HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-23-10 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting April 23, 2010 Attending: Leah Rennhack, George Ledak, Cathy Lee, Rob Scott, Chris Noonan, Deborah Ziegler, Kelly Cox, Jeff Ryan, and Shelly Myers. Bill Greenwood gave his proxy to President L. Rennhack. I. L. Rennhack called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. II. Authorization of Fund100 Monies • Discussion centered on ensuring transparency when allocating the donated funds we've received. As such, the WAF would like to see a list of prioritized items and expenditures with associated costs. • C. Noonan proposed keeping a percentage of the Baja assets to be placed in the Fund100 endowment (which will be established by the Deloitte gift), releasing the remaining funds for immediate use. C. Lee suggested getting grant guidelines in place at the May 7 Workshop before releasing any funds. • J. Ryan proposed that up to $100,000 be immediately released upon receipt of a list of needs from the Academy. The Board would also like to know 1) when will the funds be spent to enhance the educational environment, and 2)how will the requested items meet the goals and purpose of the Fund100. • Motion by J. Ryan to release up to $100,000 to school upon receipt and approval of expenditure list by the WAF Board. Second by D. Ziegler. Motion passed with 7-2 vote. III. Bus Options • R. Scott moved to enter into an agreement with Lasseter bus company with the following points: • Lasseter agrees not to sell the two buses we're interested in, and • The WAF agrees to give Lasseter the option to match any bids secured from other vendors. • It was suggested to secure the opinion of the Town attorney that allows us to enter into this agreement. • R. Scott moved to enter into an agreement with Lasseter bus company, contingent upon positive opinion by Town attorney. Second by J. Ryan. Motion passed unanimously. IV. Nomination Committee • Motion by J. Ryan to nominate Casey Paulson for service on the WAF Board. Second by K. Cox. Motion passed unanimously. V. Next Meeting: May 7, 2010—8:30 a.m. in the Arts & Sciences conference room. VI. J. Ryan moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:23 AM. Second by D. Ziegler. Motion carried.