HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-23-11 WPAS MinWESTLAKELV -T E PUBLIC ABT SOCIETY MINUTES WESTLAKE PUBLIC ART SOCIETY MEETING AUGUST 23, 2011 PRESENT: Bryan Biddle, Trish Biddle, Kelly Cox, April Gallagher, Debra Hale, Gail James, Amelia Johnson, and Mike Silliman ABSENT: Leah Rennhack OTHERS PRESENT: 1. CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order by President Biddle at 7:00 p.m. 2. REVIEW AND APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE JUNE 13, 2011 MEETING. Motion made by Director Silliman to approve. Motion seconded by Director Hale. Motion carried 8-0. 3. REVIEW AND DISCUSS GALLERY NIGHT PARTICIPATION AT WESTLAKE ACADEMY Discussion ensued regarding possible donations. No motion was made. 4. REVIEW AND DISCUSS THE WESTLAKE ACADEMY "ARTISTS IN RESIDENCE" WITH KELLY Discussions ensued regarding how WPAS could be involved in Westlake Academy "Artists in Residence". The possibility was discussed that this could be WPAS's donation to Gallery Night. Showcase 7 Artists who help each grade (K-6) design a piece of artwork for Gallery Night. Discussion ensued on a possible stipend for each, a set amount of money to help cover the cost of supplies, and showcasing the 7 artists at the Gallery Night VIP party. A motion was made by Director Cox to participate in creating a Westlake Academy "Artists in Residence". Motion seconded by Director Gallagher. Motion carried 8-0. 5. REVIEW AND DISCUSS BRASS NAME PLATES FOR WESTLAKE ACADEMY GRADUATE STUDENT ART WITH GAIL Gail James made a request to the WPAS to provide brass nameplates for all the graduate art students that donated a piece of their artwork to hang in the Westlake Academy Arts & Science Center. Discussion ensued. Motion made by Director Cox for WPAS to purchase approximately 25 engraved brass plates to identify Graduate's donated artwork in the Westlake Academy Arts & Science building. Motion seconded by Director Hale. Motion passed 8-0. 6. REVIEW AND DISCUSS POTENTIAL PUBLIC ART SCULPTURE COMMISSIONS ON NEW PUBLIC ROADS IN WESTLAKE Discussion ensued regarding a possible bronze sculpture. Discussion ensued on how to fund an approximate $50,000 piece of artwork and the approximate $10,000 cost for the pad it would need to sit on. WPAS Minutes 08/23/11 Page 1 of 2 No motion was made. 7. REVIEW AND DISCUSS 911 PHOTO BANNERS FOR DISPLAY IN GLENWYCK FARMS PUBLIC PARK There was a request made for WPAS to help the Westlake Historical Society in their event for 911 by providing 911 photo banners to display at their event on September 11th in Glenwyck Park. Discussion ensued that as a result of the current zero balance in WPAS account it was agreed that WPAS could not fund the banners at this time. 8. REVIEW AND DISCUSS FALL 2012 MUSIC/FOOD/ART FESTIVAL Discussion ensued regarding an annual Art Festival in the town of Westlake. Suggestions included possible venues and coordinating this event with the Bandana Bonanza event that is hosted by the Westlake Academy House of Commons. This subject was tabled until a future date. 9. REVIEW AND DISCUSS THE WPAS WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA WITH BRYAN President Biddle spoke on the updates he has made to the WPAS website including adding Facebook and making sure there is a link for the school website. 10. REVIEW AND DISCUSS THE TREASURER'S REPORT AND DISCUSS 501C3 STATUS Discussion ensued on the $0.00 balance. Director Johnson explained that WPAS can request up to $10,000 a year from the BOA. These monies may not be accrued but must be spent in that year. We may request this next year's funds this October. Motion made by Director Hale to pass the August 23, 2011, Treasurer's Report. Seconded by President Biddle. Motion passed 8-0. 11. REVIEW AND DISCUSS THE MEMBERSHIP REPORT. No members at the moment. It was felt there was no benefit at the moment to be a member so further development of the Westlake Public Arts Society needed to happen before a membership could be offered. Subject was tabled. 12. PRESIDENT'S REPORT / VP REPORT No reports at the present time. President Biddle thanked everyone for being at the meeting. 13. DISCUSS AND SCHEDULE NEXT MEETING. Discussion ensued on the next meeting date. September 20, 2011, 7:00 p.m. will be the next meeting date for WPAS. 14. ADJOURN Motion made by Director Cox to adjourn meeting. Seconded by Director Gallagher. President B. Biddle adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. APPROVED BY THE BOARD ON SEPTEMBER 20, 2011. WPAS Minutes 08/23/11 Page 2 of 2