. Liquor sponsors have been secured to stock bars on the course and keep alcohol costs down. We are working to secure professional athletes to donate playing rounds of golf. Any opportunities that Board members have to secure auction items, please ask! VII. President's Report • It is time to review the Board's Officer positions as L. Rennhack's term as President is ending. Directors should forward nominations of interested members to S. Myers. VIII. Nominating Committee • Charlotte Ryan's application was reviewed and presented for service. G. Ledak moved to approve the nomination of C. Ryan; second by R. Scott. Motion passed unanimously. IX. Programs &Allocations Committee • C. Lee presented the Fund100 grant request to bring Sir Ken Robinson to Westlake for an in-service program. After much discussion, C. Lee moved to approve the "Creativity and Innovation in Education" in-service proposal in the amount of $21,500; second by D. Ziegler. Motion passed unanimously. • At the request of the Board, S. Myers will invite Jamie Schmitz, Primary Principal, and Rod Harding, Secondary Principal, to provide grant feedback and discuss uses of the Fund100 resources. X. Strategic Planning • The Board agreed to put Strategic Planning work on hold until after the Blacksmith Annual Fund campaign. L. Rennhack and R. Scott will talk with Dr. Elaine Free regarding resuming work in November. XI. Next Meeting: October 8, 2010—8:30 a.m. in the Arts & Sciences conference room. XII. C. Lee moved to adjourn the Board meeting at 10:37 AM. Second by K. Cox. Motion carried.