HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-22-11 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting April 22, 2011 Attending: Kelly Cox,April Gallagher,Karen Osborne, Casey Paulson, George Ledak, Cathy Lee, Charlotte Ryan, Kevin Hansen, and Shelly Myers, and guest teacher Tracy Odom. I. K. Cox called the meeting to order at 8:38 AM. II. K. Cox reported that Tom Brymer was unable to attend today's meeting to give a Superintendent's Report, but that a report by T. Brymer or his representative would be a standing monthly agenda item. K. Cox remarked that in respect of everyone's time,the Board meetings would be kept to 1'/Z hours or less and time limits will be added to each agenda item. III. Motion to approve Minutes of March 25, 2011 meeting by C. Ryan, second by G. Ledak. Minutes approved as submitted. IV. Financial Report • S. Myers presented the March Financials in Treasurer D. Ziegler's absence. Motion to approve by C. Lee, second by A. Gallagher. Financials approved as submitted. Special thank you to D. Ziegler for reviewing and providing comments on the Financial Report in advance of the meeting. V. Investment Committee • K. Hansen and C. Jeppesen researched several investment models in their work to create a WAF Investment Policy. The draft was presented for Board review and comment to be voted on at the May 13,2011 meeting. • The Committee asked the Board to consider if non-endowed assets would also be invested. • Using the WAF annual budget as a guide, the Board can determine a percentage of event revenue to place into endowment to meet school needs. VI. Programs&Allocations Committee • C. Lee distributed summary of four proposals received for Board consideration. • Choices Summer Institute at Brown University: airfare, incidental travel expenses, and resource purchases for professional development conference. Motion to approve by C. Paulson, second by C. Ryan. Approved for$600.00 from Fund100. • Texas Fine Arts Summit: professional development workshop for music teacher. Motion to approve by C. Ryan, second by A. Gallagher. Approved for$485.00 from Fund100. • Financial Assistance Fund for Residential Trips: to provide monetary assistance to families unable to attend WA residential trips due to financial hardship. The request was denied as supporting individual students falls outside of the Foundation grant guidelines. The Board is extremely appreciative of this funding need, however, and if the school wishes, the WAF will establish a dedicated fund to provide need-based assistance. • GEMS (Girls in Engineering, Math & Science) Camp: week-long camp for G7-10 girls to build math/science confidence while learning about STEM careers. Motion to approve by A. Gallagher, second by C. Paulson.Approved for$4,306.72 from WAF Unrestricted Funds. • MYP Coordinator and teacher Tracy Odom shared the experiences and impact of her attendance at two professional development conferences as well as the anticipated outcomes of her "Inquiry into China" study this summer. All three conferences were supported by Fund100. VII. Marketing Committee • C. Paulson reported the committee's work on creating Baja promotional pieces for a May 3 Chamber event; planning year-end check presentations to recognize corporate sponsors; and efforts to launch a social media campaign. VIII. President's Report • K. Cox will convene a meeting of the Development Committee to review and plan for 2011-12. • On May 9, K. Cox, C. Lee, and S. Myers will present a summary of WAF accomplishments and grant activity to the Board of Trustees (BOT). • K. Cox met with Tom Brymer and will suggest that the WAF and BOT engage in a joint workshop at the BOT's Retreat on May 20. As such, we will work to hold the May WAF Board meeting either directly before or after the May 20 workshop. IX. Executive Director Report • No report. X. Other Business • C.Ryan reported that we submitted a$2,000 Target grant application for a PYP"ArtOdyssey"show. IX. Next Meeting: May 13,2011 —8:30 AM in the Arts& Sciences conference room. X. C. Lee moved to adjourn the Board meeting at 9:58 AM. Second by K. Osborne. Motion carried.