HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-13-11 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting May 13, 2011 Attending: Charlotte Ryan,Deborah Ziegler,Kelly Cox,April Gallagher, Leah Rennhack, Casey Paulson,Tom Brymer, and Shelly Myers. I. K. Cox called the meeting to order at 8:39 AM. II. Superintendent's Report • T. Brymer gave personnel,budget and facilities updates,the latter of which may involve a Capital Campaign. K. Cox noted that the WAF's Structure sub-committee will meet with T. Brymer and the school's attorney to establish a Memorandum of Understanding. III. Grant Recipient Presentation • Alan Burt, MYP physical education teacher and varsity coach, shared his experiences at two "P.E. & IB" workshops, which focused on assessment and adjusting to student differences to help them progress. The trainings revealed that he can improve writing IB unit plans and international- mindedness; shadowing established M P.E. programs would be a great next step in his professional development. Coach Burt was extremely appreciative for these learning, networking and idea-sharing opportunities. Both conferences were supported by Fundl00. IV. Motion to approve Minutes of April 22, 2011 meeting by D. Ziegler, second by L. Rennhack. Minutes approved as submitted. V. Financial Report • D. Ziegler reported that the Foundation's financials are in fine shape, despite a $7,000 chargeback to donor for a 2009 Gallery Night auction package that didn't materialize. Motion to approve by C. Paulson, second by C.Ryan. Financials approved as submitted. • D. Ziegler has tendered her resignation pending the identification of a new Treasurer. VI. Nomination Committee • Application of Zan Jones was reviewed positively, but tabled until we could determine her time availability given her consideration for service on the House of Commons Board. VII. Marketing Committee • June 3 check presentations at Commendation Ceremony confirmed. • Continued work on website updating and social media campaigns. • Senior class pizza lunch and video confirmed. • The Foundation needs to create marketing materials to new parents: a separate piece as part of school packet as well as for an"affiliates"packet with HOC and WAAC. VIII. Programs&Allocations Committee • L. Rennhack presented summary of three proposals received for Board consideration. • Retain MYP Coordinator & Teacher: faculty retention request. Motion to approve by C. Ryan, second by A. Gallagher. Approved for$3,000.00 from Fund100. • Recruit MYP/DP Theater Arts Teacher: faculty recruitment request. Motion to approve by A. Gallagher, second by D. Ziegler.Approved for$3,500.00 from Fund100. • Mathletics to the World: G7-G10 web-based math program. Motion to approve by C. Paulson, second by C. Ryan. Approved for$1,800.00 from WAF Unrestricted Funds. IX. President's Report • K. Cox reported WAF year-end review is on the Board of Trustees' (BOT)June 6 agenda. • Continuing discussions with T. Brymer re. a joint retreat between WAF Board and BOT. • In an effort to enhance the collaboration between the WAF and BOT, K. Cox would like to have at least one WAF director attend each BOT meeting. S. Myers will distribute a schedule for sign-ups. • Working on permanent recognition signage for BAF and Arts & Sciences campaigns. X. Executive Director Report • S. Myers reported that the IT department purchased all items from the Gallery Night fund-an-item "Technology Package"as well as additional RAM and laptop/projector adapters; all totaled$42,906. • Transfer of capital campaign funds toward the Utility Fund repayment was authorized; $78,000 remains outstanding. XI. Next Meeting: June 10,2011 —8:30 AM in the Arts& Sciences conference room. XII. D. Ziegler moved to adjourn the Board meeting at 10:02 AM. Second by A. Gallagher. Motion carried.