HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-14-11 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting October 14, 2011 Attending: Casey Paulson,April Gallagher,Ken Gordon,Kelly Cox,Bill Greenwood,Rob Scott,Kevin Hansen, Leah Rennhack, Zan Jones, Shelly Myers, and guest Jaymi Ford,Westlake Finance Department. I. K. Cox called the meeting to order at 8:38 AM II. Superintendent's Report • On behalf of Tom Brymer, S. Myers shared that school staff continues to work on campus expansion models and will present options to the Board of Trustees next month. • Texas Student Housing Authority has gifted$400,000 to the Town,which is considering establishing an endowment. Additional research is needed into this prospective gift. III. Motion to approve Minutes of September 16, 2011 meeting by K. Gordon, second by R. Scott. Minutes approved as submitted. IV. Financial Report • J. Ford reported that the grants approved in August were paid, reducing the Administrative and Fund100 balances by$215,938 ($81,658 and$134,280 respectively). The Technology Package still has $11,057 available. • The question of why `Pledges Receivable' remained a stagnant figure, dating to 8/31/10, was raised. J. Ford replied that the Foundation financials have not tracked pledges. • S. Myers asked that the transfer of Gallery Night proceeds to Administrative fund be made. This transfer was to have happened at fiscal year-end, starting 2012 Gallery Night with a zero balance. K. Hansen will review our various administrative accounts and advise. • Motion to approve by B. Greenwood, second by A. Gallagher. Financials approved as submitted. V. Investment Committee • K. Hansen reported the committee's excited to have Shamrock Asset Management managing our endowment. Matt Brann was at the Baja event and met several Board members. • S.Myers and K. Hansen will make the ACH transfer request to Shamrock Asset Management. • J. Ford will ask the auditor what investment information we will need to provide. VI. Grants Committee • Grant recipient Lisa Redding, PYP Strings teacher, shared the benefits of attending the Texas Orchestra Directors Association, specifically noting the value of learning how to better work with parents. Ms. Redding has initiated a once/week"Strings Parent Class" in which she teaches parents how to play and read music; in turn, the parents can better help and encourage their children during practice. The "Giving Bach"program inspired her to explore opportunities for our students to perform for community audiences. Ms. Redding is also examining software that would allow students to play and test online, while serving as a teaching tool. The Board encouraged her to seek funding through the Technology Package or a Foundation grant. • S. Myers presented this month's grant request: o ACTFL Annual Convention and World LanguaEes Expo: 3-day professional development experience for PYP educator to help improve student performance and achievement in foreign language. Motion to approve by R. Scott, second by C. Paulson. Approved for$1,484.00. VII. Nomination Committee • No Report. Sean Shope's application on Town Council agenda for October. VIII. Marketing Committee • Henry Leatham, I Ph grade student, redesigned the Foundation website and will receive community service hours. We will work with DP staff to document and approve the project. The Foundation will also provide a letter of recommendation suitable for Henry's college application portfolio. • K. Gordon requested that old Foundation web addresses redirect visitors to the new site, as the old site continues to pull up with Google. IX. Development Committee • R. Scott reported that the Westlake Baja raised $201,350 with record sponsorships of$87,250; auction sales of $106,000; and individual tickets of $8,100. The increased promotions and awareness were fantastic and helped increase ticket sales. The addition of tennis tournament and D.J. were extremely well-received. Future Baja marketing will need to emphasize that all guests need to be at least 21 years old, as the event is not suitable for children. • S. Myers reported current Blackmith Annual Fund statistics as of 10/13/11: gifts/pledges at $357,185 (51%of goal)with 32%parent participation. • John Gallagher and Wayne Stoltenberg have created a "Blacksmith Challenge" to inspire giving by offering to match gifts made during the phonathon. X. President's Report • The HOC has asked if the Foundation would be interested in co-sponsoring a "Teacher Appreciation" event. Gracie Miller will be invited to upcoming board meeting to discuss. o B. Greenwood suggested creating a `grant recipients' recognition event. • Significant issues have been raised regarding the technology infrastructure. It was suggested that through S. Myers' role on WALT, the issues of slow computers, appropriate purchases, etc. will be shared with school leadership. The Board needs to articulate what it expects from the school administration in regard to engaging teachers and purchasing what they really need and want. We will invite the Principals to attend the November 11`h meeting. XII. Executive Director Report • Working on an alumni parent postcard to gather alumni's college mailing addresses. • There have been recommendations to consider changing the venue and/or format for Gallery Night. We need to be mindful that any changes not affect our ability to raise needed funds. XI. Next Meeting: November 11,2011—8:30 AM in the Arts& Sciences conference room. XII. A. Gallagher moved to adjourn the Board meeting at 10:57 AM. Second by Z. Jones. Motion carried.