HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-25-11 WAF Min WESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting March 25, 2011 Attending: Kelly Cox, Rob Scott,April Gallagher,Karen Osborne, Casey Paulson,Deborah Ziegler, George Ledak, Cathy Lee, Charlotte Ryan,Leah Rennhack, and Shelly Myers. I. K. Cox called the meeting to order at 8:39 AM. II. Motion to approve Minutes of February 11, 2011 meeting by C. Paulson, second by C. Lee. Minutes approved as submitted. III. Programs&Allocations Committee • Presented grant application process and discussed eligible projects at recent faculty meeting. Will present our process and awards to the Board of Trustees at an upcoming meeting. • Post-grant summaries submitted by recipients are valuable in marketing the positive impact of WAF grants, so we must make sure we receive from grant recipients. Will also invite faculty to present their grant-funded experiences to the WAF Board and Board of Trustees. • A proposal has not been received outlining needed percentages or dollar amounts for recruitment, retention and professional development efforts. After much discussion, K. Cox will schedule a joint Foundation Board—Board of Trustees workshop to discuss how to collaborate to fund school needs. • C. Lee distributed summary of two proposals received and reviewed. • School Dude University: professional development conference for IT staff. Motion to approve by R. Scott, second by A. Gallagher. Approved for$1,325. • Inquiry Into China Addendum: additional expenses requested for two previously approved grants. Motion to approve by R. Scott, second by C. Paulson.Approved for$950. IV. Gallery Night • A. Gallagher reported over $218,000 gross raised in sponsorships, ticket sales and auction. Expenses estimated at $39,000 and Technology Fund-an-Item at $46,250, resulting in nearly $133,000 unrestricted funds. • The Committee is looking to make several format changes including fewer silent auction items and an increased focus on Live, Super Silent and art. A concerted effort will also be made to grow our audience by identifying prospective guests outside of our WA community. • An event manual with timelines,processes, etc. will be created to assist in planning future events. V. Financial Report • D. Ziegler reported February Financials. Motion to approve by G. Ledak, second by A. Gallagher. Financials approved as submitted. VI. Administrative Committee • D. Ziegler, S. Myers and D. Piper met with Town vendor, STW, to determine feasibility of sharing software and concluded that STW's program would not adequately achieve our objectives. • S. Myers will explore accounting capabilities of Sage as well as other donor management systems. VII. Executive Director Report • G. Ledak and K. Osborne will be rotating off the Board when their terms expire in June 2011. Please forward any nominations to S. Myers. • The April Board meeting will be moved to Friday,April 22,2011. VIII. President's Report • WAF Bylaws explicitly forbid formal lobbying, so the Foundation must remain non-partisan and not actively solicit action. • The WAF office relocation conversation remains ongoing. IX. Other Business • The Board provided feedback on the Sir Ken Robinson presentation and asked S. Myers to secure faculty feedback on the event as well. IX. Next Meeting: April 22,2011 —8:30 AM in the Arts& Sciences conference room. X. L. Rennhack moved to adjourn the Board meeting at 11:21 AM. Second by C. Lee. Motion carried.