HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-08-10 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting January 8, 2010 Attending: Leah Rennhack,Jack Risenhoover, Chris Noonan, Cathy Lee,Kelly Cox, George Ledak,Karen Osborne,Deborah Ziegler,Tom Brymer, Shelly Myers I. L. Rennhack called the meeting to order at 8:40 a.m. II. Motion to approve December 11, 2009 Minutes by D. Ziegler, second by C. Lee. Minutes approved as submitted. S. Myers will send action items to Board members in a more timely fashion, so work can be done between meetings. III. Financial Report • D. Ziegler stated that as of 12/31/09, there was $149,784 in unrestricted funds. • A Black Cow reference to a "found $200,000" was clarified as the amount in which the campaign came in under budget and with the built-in contingencies. • A $50,912 discrepancy was found in the Arts & Sciences Center capital campaign account; both $338,696 and $389,608 were shown in different sections of the financials. A pay application (with invoice and supporting documentation) for the A&S building was presented for approval, but with the account difference, a vote to approve was tabled, pending clarification and correction. • Due to the aforementioned discrepancy, approval of the 12/31/09 Financials was tabled. Staff will follow up with Debbie Piper to seek corrected financials. IV. Liaisons Reports • T. Brymer reported that the Town's "Westlake Wire" e-newsletter will be sent to all Academy parents. • Head of Primary Jamie Schmitz will be leaving WA on March 12, 2010 to return to Australia. Terry Watson, PYP IB Coordinator, will serve as interim Head; an international search is currently underway. • The draft Strategic Plan has been presented to the Board. A meeting of the affiliate leadership (i.e., WAF, HOC, WAAC) will be held January 18, 2010 to begin budget planning and provide input. Affiliates will be asked to consider funding ongoing items/projects as well as (or in addition to) one-time items. V. Gallery Night Report • C. Lee reported on donations received to date, but the quest is on for more great live and big board items. Student art projects are underway, with L. Rennhack chairing that initiative. One exciting new item will be "Kids Rule the School" with parents bidding to have their student be a teacher for the day. • Also new this year will be a"Fund-an-Item," whereby guests will be offered various levels to consider making a 100% tax-deductible donation toward a specific item. The item will be selected within the week. • Gallery Night net proceeds support the annual expenses of the WAF. Any excess funds could be allocated toward the Fund-an-Item. • Sponsorships are currently at $52,000, exceeding our$50,000 goal. • Faculty and staff will be invited to attend at no charge; their guests will be charged full ticket price of$75. • T. Brymer suggested sending event information to Kelly Edwards at the Town to help with promotions and recognition. VI. President's Report • Since September 2009, the WAF has raised $1.2 million in gifts and pledges via the B1ackSmith Annual Fund, the Westlake Baja, and the Deloitte grant for Faculty Endowment. Congratulations, all! • Colleen Hess will be resigning from the Board, so we need to look for new members, particularly folks from outside the Academy community, to bring perspectives and relationships similar to C. Hess'. Suggested sources include Fidelity, Sabre-Holdings and Deloitte. • On January 21, 2010 from 4:30-6:30, the Academy will host a Northwest Metroport Chamber mixer in the Commons. S. Myers will email the notice to the WAF Board. VII. Other Business • K. Cox introduced the need for the WAF office to be in a more positive, professional location than its current converted storage room. T. Brymer indicated that Troy Meyer oversees facilities and would be the contact person. S. Myers will follow up with T. Meyer and report her findings. • Courtesy of Rob Scott, pending new WAF Board member, the WAF will begin utilizing Constant Contact to email parents and communicate news and events in a more professional manner—and without having to send emails in"batches!" VIII. Next Meeting: February 12, 2010—8:30 a.m. in the Arts & Sciences conference room. IX. G. Ledak moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 AM. C. Noonan seconded. Motion carried.