HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-11-11 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting June 10, 2011 Attending: Charlotte Ryan,Kelly Cox,Rob Scott, Cathy Lee,Bill Greenwood, Casey Paulson, and Shelly Myers. Tom Brymer, Superintendent, and Debbie Piper, Finance Director, also in attendance. I. K. Cox called the meeting to order at 8:40 AM. 1I. Superintendent's Report • T. Brymer reported on end-of-year activities; graduation and commendation ceremonies went very well. State budget cuts expected to be around 8% over two years, a prominent factor in the Board of Trustees recent budget workshop. School leadership will work with WAF to discuss how the Foundation could help with funding. Blacksmith goal will likely be approximately$600,000. • B. Greenwood suggested that every family on the lottery receive a letter indicating the expectation that being a family at WA means supporting the Blacksmith Annual Fund with best possible gift. • R. Scott remarked on availability of Fund 100 monies to help with funding new teacher positions. 111. Motion to approve Minutes of May 13, 2011 meeting by C. Ryan, second by C. Paulson. Minutes approved as submitted. IV. Financial Report • D. Piper presented the financials,noting the following: o cash balance increased$150,000; o $76,000 repayment to Utility Fund made; $78,000 remains outstanding; o Fund 100 reduced by$34,000 refund for auction item that didn't materialize; o Endowment's at$500,000 thanks to recent$250,000 gift from Deloitte. • Motion to approve by C. Lee, second by C. Paulson.Financials approved as submitted. V. Investment Committee • K. Hansen distributed list of items for discussion. • Will work to educate folks on tax advantages of trusts and bequests to support the school. • Committee will confirm impact of putting 10%of event net proceeds into endowment. Vl. Programs&Allocations Committee • C. Lee presented summary of four proposals received for Board consideration. o Conference for the Advancement of Science Teaching: local training for 3 PYP teachers. Motion to approve by R. Scott, second by C. Ryan. Approved for$630.00. o Texas Orchestra Directors Association Convention: professional development for PYP Strings teacher. Motion to approve by R. Scott, second by C. Ryan. Approved for$800.02 0 58th Annual Conference for Advancement of Mathematics Teaching: local professional development for MYP/DP teacher. Motion to approve by C. Lee, second by K. Hansen. Approved for$206.00. School welcome to send additional 2 teachers for total grant of$618.00. o Steve Spangler "Science at Sea": 9-day professional development for 2 PYP teachers. The request for $6,254.00 was denied as it exceeded the maximum amount of per-teacher Fund100 allocation and partial funding was indicated as not helpful. VII. Marketing Committee • Check presentation pictures and press release submitted to area media. • Will post PowerPoint presentation recently made to Board of Trustees on Facebook. • Westlake Baja save-the-date card coming soon. VI. Nomination Committee • Zan Jones' application was reviewed and presented for service. R. Scott moved to approve the nomination of Z. Jones; second by K. Hansen. Motion passed unanimously. IX. President's Report • K. Cox reported the June 6 WAF presentation was positively received by Board of Trustees. They are interested in a joint workshop with WAF Board. • The Structure sub-committee met with T. Brymer and Janet Bubert, school attorney, to discuss the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between WA and WAF. A draft MOU will be presented for Board consideration and approval. X. Executive Director Report • S. Myers will resend the Board profile matrix to determine existing and needed skill sets. XI. NO JULY MEETING.Next Meeting: August 12,2011—8:30 AM in the Arts& Sciences conf. room. XII. K. Cox moved to adjourn the Board meeting at 10:59 AM. Second by C. Lee. Motion carried.