HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-09-11 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting December 9, 2011 Board Members in Attendance: Zan Jones, Casey Paulson,Kelly Cox,April Gallagher, Charlotte Ryan, Bill Greenwood,Kevin Hansen,Rob Scott, Sean Shope,Leah Rennhack, Shelly Myers. Guests: Debbie Piper, Tom Brymer,Jeff Watson,Rod Harding I. K. Cox called the meeting to order at 8:33 AM. Welcomed new director, Sean Shope, Sr.VP,First Financial, and prospective new member,Jeff Watson,Real Estate Membership Liaison at the Vaquero Club. II. Superintendent's Report • Continued review of enrollment and facilities expansion options by staff and Board of Trustees. • Expansion would involve submitting a charter amendment to the TEA. III. Board discussed following amendment to Minutes: T.Brymer reported that Texas Student Housing funds are being held in the Town's bank account. Motion to approve amended Minutes of November 11,2011 meeting by L. Rennhack, second by A. Gallagher. Motion carried. IV. Financial Report • D. Piper reported that Blacksmith Annual Fund gifts increased revenue by$68,000. Gallery Night incurred a vendor fee of$450. • Motion to approve from B. Greenwood, seconded by C. Ryan. Motion carried. V. Marketing Committee • Z. Jones reported Gallery Night materials posted online and in school's weekly Communique. • Grandparents' Day was very well received. Pictures and videos will be posted to Facebook page. We will ask parents to provide grandparents' addresses for WAY mailing list. • Discussed benefit of obtaining videos from alumni re: how WA has helped them with their college successes.Will interview/video 2011 alumni during their campus visit in January when they will receive their IB diplomas and talk to G10-12 students. VI. Grants Committee • Rod Harding presented background on two proposals: • IB Learns: comprehensive,web-based curriculum management system of peer-reviewed lessons to complement WA lessons.Motion to approve by R. Scott, second by B. Greenwood. Motion carried. Approved for$28,040.00 one-time and$7,600.00 annually. • Accept the Best,Nothing Less—Part 1: Faculty recruitment materials,recruitment fair attendance, and advertising job openings. Motion to approve by R. Scott, seconded by A. Gallagher.Motion carried.Approved for$17,494.00. • Accept the Best,Nothing Less—Part 2: Expenses associated with new hire relocation and international teacher stipends. Motion to approve requested funds in reserve for use for future application to be made on or before September 30, 2012 by B. Greenwood, second by K. Hansen. Motion carried. Approved reserve of$68,464.00 • S. Myers will review current guidelines regarding grant limits per teacher.If none exists,the Board needs to discuss. • S. Myers presented remaining grant applications: • National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts: 3-day professional development experience.Motion to approve by C. Ryan, seconded by A. Gallagher.Motion carried. Approved for$1,650.50. • Leadership and Legacy at Westlake Academy: 3-day professional development experience for two educators. Motion to approve by L. Rennhack, second by A. Gallagher. Motion carried. Approved for$1,614.00 • College/University Tours: week-long tour of northeastern colleges and universities for DP educator. Motion to approve by A. Gallagher, second by C. Paulson. Motion carried. Approved for$2,067.80. • Student Leadership Symposium: week-long attendance at"Poverty and Education" Symposium for DP educator. Motion to approve by A. Gallagher, second by S. Shope. Motion carried. Approved for$2,265.60. VII. Investment Committee • K. Hansen reported that endowment assets are invested and up .5%compared to benchmark. VIII. President Report • No report. IX. Executive Director Report • Thank you to the Board for a great year; looking forward to continued success in 2012. X. Other Business • J.Watson is putting together a Westlake property website that will include Academy information. • WAF Board party is scheduled for Tuesday,December 20,2011 at Kelly Cox's home, 6-9 PM. XI. Next Meeting: January 13,2011—8:30 AM in the Arts& Sciences conference room. XII. R. Scott moved to adjourn the Board meeting at 10:58 AM. Second by K. Hansen.Motion carried.