HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-19-07 WHPS MinMINUTES OF THE WESTLAKE HISTORICAL PRESERVATION SOCIETY BOARD MEETING MARCH 19, 2007 PRESENT: President Kelly Bradley and Board Members Allen Heath, Stephen Thornton, Sharon Sanden, Kim Sutter, and Jack Wiesman, and Kristi Layton. ABSENT: Ruby Held. OTHERS PRESENT: Pathfinder Editor Joyce Roach and Teresa Walton. 1. CALL TO ORDER President Kelly Bradley called the meeting to order at 6:14 p.m. 2. TREASURER'S REPORT Member Kristi Layton presented the treasurer's report. She advised that the balance of $14,281 is a portion of the donation made by First American and has been designated to cover expenses of the history book. Member Layton reported that the report includes expenditures of $3,670.11 and income of $120.00 for a net of $3,550.11. MOTION: Member Sanden made a motion to accept the treasurer's report. Member Wiesman seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. President Bradley reported that a flag collage was purchased at a silent auction benefiting the Junior Historians for $600.00. 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES — FEBRUARY 19, 2007, MEETING President Bradley introduced the item and asked for a motion. MOTION: Member Sanden made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 19, 2007, meeting. Member Heath seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Westlake Historical Preservation Society March 19, 2007 4. DISCUSS BINDING OF PATHFINDERS. Page 2 of 5 President Bradley advised that we have 14 of the bound Pathfinders in stock, and explained that an inventory needs to be taken to determine how many journals are in stock. The cost to reprint additional journals to make complete sets and have bound will need to be evaluated as well. She further advised that this project will be placed on hold until further notice. 5. HEAR REPORT ON STATUS OF HISTORY BOOK. President Bradley reported that material samples will be sent to the designer, Margie West, for consideration for the cover of the history book. She reported that the material is bonded leather. President Bradley reported that Cockrell printing will submit an estimated cost for the printing of the history book. Secretary Kim Sutter advised that a letter regarding the incorporation of the Town has been located and will be made available for use in the history book. Pathfinder Editor Joyce Roach reported on the status of the history book. She advised that she will meet with Mayor Bradley on a weekly basis to discuss the progress of the book. Joyce Roach commended Allen Heath for his efforts to include information, in an impartial tone on the website regarding the history of the Town. 6. PRESIDENT'S REPORT Newsletter President Bradley presented the quarterly newsletter to the Board, and advised that a copy of the biographical form will also be included as an insert to the newsletter. The Board reviewed the content of the newsletter and revisions were made at the recommendation of the Board. Membership President Bradley advised that the 2007 membership form has been included in the quarterly newsletter. Annual Meeting President Bradley reported that the annual event, to be held in the fall, will include the sealing of the time capsule, the opening of the museum and the release of the history book. Westlake Historical Preservation Society Page 3 of 5 March 19, 2007 7. HEAR REPORT ON STATUS OF PROPOSED MUSEUM AND SITE. President Bradley reported that Maguire Partners has agreed to allow the Town to utilize space at the Solana office complex for the museum. She reported that the museum opening will be coordinated as part of the fall event. 8. CONSIDER PROPOSAL BY MEMBER STEPHEN THORNTON REGARDING SEQUENCING OF TREE DEDICATON FOR DECORATION DAY. Member Thornton presented a proposal regarding the sequence of planting trees as part of the Decoration Day event. He expressed his concern regarding planting multiple trees in one year and the impact the process will have on the visual sequencing of the trees as well as the ceremonial aspect. He expressed his desire to plant one tree a year so as to offer a visual representation of the timeline of the planting of the trees, and asked that the board consider relocating the fifth tree to another location in the cemetery. President Bradley expressed her opposition to relocating a tree that has already been planted. MOTION: Member Thornton made a motion to relocate the tree planted on the far west of the row to another location in the cemetery so as to maintain the yearly planting of a tree at the front of the cemetery. Member Heath seconded the motion. After further discussion, the motion was withdrawn. It was the consensus of the board that the dedication ceremony is an important part of the event. MOTION: Member Wiesman made a motion to leave the trees at their current location and if one of the trees dies, replace the tree with the fifth year tree. If all trees survive, the fifth tree would be dedicated next year. Member Heath seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 4-1, with President Bradley voting in opposition (Member Layton was excused from the meeting at 7:20 p.m.) 9. PRESENTATION OF PROPOSED BUDGET FOR DECORATION DAY. Co-chair Stephen Thornton presented the proposed budget to the Board. Discussion ensued regarding the budget, entertainment for the event, and the assignment of responsibilities. Member Thornton advised that he and Member Heath will take an inventory of the existing signs for the event. President Bradley advised that a portable toilet is needed and suggested the cost be included in the budget. Westlake Historical Preservation Society March 19, 2007 Page 4 of 5 Member Thornton advised that more information will be available at the next meeting, as well as an event budget for the board's consideration. MOTION: A motion was made by Member Sanden to approve the expenditure of $500 for the Cowtown Opry to perform at the Decoration Day event. Member Thornton seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Member Thornton advised the board that he feels larger signs are needed to advertise the event from Highway 170, and suggested that the board purchase two, three foot by four foot corrugated plastic signs at $105.00 each. President Bradley advised that funding for the additional signage would be considered at the next meeting. Member Thornton advised that Dave Lieber has been confirmed as a participant for the event. 10. HEAR REPORT FROM TIME CAPSULE COMMITTEE AND TAKE ANY APPROPRIATE ACTION. Member Sanden advised the Board that the committee will meet on March 20, 2007, at 10:00 a.m. to discuss items that can be included in the time capsule. Member Sanden reported that a date for the annual meeting needs to be selected quickly so that the time capsule company can arrange for the visit to seal the time capsule. Member Sanden suggested the Westlake Academy students come up with an idea of what can be placed in the time capsule. ii IL 1 ATiTHE0141l :11,1111.y 1 L I **I. There was no discussion. 12. ADJOURNMENT The next meeting is scheduled for April 16, 2007, at 6 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Board, President Bradley asked for a motion to adjourn. MOTION: Member Sharon Sanden moved to adjourn the meeting. Member Jack Wiesman seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Westlake Historical Preservation Society March 19, 2007 APPROVED BY THE BOARD ON APRIL 16, 2007. Kelly Bradley, President Kim Sutter, Town Secretary Page 5 of 5