HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-30-09 WHPS MinWestlake Historical and Preservation Society Board Meeting Westlake History Museum November 30, 2009 Members Present: Jack Wiesman, Stephan Thornton, Kristi Layton, Sharon Sanden, Heidi Kloempken, Karen Stoltenberg, Joyce Gibson Roach Members Absent: Non — Members present: Allan Werst 1. Call to Order Consider approval of minutes from April 6, 2009 a. (Secretary Kloempken arrived at 1:43 pm) b. Reading of the minutes by Member Layton who served as secretary at the October meeting. c. Amendment proposed: Member Thornton motioned to pass minutes with following change: change 45 from the minutes - disregard and adjust the munbers to reflect the correct time (pm instead of am) and the call to order. i. Member Stoltenberg second, motion carried. 3. Treasurer's Report a. Treasurer Layton shared the year-end with a net loss. See Treasurer's Report. b. Treasurer Layton clarified that there is not a separate book account for sales of the book or events held to promote the book. Donations are kept track as three types: membership, donation, and book purchase/donation. c. Treasurer Layton will also check with Debbie Piper to clarify expenses about the book launch party held at Mayor Wheat's house. d. $19,115.50 is owed to the town for support with the book. More books have been sold recently by President Sanden and Treasurer Layton and that total is not included in this report. Member Roach mentioned that with book sales and continued donations, we will be able to pay this back. e. Member Roach continued to clarify that early donations by businesses helped with certain expenses and with changes in the WHPS board and town council, the amount taken care of by the town changed. f. Treasurer Layton mentioned some of the larger donations we have received in the past (also in Treasurer's Report): i. $10,000 given by the Town ii. Fidelity donated money in 2001 for the Pathfinder iii. First American donated money in 2006 iv. Fidelity gave money in 2007 for the book and other events g. Secretary Kloempken motioned to pass Treasurer's Report. Second by member Stoltenberg. Motion carried. 4. Book Discussion a. During Treasurer's Report some other questions were raised about how many books we have, how they are being promoted, how the money is being handled for the books, and if the actions by the Book Committee are being presented to the board by Member Thornton. b. Some questions clarified by Member Roach — the main goal is to get the books paid for. Information will be shared with the board when the Book Committee has information (such as sales, other promotional events, etc.). Every town and library around has been given a book. The promotion of the book was taken by the Book Committee to keep it moving at a faster pace. Any changes are in previous minutes and the strategic plan. There are more plans being put in place and when they have been finalized they will be presented to the board and the Town. c. More of the details on sales will be presented at the next meeting. Number of sales and amounts will be presented in January. 5. Mr. Werst asked if charging visitors to tour Christmas Lights would be a good fundraiser. We could share with the Public Arts Society so we do not compete for funds. 6. Website a. President Sanden and Member Roach met with Mr. Wood to work on a website for the WHPS. Files can be added, taken out, or changed. Every issue of the Pathfinder will be included as well as a Photo Gallery. Credit will be given to the photographers (Jaymi Ford, Nick Ford, Black Cow photographers, Terri Bahan). b. This is still in the planning stages. [What will be on the website is undetermined; planning stages only; arrangements for crediting Jaymi and Nick Ford, and Terri Bahun have already been completed. Report of accusation of copyright infringement by Terri Bahun was given; no proof provided; end of matter. 7. Plans for Membership a. Membership forms will be sent out in January. b. Redesign form — give any proposed changes to President Sanden. Ideas about a stamped reply card or envelope. How can we only pay for those returned? c. Should business memberships be a different category? Ilow can we get employees of Westlake businesses also involved? This will be discussed further at the February meeting. d. Membership fee left at $25. 8. Redeemer Church Candlelight Service a. Member Stoltenberg described the planned event at the Westlake Academy gymnasia n for Christmas Eve. The church is responsible financially but there are opportunities to help for decorating and encouragement of socializing with other groups in the Town. b. Member Stoltenberg will e-mail members with more information about event on December 24"' at 5:30pm. 9. Spring Events 2 a. Possibility to work with the Public Arts Society will be discussed further at the January meeting. b. Decoration Day — Mr. Werst will chair the event. [Mr. Werst never responded about chairing the event.] There is a possibility for the Air Force to be involved because of the connections with Westlake Academy made by Sharon Sanden. 10. Other — Westlake Academy History Day is January 29. All members are welcome to judge the projects that day. More information will be given at the January meeting. 11. Adjournment — Secretary Kloempken moved to adjourn. Member Stoltenberg second. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm.