HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-12-11 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting August 12, 2011 Attending: Charlotte Ryan,Kelly Cox, Leah Rennhack, Casey Paulson,Rob Scott,Zan Jones,Kevin Hansen, Shelly Myers, and guest,DP Math teacher Simon Aisthorpe. I. K. Cox called the meeting to order at 8:42 AM. Welcome to new Board member Zan Jones,who is already actively involved on the Marketing Committee. 1I. Superintendent's Report • No report. 1I1. Motion to approve Minutes of June 10, 2011 meeting by C. Paulson, second by R. Scott. Minutes approved as submitted. IV. Financial Report • S. Myers presented the financials in absence of a Treasurer; we are reaching out to our banks for potential candidate. • S. Myers will draft an annual budget and ask the Town if their system can provide budget-to-actual financial reports. • We need to aggressively pursue outstanding Capital Campaign payments, involving Board members in contacting delinquent donors, as appropriate. Administrative Committee will draft process. • Motion to approve by C. Ryan, second by L. Rennhack. Financials approved as submitted. V. Fund 100 Grant Recipient Report • Mr. Simon Aisthorpe, DP Math teacher, shared his experience at Conference for Advancement of Math Teaching. He attended 19 different sessions over three-day training, receiving great, immediately applicable lesson plans and information. A more formal process for sharing conference learning with other faculty members needs exploring. V1. Investment Committee • Gary Walsh with Luther King Capital Management discussed endowment investing, emphasizing a focus on the goals/origins of donors' contributions. He encouraged an examination of asset allocation mix using historical returns as a guide. VII. Programs&Allocations Committee • S. Myers presented 2011-12 Funding Assistance request from Superintendent's office as supplemental budget funding. • Whole School Professional Development: Professional development for 27 teachers from PYP, MYP, and DP. Motion to approve by R. Scott, second by C. Paulson. Approved for $66,000.00. • Mathematics Support Teacher: New full-time position supporting G5-G10 students in all math subjects. Motion to approve by R. Scott,second by C. Ryan.Approved for$35,000.00. • License for Rosetta Stone: Ongoing use in Spanish curriculum. Motion to approve by R. Scott, second by C. Ryan. Approved for$15,000.00. • Technology for the Next Generation: Hardware and software purchases including laptops, iPads, and Mimio whiteboards. Motion to approve by R. Scott, second by L. Rennhack. Approved for$100,000.00 VII. Westlake Baja Update • Distributed packet of materials for review. • Scott& Scott will return as Presenting Sponsors and Society Life as media sponsors. • Promotional efforts will include a "Favorite Teacher" video contest (win iPad2), a Facebook "Like" contest (weekly winner of Baja ticket), and Blacksmith Annual Fund "Early Bird Donor" drawing at Back-to-School events(win Baja ticket). VI. Nomination Committee • Ken Gordon's application was reviewed and presented for service. R. Scott moved to approve the nomination of K. Gordon; second by C. Ryan. Motion passed unanimously. IX. President's Report • The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between WA and WAY as well as a revised Job Description for the WAF Executive Director/WA Director of Development was presented for approval. Motion to approve both documents by R. Scott, second by K. Hansen. Motion carried. X. Executive Director Report • No report. XI. Next Meeting: September 16,2011 —8:30 AM in the Arts& Sciences conference room. XII. K. Cox moved to adjourn the Board meeting at 10:15 AM. Second by L. Rennhack. Motion carried.