HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-06-12 WAF MinWESTLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION Board Meeting June 6, 2012 In Attendance: Kelly Cox, Zan Jones, Charlotte Ryan, Jeff Watson, Sean Shope, Kevin Hansen, Bill Greenwood, Leah Rennhack, Shelly Myers I. K. Cox called the meeting to order at 8:35 AM. II. Motion to approve minutes of May 18, 2012 meeting by K. Shope, second by C. Ryan. Motion carried. III. Financial Report • S. Shope reported that the financials remain stable. • Notable activity included $18,620 transfer of Blacksmith contributions to Academy, newsletter production/mailing and band deposit for 2013 Gallery Night. • S. Shope and S. Myers will continue to draft WAF budget for Board review in August. • Motion to approve financials by B. Greenwood. Second by C. Ryan. Motion carried. IV. Development Committee • C. Ryan presented signage options to recognize donors to the Arts & Sciences building campaign. She will secure comparison pricing for future discussion and decision. • S. Myers reported Baja planning efforts; Save - the -Date card has been mailed and informational packet will be mailed in early July. V. Investment Committee K. Hansen shared a letter from Shamrock Asset Management giving a narrative of our endowment funds' second quarter performance. K. Gordon requested that future quarterly reports include activity graph. VI. Administrative Committee K. Gordon will prepare the following motions for Board consideration at the August meeting: Board service terms, officer selection, and director nomination process. VII. Grants Committee • Renewal of two (2) Faculty Retention grants, one for $3,000 and one for $3,500. Motion to approve by C. Ryan; second by K. Hansen. Motion carried. • Student Leadership Course Training for 3 MYP educators (Austin, TX; Sept. 7 -9, 2012) for $1,540. Motion to approve by C. Ryan; second by J. Watson. Motion carried. • I Teach K Conference for one PYP educator (Las Vegas; July 8 -12, 2012) for $1,745.32. Motion to approve by B. Greenwood; second by L. Rennhack. Motion carried. • Summer School Faculty Stipend for one MYP educator for teaching Academy - required Algebra course (July 4 -22, 2012) for $600. Motion to approve by C. Ryan; second by Z. Jones. Motion carried. • S. Myers met with school leadership to discuss an anticipated operational grant request that would be in addition to Blacksmith Annual Fund monies. WA leadership will be advised to focus the request on teacher salariesibenefits vs. routine maintenance line items (e.g., janitorial, landscaping). • S. Shope and S. Myers will determine WAF budget needs to advise available funds for granting. VIII. President's Report • K. Cox provided an update on the Rogers Family gift to support student travel. The WAF application process already in place will be used to determine applicant's financial need and evaluate project. IX. Other Business J. Watson shared the significant increased interest and home sales to families moving to Westlake specifically so their children can attend Westlake Academy. X. Next Meeting: August 24, 2012 — 8:30 AM in the Arts & Sciences conference room. XI. C. Ryan moved to adjourn the Board meeting at 10:05 AM. Second by B. Greenwood. Motion carried.