HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-17-12 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting February 17, 2012 Board Members in Attendance: Sean Shope, Casey Paulson, Kelly Cox, April Gallagher, Zan Jones, Charlotte Ryan, Rob Scott, Jeff Watson, Leah Rennhack, Shelly Myers Guests: Livia Miller I. K. Cox called the meeting to order at 8:40 AM. II. Motion to approve Minutes of January 13, 2012 meeting by S. Shope, second by C. Ryan. Motion carried. III. Financial Report • S. Shope presented financial statement ending January 31, noting $56,000 in unrestricted funds and $580,000 in endowment. • R. Scott requested current accounts receivable. S. Myers will ask D. Piper the source of $47,918 in pledges and current outstanding debt. We need to determine follow-up and debt collection measures. • S. Shope compared last 5 years’ audits with financial outcomes, and determined them to be favorable. • Motion to approve financials by C. Ryan, second by C. Paulson. Motion carried. IV. Gallery Night Report • Extremely positive feedback received re. the Sponsor VIP Party. • Would like to showcase in-kind donors with videos or “commercials,” perhaps during the event and/or on website and Facebook. • The school requested a Library Media Resource Center as this year’s Fund -An-Item. An artist’s concept or architectural rendering may help better present the project, which will include a wall- mounted Scrabble Board. K. Cox will reach out to some potential contacts. V. Marketing Committee • Z. Jones shared that the partnership with the Westlake Public Art Society (WPAS) has provided a great storyline for local media. Will continue looking for various ways to highlight the artists-in-residence as well as art being integral to the WA curriculum. • Will discuss in-kind 2-page spread on sponsors, artists and event photos with Society Life, perhaps to include a n editorial on the WPAS partnership. • Work has begun on the Spring newsletter with a late-April delivery date. • C. Paulson suggested beginning work on donor “gift bundling” for 2012-13, the school’s 10-year anniversary. Must identify key donors and the value-added packages for donors committing to support several WAF campaigns in one year. VI. Investment Committee • No report. VII. Grants Committee • Guest teacher, Livia Miller, 7th grade English, reported on her grant -funded IB trip to China last summer. Of particular note was the seeming close-mindedness of Americans and being “trapped” in our ways of thinking. As such, she will encourage students to examine others ’ situations and better develop empathy. Ms. Miller was grateful for the opportunity to experience another culture and came away with many great examples to share with students. • Grant -funded travel to the Boston employment fair was canceled given the success of the London employment fair. VIII. President’s Report • The WAF has partnered with the HOC to co-host a Teacher Appreciation event on February 10. WAF will take the opportunity to recognize grant recipients. IX. Executive Director Report • No report X. Other Business • J. Watson shared that the private tours given to prospective new residents of Westlake have been very successful. He will work to identify process to let WAF know when a toured family commits, so that we can begin building a relationship. J. Watson will also begin to cultivate current WA families living in Vaquero who would be willing to connect with new Academy families. XI. Next Meeting: March 9, 2012 – 8:30 AM in the Arts & Sciences conference room. XII. C. Paulson moved to adjourn the Board meeting at 10:00 AM. Second by L. Rennhack. Motion carried.