HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-12-10 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting March 12, 2010 Attending: Leah Rennhack, Jack Risenhoover, Cathy Lee, Leigh Sander, Rob Scott, Karen Osborne, Deborah Ziegler, Shelly Myers; liaison Tom Brymer and guest April Gallagher. Bill Greenwood and Kelly Cox offered their proxy votes prior to the meeting. I. L. Rennhack called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. II. Motion to approve January 8, 2010 minutes by C. Lee, second by J. Ryan. Minutes approved as submitted. III. Financial Report • D. Ziegler stated that she had questions re. the Financials, but was unable to secure answers prior to this Board meeting; as such, approval of the February 2010 Financials was tabled. • Given the issues that the Board continues to have with the monthly Financials, D. Ziegler, C. Lee, L. Rennhack and S. Myers will meet with Debbie Piper, Director of Finance, to discuss Board concerns and work toward solutions. • J. Risenhoover reminded that it is the primary obligation of the WAF Board to ensure that funds are handled and managed appropriately. J. Ryan furthered the point, stating that the WAF needs to have set rules for the handling of each of our funds to increase transparency. To that point, C. Lee recommended that the WAF hold a workshop to establish guidelines and regulations for the various WAF assets. IV. Liaison Report • T. Brymer reported the school's efforts to release the 2010-11 budget in June (vs. July). • A parent survey will be sent shortly with questions re. classes and services among others. • The school is considering block scheduling for the Secondary with the option of adding more students to the upper grades. Informational meetings for parents will occur the week of March 22. R. Scott asked if online courses have been examined in light of our physical plant limitations. The option will be examined further. • The Head of Primary search has closed acceptance of resumes. Three panels consisting of teachers, the WALT, and parents will interview the finalists. • Given the positive meeting in January that included representatives of the affiliate organizations (i.e., WAF, HOC, WAAC), T. Brymer suggested that it would be helpful for the officers of each to meet 2-3 times/year. V. Gallery Night Report • C. Lee reported that over$240,000 was raised in sponsorships, tickets, and winning bids. • The "Fund-an-Item," a Westlake Academy bus, has received contributions totaling $83,675 as of 3/11/10. Guest A. Gallagher reported that she, T. Brymer, Ben Nibarger, and John Gallagher went bus shopping and in addition to looking at the new bus (displayed earlier on campus), a used, certified pre-owned bus was on the lot, for approximately $35,000. • Several questions were asked: (1) who purchases the bus —the WAF or the Town? (2) What is the procurement process for used vehicles? (The Town must go through a bidding process for new vehicles); (3) Does the WAF have any liability, tax or otherwise, if it buys the bus and gifts to the school? • R. Scott congratulated and recognized all that A. Gallagher did for Gallery Night, both as event chair and key fundraiser for the bus(es). • J. Ryan, R. Scott and A. Gallagher volunteered to research bus options and review findings with the Board at the 4/9/10 meeting. J. Risenhoover motioned to approve this effort. Second by C. Lee. Motion carried. VI. President's Report • R. Scott offered to serve as Vice President of the WAF Board. After discussion, J. Ryan motioned to approve the appointment. Second by D. Ziegler. Motion carried. Congratulations and thank you, Rob! • In a Fund100 update, L. Rennhack reiterated that the management and direction of these assets is the responsibility of the WAF. J. Risenhoover and S. Myers will find sample guidelines and parameters for endowment funds and grants for the Board's review. • Revisiting the suggestion for a WAF Board workshop, L. Rennhack asked who would be willing to work on outlining guidelines for our different funds; the following agreed to serve: Fund100 —J. Ryan, D. Ziegler; B1ackSmith —D. Ziegler; Unrestricted Funds —D. Ziegler; Gallery Night—C. Lee. S. Myers will staff and participate in all meetings. • C. Lee suggested April 24 for a Board workshop. S. Myers will follow-up and schedule. VII. Executive Director Report • S. Myers and B. Nibarger presented a proposal requesting that the WAF purchase software and hardware through TechSoup, a non-profit organization that allows other non-profits to purchase technology at significantly reduced prices. • After much discussion, the motion was made to purchase the TechSoup software and hardware for the benefit of Westlake Academy (total $6,533), to be purchased with Blacksmith Annual Fund (BAF) contributions that come in over the budgeted requirement. The WAF will agree to front the cost through its administrative budget and will reimburse itself as excess BAF funds are received. D. Ziegler moved to accept the motion. C. Lee seconded. Motion approved pending confirmation that it is, indeed, permissible for the WAF to purchase and own software that will be placed on school computers. S. Myers will follow-up with R. Scott for his questions and guidance. VIII Other Business • In light of the recurring issues related to WAF Financials, the Board agreed that it would be worth exploring the cost of in-house accounting services. • R. Scott also agreed to help address quality control issues. L. Sander recommended looking at other non-profit organizations for how they're managed, secure sample fund guidelines, etc. J. Risenhoover volunteered to locate and bring guidelines of sample financials. IX. Next Meeting: April 9, 2010—8:30 a.m. in the Arts & Sciences conference room. X. C. Lee moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:15 AM. Second by K. Osborne. Motion carried.